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  1. Nick Mace

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  2. Martyn Vann - Warwickshire AO

    Martyn Vann - Warwickshire AO

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  3. Kit Car Electronics

    Kit Car Electronics

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    Robin Parker (Red Spider) - Yorkshire AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/01/16 in all areas

  1. All the tuition is on the Friday (Trackday). Terry and I provided the Sprint School at lunchtime (I am sure we will do again this year) and Adam provided in car tuition during the trackday itself. The day should not be missed by anyone wanting to see what it's all about. Camp or B&B for the weekend and enter, spectate or help out at the WSCC Sprint on the Saturday and Sunday. If not competing then John (Panda the organiser) will really appreciate your help on the competition days - track marshals, paddock marshals, start line marshals and other jobs are always needed to be filled by willing volunteers.
    2 points
  2. Great stuff !! Thanks for that :0)
    1 point
  3. Fortunately not too many car mods are required on a standard Westfield although I'd agree that it's daunting at the start! In addition to your speed licence and entry fees, in a road going class, the things you need are: Car: Rear roll bar that confirms to MSA regs (can advise on here if you're not sure) Earth lead clearly identified with tape Battery terminals covered (duct/gaffer tape is fine!) Ignition on/off marked clearly Tow points marked Timing strut of the right dimensions, fitted at the right height from the ground Any seat belt is technically ok but we all agree a suitable 4 point harness is the minimum (dates irrelevant for sprinting) Clothing: Snell SA2010 approved helmet (are HANS required for road classes next year?) Race suit (FIA1986 or FIA 8856-2000) FIA 8856-2000 approved gloves Any suitable shoes For my first event I managed to get a second hand FIA1986 race suit off eBay for £36, a snell SA2010 helmet brand new for £75 (Koden stock clearance), some Puma gloves from eBay for £13 and some cheap kart boots for £20, so you can give it a try without too much initial outlay. I made my own timing strut (still going strong!) and did the relevant marking up of the car as above. Blyton was my first ever competitive event and it was a hoot! Not only was the competition absolutely amazing, a true thrill and utterly addictive, but the banter and comradery of the WSCC competitors was also fantastic. I'm hooked! As others have said, get yourself along to a meet where there are a few speed series competitors and ask away, even better if you can take your cars long for an inspection and advice. Otherwise just get stuck in, it's only you and the clock after all!
    1 point
  4. Hello Everyone I just thought that I would introduce myself to the forum as I am planning on purchasing a Westfield at some point in the near future and I wanted to gain an insight into ownership before doing so. My name is Simon and I'm 26 years old, I am also a complete Ford fanatic as my recent car history would suggest, having owned a duratec-powered Fiesta ST, an Ecoboost-powered Fiesta ST and a highly tuned MK2 Focus RS. My instagram is @mrsntw if anyone would like to have a browse. I have had it in mind to make the shift to a kit-car after having a go in a Sigma-powered car about a year ago, as I also love getting stuck in and really wanted something that I could use as a learning experience, it seemed only logical. (It is definitely my intent to build the car as I find the thought of that just as much fun as ownership) Naturally, during my research I started to think about ecoboost-powered cars and what work would be involved in doing a conversion. So you can probably imagine my glee when I turned up at Autosport NEC on the 17th January to be met with a Westfield Sport 250, my jaw hit the floor and my girlfriend tells me that my eyes actually popped out of my head - so it is my current plan (always subject to change based on new information and advise from you folks) to own one of these ecoboost-powered cars in the near future. The prospect of which I find really exciting. Anyway, I look forward to speaking with you all as I no doubt have much to learn and cannot wait to get started! Simon
    1 point
  5. Hi Geoffrey this looks great please count me in the dates in the diary
    1 point
  6. Hi Geoffrey, We are up for this too... Would be good to see you again martyn...no drifting in the car park here though...... Cheers Lee..
    1 point
  7. Hi Geoffrey, Went last year for the first time and spent four hours looking and taking photographs and really enjoyed it - a bonus was that we had a good cheap feed in the NAAFI. Count us in! Cheers, Roger
    1 point
  8. I knew it wouldn't be long before someone mentioned the 'mighty crossflow'…………I'll stick to my similarly historic pinto engine to ward off these new fangled 16V, aluminium gadgets
    1 point
  9. Couldn't have said that better myself... the web site will be up after the regs have been confirmed by the MSA.
    1 point
  10. from Essex. If you're a lover of all things Ford, there really is only one choice of engine in a seven........a cast iron lump of Dagenham history! Good luck with the build.
    1 point
  11. I don't think there will be much to compete,quality of sound wise, with the WHARFEDALE at that price. Should have a good depth of sound with good frequency range and seperation. Bass will be plentiful & controlled but not as full or deap as larger speakers. I'd always recommend auditioning before you buy when spending your hard earned.
    1 point
  12. I removed mine & replaced it, I stuck the rubber gaiter to the underside of the carbon & finished it like this.
    1 point
  13. I read (but did not compare) that Bluetooth for audio used compression which reduces the quality of the audio. So I bought an apple airport express. It uses wifi and connects into the back of any decent stereo or speakers via L&R Phono leads. Because it wifi there's no loss of quality and it connects easily to iPhone, iPad and iTunes on my laptop. And the range is better too. relatively cheap too at about £50. And I was free to choose whatever stereo or speakers I wanted.
    1 point
  14. Standard road going shouldn't be that bad you (Did) only need overalls , Helmet , tape on your battery , Ignition sticker , MSA License? I am actually rather interested in current feedback as beans as its my 40th birthday year was thinking of making a little return to the hills
    1 point
  15. Sounds like a great event, would be very interested in meeting you there as we would be coming from the midlands. Its a 3.5 hr journey for us staying off the motorways!
    1 point
  16. I'm in the same position and would like to join the WSCC speed series for a few drives. There has been so much written on here since I considered it. It seams a bit daunting to start. Lots of different classes. Then the DAY one expences like race suits, fire extinguishers, tow eyes, cut off switches, straps in date, helmets, sound regulations. Racing is not cheep, and starting off is even less so...So this summer i'm just going to shake down the car on the raod and maybe a few track days and see how the wallet looks by next year!
    1 point
  17. That's a pain to lose Hullavington with it being on my doorstep. Which CC day have you got booked?
    1 point
  18. Hi all, I have followed this thread for quite some time, as I bought an ex race series car around a month before the ROPs situation raised its head, and like quite a few others, was not happy about cutting a perfectly good chassis around to fit a bolt on cage. A few emails to Nick Algar and Paul Aspden, a long chat with Mark @ Westfield on the open day plus several phone calls to the MSA technical department, came to a head 2 weeks ago at Autosports International, when I approached Mark again plus also spoke to one of the technical officers on the MSA stand... The outcome is that the MSA have said that the cage IS OK to be used, as long as Westfield have a chat with them concerning retrospective homologation for the weld on Westfield / bolt on Caged cage.. Caterham also had the same issue, and this has now been sorted by the MSA. The costing of getting the cages homologaited is also being waived by them, as they want the cars to be out being used. I spoke to Mark on Friday and was told that Westfield had been contacted by the MSA, and that it was all under way... Lets hope that this problem has now been solved, and that anyone with the same chassis as us can get out using it during 2016 on MSA sanctioned event... Foggy....
    1 point
  19. are these Ebay bids only or open to WSCC Member offers?
    1 point
  20. Like Terry says just join the Speed Series and have a go at a few rounds. Do a track day or two to get used to your car so you have some confidence in it but other than that just get out there and compete. Be realistic about your times at the events and don't expect to be up there with those who have more experience of the tracks, instead concentrate on improving your own times. Your times will improve as you get to know the tracks. If you want a go at a hill climb Harewood is as good as anywhere, and depending on where you are in the country TyCroes takes a lot of beating for a circuit.
    1 point
  21. I feel I must recommend Clark and Howsafe! He now supplies all of our work wear for EEC Performance Systems and the Dick Spanner teamwear! Great quality and prices! Delboy!
    1 point
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