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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/01/16 in all areas

  1. Anyone else enjoying the seemingly rare combination of snow and sun? I should have been plastering a bathroom - but the temptation to get out there was too much! This is near Wanlockhead (highest village in Scotland) a few miles from me.
    6 points
  2. Well the end of another little milestone (Westfield ownership) has passed and the cars gone north of the border into sunny (ok wintery) Scotland. It's time to say my goodbyes as an official member. I've been on here for 5 years and its been a pleasure to be part of a great club, it's knowledge, when I've needed it, and the camaraderie / friendships has and I'm sure will remain brilliant. I may see some of you out and about from time to time as I'm sure I will find my way to a few speed series events in the future. Good luck all and lets hope it's a stonking summer after this pants weather we've been having! Tricky.
    4 points
  3. ..sort of flying related.. I saw Tim Peake fly over yesterday morning.
    2 points
  4. Well Matt, you're very likely to come across the new owner as he lives in Edinburgh. His name is Andrew and I'm sure he'll introduce himself in good time.
    2 points
  5. My obsession for kit cars started three years ago when I arrived on site with my JCB to dig a customers footings for what I found out was to be a classic car garage. After a long days work digging and laying concrete, the customer (a top bloke called Steve) came over for chin wag and a cup of tea. Over the next hour and another cupper, I listened and admired how passionate he was about his favourite classic car which was a Morgan (which I believe he has over ten of them). He persuaded me to come back later in the year when his garage was finished because he had a treat for me. Six months past and the phone rang. It was Steve! "it's a lovely summers night, got something I think you want to have a look at, sorry drive" couldn't get me out the house fast enough! Cut a long story short, for the next three hours I drove three different classic cars. A Morgan, a 1920's car made out aluminium (sorry the name has left me) and the best till last a 1960's lotus kit car, one of the first he tells me. What a car!! That was it! I made up my mind! I wanted one! So after a long three year wait to save my penny's, I have now come to the time where I'm in a position to buy my first Westfield. Now being a very busy lad, I have come to the decision that building one from scratch would be a little to much to handle at this point in my life. So a second hand one would be better suited to my price and experience as a mechanic (which admittedly I am a novice). I know the basics and I am willing to learn.What I do know is that being tall and wide shouldered lad,an SEIW would be more suited to me. I would appreciate your experiance to advise which path I should follow and what problem areas I should be looking out for when buying my first Westfield. It would be great if I could pop over to a local Westfield event and have a chin wag to see what I'm getting my self into. Thanks so much for your time Ben from Peak District,Derbyshire
    1 point
  6. Thanks for everyone making me so welcome! Looking forward to seeing the peak clan on Saturday weather permitting of course. Thanks for the advice Sooty,its nice to know being 6'3" I'll apologise now because they maybe a lot questions coming the peak clan's way.
    1 point
  7. Hi bud new to westfields aswell and from tamworth not long bought a pinto seiw and lookin forward to meeting members
    1 point
  8. the exact same opinionated idiot told me to remove the tape from the top of my visor. Apparently it's safer to drive while being blinded by the sun than by restricting the top field of view by 10mm
    1 point
  9. just purchased and installed some Mr Beams spot lights with remote control - so that i can turn all the lights on with 1 controller. Makes a great difference (pictures don't actually do justice to the improvement) sufficient light to work on the car now before after
    1 point
  10. Just because you don't have a Westy doesn't mean you need to leave though ... Lots on here still without cars.
    1 point
  11. Even when you don't have a roof.. Unless it's flooded..... Russ is out.
    1 point
  12. The heater should be suitably sized to heat the area and will not/should not overcome the natural ventilation that is required for that type of heater. Always read the safety precautions that come with the heater unless your stupid enough to buy one that's 10 years old and never seen a service/qualified and competent engineer in its life. As tricky says detector which was the first thing I put up in the garage. My post #10 mentioned the size but only the cost to your wallet, read the first line in this post again for clarity.
    1 point
  13. I'm sure we'll see you around somewhere or other. Hope you manage to scratch that new itch you have.
    1 point
  14. Sorry your leaving the fold but is it someone on here that's bought it? Always good to welcome more Westies north of the border! Matt
    1 point
  15. The Aldi heater WILL poison you with CO (carbon monoxide) unless you have sufficient ventilation in the garage which sort of defeats the object. Anyone using them for prolong periods without ventilation could well be slowly raising the CO levels in their blood stream, which weirdly makes them look quite health, (plenty of colour in their cheeks). Best advise is make sure you have an (IN DATE electronic with audible alarm) CO detector in the same space as the heater.
    1 point
  16. Its a bit boring though, much more fun to be had out in the ice and snow
    1 point
  17. Can't make this one, will be getting drunk by a lovely warm log fire.
    1 point
  18. and hope to see you Saturday Ben, Julie, Glen and other nutters will be out again!!!
    1 point
  19. Have fun, we are at Autosport International in the nice dry warmth...
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Hi Ben. SEIW offer a little extra elbow room and whatever size you are there is scope to make your seating position perfect. 6'5" is the tallest guy on here so you'll be ok. Also a good opportunity with the Peak District clan to try all variations of seating and Westfields in general. They,re very keen up there even at this time of year. Wrap up warm.
    1 point
  22. I can't believe it's that simple! Thanks for that.
    1 point
  23. Great Sunday Julie A few random pics Best silly hat? Russ says " I should have stayed in bed another 1/2 hour Well done Brooke for bringing your Dad along All welcome on Julie's meets That mini is awesome Diggsy almost as good as your Westie Pre Lit Steve's fantastic....... well pre lit Westfield Occasionally Matt isn't always ahead, but it;s so good to hear him roar away See you all soon
    1 point
  24. Thanks for the feedback! I am now going to order a couple and I am going for a nice white interior!
    1 point
  25. If you like planes on the ground go to RAF Cosford museum.
    1 point
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