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  1. Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO

    Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO


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  2. Davemk1


    WSCC Member

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  3. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  4. Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

    Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/02/16 in all areas

  1. We are having a very strange, very warm, and very dry winter here in Montana and that means that i've been able to work on my car as well as actually drive it. This is highly unusual for Montana in February. In any case i just recently installed an Aerodynamix aeroscreen and carbon dash and love the way they came out so i thought share a few shot of the car in its current state. Autocross season starts in about 2 months and the car is getting close to being ready. A bit more weight to take off and then the Omex ITB's and I'll be set. dave
    4 points
  2. This competition is back for another year and if you need an excuse to drive your Westfield, here is one. The MOT certificate records an odometer reading. This competition is looking for the person who has the biggest difference between their Westfield’s 2015 and 2016 MOT certificate odometer reading. In my opinion getting the ‘Westfield’ miles in makes you a winner anyway. The prize for first place is £50 worth of vouchers to spend at the Westfield Factory Parts Department. Second and third place will get you £10 and £5 respectively off your membership renewal in WSCC for next year. THE BORING BITS • The mileage must be in a Westfield. • The competition is open to WSCC members only, not the Committee or Area Organisers. Include your name, address and membership number with your entry. • The closing date is midnight 15th November 2016. • Submit entries to peak@wscc.co.uk with a copy of your MOT certificate attached. • The judge’s decision is final. • You must agree to your entry being published in Westfield World magazine and online in the WSCC forum. • Prize must be redeemed within 12 months, is non-transferable and no substitute prize or cash equivalent will be offered. · If you have won this competition before you cannot enter it again So what are you waiting for? Get driving.
    1 point
  3. OK gang, the 30th anniversary celebrations continue! Members attending Stoneleigh this year will receive a free 30th anniversary T-shirt! We need to order the shirts, so the point of this poll is not so much numbers as to gather percentages for each size to determine the quantities for the order. So if you are attending Stoneleigh, please tell us your size in the poll - thanks! Note: Read this again - you will only get a free T-shirt if: > You attend the National Kit Car Show at Stoneleigh, Warwickshire on 1-2 May 2016 > You are a WSCC Member, Joint Member, Trader, or Sponsor - and we will be checking! You may be asked to show photo ID to prove your eligibility What will not be allowed: > Taking more than one shirt > Collecting a shirt for another member who can't make it to Stoneleigh > Posting a shirt before, during, or after Stoneleigh - collection at Stoneleigh only > Reserving a shirt before the show - too complicated, too resource tapping. Show up early to ensure best choice This is a blatant, unapologetic bribe to get the best possble member turnout at Stoneleigh for our 30th anniversary celebrations - simple as that. And we want to see lots of T-shirts walking around Stoneleigh, making everyone else jealous. Let's be having your size! Here's what it will look like - just think how smart you'll look in it! (Well, most of you, anyway - click on photo to enlarge. )
    1 point
  4. Here is it, the totally unanticipated, unwanted and unprofessional, side by side review of both cars. Focus Harsher low speed ride than the Fiesta. Nothing we would find unpleasant and it’s not bad, just more harsh. Good strong engine, wants to rev and it does go But torque steer is there, and if the wheels find some broken tarmac or loose surface when you are giving it the moo in 2nd… There is quite a bit of scrabbling going on If you test drive one, make sure you deactivate the ESP. On a few roundabout circles to investigate the lift off behaviour, my initial thoughts where “this isn’t fun, lots of tugging and push going on”. So we pressed the button and went back. “Oh Hello… So you DO want to play a bit do you…” As a compromise mid sized car that can do rugrats to school and make you grin it is superb Good, good, GOOD car. Only reason to buy a VAG product is because you like the badge and or status Fiesta Low speed ride a bit jiggly, but once you get it up on the dampers, its nice. Lovely keen engine, seriously strong at 2,500 up. I think because I was respecting a self-enforced 5,900 rpm redline, when you went 1st, 2nd then 3rd there was a very slight pause as the engine breathed in before going for it again (actually it felt nice). I’m fairly sure if you wrung it out to just below 6,500 there wouldn’t be the pause at the low end in the next gear Handling was great, ESP off from mile number 1. Best praise I can give it is, it’s not really sure if it’s a front or rear drive. It is that keen to play on the limit it just doesn’t matter As a second or third motor to make the trip to Tesco fun, totally unwhackable… A bit small for the everyday only car EPIC CAR..! Note I’ve not mentioned interiors or radios or gloveboxes… If you want to drive, they don’t matter. I made the sales guy laugh (he was a good guy BTW, realised I could drive and just let me crack on) by saying the Fiesta - and apologies in advance for the non-PC comment… …was like having Kiera Knightley wriggling around on your knee asking for a good spanking, because SHE wanted one… No surprise I will get the Fiesta..! I am looking at a 64 or 14 plate in Red (ST2), both less than 4k on the clock for about £13.5k, will probably put a deposit down in a few days And but I have to get this in. Sorry but the difference between a DERV and Petrol Focus ST, please not even on the same planet for fun (see the spank me comment)…
    1 point
  5. That is great news, well done Geoff thanks for your efforts Please add myself and Sue to the attendees and we will partake of lunchtime refreshments too
    1 point
  6. I'll be there. Might as well get something to eat too.
    1 point
  7. Not tempted to go for the diesel then John?
    1 point
  8. Still spannering. ..so I'll miss this weekend Engine: Just the sump to swap from old engine to the new one Gearbox: Both spares stripped, new bearings fitted...hopefully finishing the rebuild this weekend. Then I start taking the throttle bodies and other bits off the engine ready for pulling the old engine out. 2-3 weeks I should be done. As there seems to be a growing theme about about GrAMMer, spulling. Can I have marks from the AO please.
    1 point
  9. Can vouch for the Fiesta ST as my son has a 2013 Blue ST3 with the Mountune kit fitted by Ford. Really great car to drive.
    1 point
  10. Oh how fantastic. I could wear my Liberty bodice and put my hair in ringlets.
    1 point
  11. Perhaps you want to consider this http://newforestfairyfestival.com/
    1 point
  12. I keep laughing to myself. Two fellas are going to go into a hotel to share a bedroom and when they see the hotelier to book in, we say. Hello, I am Bollockybill and this is Buttercup. Wonder what the reaction will be.
    1 point
  13. I've just looked at the proposed VED rate changes. Does anyone know what emissions a WF S2000 does? The standard S2000 is around 235 g/km which would be £1700 for the first year, then £140 from then on. It would seem to make (economic) sense to register for the first year, then apply for a refund after a month. Then put it in a garage for 11 months to fix all the bits that fell off after the IVA .
    1 point
  14. Right, we are sorted. I have emailed a map to you but it has not come out very good so I have also posted a coloured one. I have waterproofed it because it does sometimes rain up there!!! You know me by now, Julie's world of pictures, so here is a little taste of Snowdownia for you. The first one is an example of a marker post on the Watkin path and that is the summit in the background. The second one is the aforementioned Crib Goch route, the summit is in the background just to the right of my head and the knife edge arete is right behind me - no turning back from here! The Watkin Path Crib Goch Enjoy
    1 point
  15. Thanks for the welcome. Yes mate, you're not far. I'm in South Wigston.
    1 point
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