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  1. Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/01/16 in all areas

  1. Take the fuse out of the dryer, next time the wife tries to use it she'll ask you to investigate why it wont work. Tell her it's beyond repair, take it to your local tip, save lots on elecrticity running costs, dry the clothes on a maiden or a horse and park your Westy up safely....
    4 points
  2. Now this is insane, Martyn you have got to stop it, turning up like this, as in - all the time regardless of weather, you CRAZY man! and that daft wife of yours, Sue, she should discourage you, it's her duty. We turned up at The Wheatsheaf, just as the real fire was being lit, that's our table then. Bacon sandwiches ordered and wait for young Ben to arrive, which he promptly did, with pretty wife Nat. Shortly after, his co-conspirator Ben arrived with wife, Zoe, and baby. So if it is not full of 'Richards' it is full of 'Ben's', nice and easy then. Martyn has now sorted his 'immobiliser' wire thing and got a real key, what a show off! We sat talking for quite a while, you can imagine, just go up to any Westfield owner and start talking about their cars, you will not be met with silence. Then it was outside for the practical. 'Sit in mine', 'oh yes, sit in mine', 'look under this bonnet', 'oh and this bonnet'. Good job it wasn't last week when there were 10 cars there, we would still be at it now. It was lovely to meet you Ben and Ben, I hope we have helped you in your quest to spend some money, good luck and hurry up. The Wheatsheaf, note the frozen field behind. As the roads were not too bad, sort of, we decided to have a run up to the reservoirs. The road around the reservoirs would not be gritted, but we thought we would see just how bad they were and turn round if it got iffy. We turned down the sunless road that was still frozen, downhill and the car just went very light and wiggled a bit. I lifted off the gas and very gently changed down a gear, which slowed it down even more and then it regained grip. We made it to the parking area at the dam wall where the Dambusters museum is. We parked up, the museum was shut so we took some photo's instead and along came some Australians with tripods and very fancy cameras. That was it, photo shoot time, I think they loved it as much as us. I decided we would not go on further round the reservoirs. The Snake Pass was open but the digital signs were warning of ice. I took the decision not to go up there too. I think the 2 boys would have gone for it, see I am surrounded by nutters. We made our way on the big, less treacherous roads through Bakewell and to our favourite cafe in Monyash, The Old Smithy. All day full English breakfasts ordered and we had pint mugs of coffee next to the wood burner. Then it was cake time, the biggest slices of cake are in this cafe and it would be rude to refuse. Martyn was going to test if a Westfield would make a good getaway car...not paying...what is he like, good job we shouted a cheery goodbye to the waitress and she realised. We reluctantly went our separate ways, like little mardy children who have to go to bed early, roll on long summer evenings. As the light faded on the way home Glen noticed that my headlights were not working. We washed the car off and then went into the garage to investigate. A fuse had melted. We have replaced it but what is that about??? Thank you to everyone for turning up, it has been a fun, day out, despite driving weirdly slow for a Westfield, it is the people that make it at this time of the year. Next Sunday it is 'Steam in Staffordshire' meeting in Ashbourne for some trains and some planes.
    2 points
  3. Sun's up, not too frosty, yeah, it's on and we are out. See you there folks
    2 points
  4. Hello one and all - I'm after some advice and perhaps solutions to a little situation... We have an internal garage which for the last few years has been a storage room/dumping ground for our collective junk. The fantastic news is that my lovely SWMBO has now agreed that I can have the garage back and do with it whatever I like - woo hoo! The bad news is that the garage also hosts our boiler, water tank, washing machine and condenser tumble dryer, eek. I really don't like the idea of storing my Westy and any other future classics in the garage alongside a regularly used tumble dryer. Does anyone else have this problem and if so, what do you do to stop the warm moist air from killing your car? Thanks Barny
    1 point
  5. http://www.otsnews.co.uk/land-speed-record-car-returning-to-southport-sands-2/
    1 point
  6. Have a Muchly Merry Westfield time Diggsy & Gibney
    1 point
  7. Back and flicked through the camera. I wasn't picture happy unfortunately, so only got one to add to the above. ​ The turbo is kept nice and close to the block, keeping it tidy and a decent amount of space around the hot bits. It's not finished, so couldn't tell me how it drives yet but didn't look a long way off. The engine appears to be braced at the front but I didn't notice this straight away. The car itself is well specced to look at as you'd imagine (perhaps better orange? ) and inherits the taller windscreen from the Sport Turbo. That might help with some of the taller drivers who find themselves looking at the top of the normal screens. Not such a problem for those of a more compact nature such as myself. The dyno chart for the engine was on display and the torque just seemed to come in instantly then tail off gradually. Pretty much a triangle with a steep side on the left and shallow on the right. You can imagine when cruising behind traffic and spotting an opportunity to overtake you don't have to bother changing gear whatever speed you're doing.
    1 point
  8. Happy birthday to Graham. Paul we don't know you yet but as you are on this thread happy birthday to you too! Cheers Glen and Julie
    1 point
  9. I took this one. The engine certainly takes up some room but it is a very neat install.
    1 point
  10. Well, at last we're here - about halfway between Kings Lynn and Norwich. We are still surrounded inside by newspaper and cardboard boxes. That's the bad news. The great is that our garden is just full of wild life - buzzards, jays, wryneck, all manner of t!ts, blackbirds, fierce robins and even a wren! Such a treat!! With the delay in moving I ended up buying some duplicate stuff due to the originals already packed. I also packed up a day-to-day tool box but can I find it? No I can't. Chaos reigns supreme. I found the router yesterday and we are now (strangely) back on line. My Westy is still in Leeds and I need to get its new garage sorted - yep it's full of newspaper and cardboard boxes too. It's bloomin' cold and tried to snow today so it may be a while before I get it down here to its new home... In the meantime, are there any WSCC members locally?? It would be good if you could get in touch! I've found a great pub nearby and I hope to hear from you soon
    1 point
  11. Get some timber and plasterboard and build a utility room around your appliances, at the same time build a frame to hold the Westfields bonet. Shelfs for your tools ect ect, it took me a week to reorganise, wire, paint and insulate the garage prior to Westfield number two
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. I have same as you, boiler, tank, washer, condenser dryer and a sink. I have a large double radiator and have no issues. I also often leave the internal door from garage to house ajar to aid ventilation.
    1 point
  14. yes get a desiccant one with external drain. These are still effective at colder temps
    1 point
  15. just fit a dehumidifier. this will help even when the drier isn't working
    1 point
  16. Ha ha! Love it. What a crafty mind.
    1 point
  17. Wish I could have joined you... Although it's ######y Freezing!
    1 point
  18. That's a no then I'll let you know how I get on.....
    1 point
  19. "Rory's Dad, Norfolk AO" Doesn't sound bad
    1 point
  20. Martin, You could always do what I did and make your own area up. You have good proven history with the Yorkshire area and it would be good for the club too. Cheers Julie
    1 point
  21. Anyone else enjoying the seemingly rare combination of snow and sun? I should have been plastering a bathroom - but the temptation to get out there was too much! This is near Wanlockhead (highest village in Scotland) a few miles from me.
    1 point
  22. Sadly it's time to say good bye to my Westy, after 20 + years and 6 beautiful cars my tinnitus has finally gotten to me, I'm sorry to say the noise of my lovely Seight V8 was just too much especially after long trips. I would also like to say how much I have enjoyed being a member and thanks for all the tips and help over the few years I have been on this forum, it's a great club and a credit to all of you. Take care all keep safe and enjoy your motors whatever they are. Pete
    1 point
  23. Well the end of another little milestone (Westfield ownership) has passed and the cars gone north of the border into sunny (ok wintery) Scotland. It's time to say my goodbyes as an official member. I've been on here for 5 years and its been a pleasure to be part of a great club, it's knowledge, when I've needed it, and the camaraderie / friendships has and I'm sure will remain brilliant. I may see some of you out and about from time to time as I'm sure I will find my way to a few speed series events in the future. Good luck all and lets hope it's a stonking summer after this pants weather we've been having! Tricky.
    1 point
  24. Well Matt, you're very likely to come across the new owner as he lives in Edinburgh. His name is Andrew and I'm sure he'll introduce himself in good time.
    1 point
  25. Some pictures from inside the garage No access to the public down there.
    1 point
  26. If you look on other kit car websites there is seemingly nothing happening, I might be wrong, but what a great club we have here. In January, 12 cars and, with the extra family members turning up, about 30 people, that's what I call a friendly and sociable club. So if you are reading this and thinking of joining in, you can be certain that you will be made welcome. An excellent turnout from Mr and Mrs Bioman, Rickyboy and Brooke, Martyn and Sue, Russ and Beth, Steve, Marcus, Graham, Dave, Robin, Barry, Chris and Matt. Thank you everyone very much for coming, and for being on time. 10 cars met at the Wheatsheaf Graham had a fuel leak on his Westfield so wisely came in his classic mini instead, which sat lovely in line with the others. Rickyboy was mid-convoy leader as he also knew the route, and he likes to be in charge a bit too you know . We set off up to 'Surprise View', into Hathersausage, along past Ladybower and onto the Strines road. Now I have not driven beyond the Strines for a good while and I have forgot what a fantastic road it is. It really challenges your driving ability, no falling asleep at the wheel. It has some very steep, twisty bits on narrow bridges. You can bottom out easily (twice on the way back) if you go too fast in the wrong place, you could actually take off at one point. Add in running water in random places and a few cyclists (it was part of the Tour De France route, the smooth tarmac bit), it makes for interesting driving. For the passenger there are good views too, we must do it more often Matt and his daughter were patiently waiting at The Mustard Pot and they joined the convoy. Then just past Crow Edge a madman waved us down, it was Barry waiting for us and he led us into the Oil Can Cafe, where we met Robin. The Oil Can Cafe car park Bioman assisted us with the doughnuts! thank you. After a little tyre kick, we went around the garage, before heading into the cafe. Steve's pre-lit car looking more modern every time I see it, I think they will steal the show at Silverstone Classic. There was only a short wait for tables and we were soon all munching away (Scott, you mentioned the goat in Jurassic Park?). Most people on our table had ordered Victoria Sponge cake for afters which we were satisfied with.....until Robin's White Chocolate cake arrived...'oooh that looks nice'....he was looking very worried at this point. Martyn and Sue made my day as they told me of their new GoPro, the trouble now is that I will be pestering them for footage all the time I love the Pinto up my, er, in my mirror, and now I have good reason. As the clock struck 2pm, sadly, it was time to leave. When the days get a bit longer we can do another stop on the way home and let the enjoyment of the day carry on, but regretfully, today, we have to press on. Well, Westfields scattered in every direction for the homeward leg of the journey. Unusually I had Matt in front of me and, crikey, up the hill from Jackson's bridge he was off. I know, I know, I am never going to catch a supercharged S2000, but I was squeaking with delight trying. I just hope I didn't spoil Russ's (behind me) fun too much. I think he was lagging behind a bit though . As soon as Trevturtle gives me a date (March-ish) we will be returning here and I, for one, can't wait. It has been a brilliant day and thank you to everyone for making it. Next Saturday, we are taking the scenic route around Ladybower reservoir, before going for lunch at the Snake Inn. Weekend after that, it is Steam in Staffordshire, calling in at Darley Moor airfield to finish. It's going to be a good year. Keep up.
    1 point
  27. Thanks but wanting black.
    1 point
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