OK gang, the 30th anniversary celebrations continue! Members attending Stoneleigh this year will receive a free 30th anniversary T-shirt! We need to order the shirts, so the point of this poll is not so much numbers as to gather percentages for each size to determine the quantities for the order. So if you are attending Stoneleigh, please tell us your size in the poll - thanks! Note: Read this again - you will only get a free T-shirt if: > You attend the National Kit Car Show at Stoneleigh, Warwickshire on 1-2 May 2016 > You are a WSCC Member, Joint Member, Trader, or Sponsor - and we will be checking! You may be asked to show photo ID to prove your eligibility What will not be allowed: > Taking more than one shirt > Collecting a shirt for another member who can't make it to Stoneleigh > Posting a shirt before, during, or after Stoneleigh - collection at Stoneleigh only > Reserving a shirt before the show - too complicated, too resource tapping. Show up early to ensure best choice This is a blatant, unapologetic bribe to get the best possble member turnout at Stoneleigh for our 30th anniversary celebrations - simple as that. And we want to see lots of T-shirts walking around Stoneleigh, making everyone else jealous. Let's be having your size!
Here's what it will look like - just think how smart you'll look in it! (Well, most of you, anyway - click on photo to enlarge. )