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  1. Man On The Clapham Omnibus

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  3. Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/16 in all areas

  1. Can she not change the date?
    2 points
  2. Just spotted in this months CKC mag.... I feel justified in posting the picture, as they've used an old photo of my Mega S2000 (probably from when they tested it) in their article..
    1 point
  3. I'm after a pair of 6 points so thought I'd post here just in case some one happened to be selling....if no one has any, I'll buy new....thanks
    1 point
  4. I was travelling clockwise on M25 near Reigate on New Year's Day at mid to late afternoon in my BMW Z3 2.2 Sport. It was getting dark and the traffic was moderate (light by M25 standards) with very few lorries but lots of cars. I was on cruise at a GPS 70 mph in lane 3 of 4. On my right and to the rear was a large white car (Audi I think) gaining on me by about five to ten mph, and on my left in lane two another car (unknown make) travelling some five to ten mph slower than I was. So far, so normal on M25 with all its gantry cameras causing little speed differential across the outmost three lanes. There was nothing ahead of the lane two car for some distance and indeed not a lot immediately ahead of me because the braking distance at that speed dictates a good headway to the car ahead. As I drew alongside the car to my left he suddenly and unneccessarily started to change lane towards my nearside. This was no lane drift; this was a deliberate lane-change manoeuvre and had I not taken evasive action he would have barged me across to lane four where the Audi was now approaching alongside. Instinctively I swung the wheel quickly through about 90 degrees right and then instantly back sufficiently to regain the course in the lane in order to move the car at least half a vehicle's width towards, but not into the path of, the car in lane four. He (the Audi) must have lost control of his bowels when he saw what was apparently a small two-seater diving across his path and then, equally suddenly stopping the swerve! Doing this in some (most) cars on a damp concrete road surface at 70mph would almost certainly have resulted in a total loss of directional control, but in the Z3, thanks to DSC, it did exactly what was asked of it with no more than a couple of flashes of the yellow DSC light on the dash! I am so glad I took the Z yesterday and not my Jag X Type - that has traction control and ABS but no stability control. What's more it's a bit of a heavy lump and would have been unlikely to be as nimble as the Z anyway. Over the years I have driven in excess of a million miles and can honestly say that I have never had such a stupid driver threaten my safety.
    1 point
  5. my last few hours as AO for the Cambs area - thank you to all that have made it such an enjoyable experience Can I wish all the friends I have made through the club and the ones I yet to make a very, very happy New Year :yellow-westy: :yellow-westy: :yellow-westy:
    1 point
  6. Yeah but that was the booze!
    1 point
  7. Don't let those little niggles stop you from going on a track, you might end up missing a whole year of trackdays. That would be a tragedy. As for the seta fixing, why not bolt direct to the floor as you did before. If no seat support rails in your car add some underneath. If you go to seat runners that will raise you up about 25 to 30mm but will feel a lot more.
    1 point
  8. As Tim kindly mentioned, I can make one in a carbon fabric of your choosing or, if you're on a budget, I believe I have a gloss black grp one in my garage somewhere that has never been fitted. Please drop me a PM if interested Thanks Mark
    1 point
  9. Hi Craig, I suspect they more likely just used a library picture of your car to support the article! I'm sure WSC will put up some pics of their Rotary prototype at some point and I expect the chassis will be radically lighter than the one used for the S2000. Best regards, Ian
    1 point
  10. Check out the traders section for carbon-Nv he does a double bubble screen at a competitive price.
    1 point
  11. More to add on aeroscreens. They produce a bubble of still air, so, the height and shape of screen that best works for you will depend on how high your seats are and how long in the body you are, which both affect where your head comes to. Seat rake angle also affects this and can be altered too by angling the seats, but the scope for adjustment is more limited in a Westfield. Can't tell from your avatar picture, but if you have a lip style aeroscreen already, but if you do, then have a drive at speed and feel with an un-gloved hand where the still air ends and where the wind rush starts on the passenger side. This will give you an idea of how much higher the screen will need to project, or alternatively, how much lower the seats can be dropped, or raked. You'll still have to be able to see over the top of the screen in normal driving. Jen Edited to add: There is a new thread on Tech Talk about aeroscreens for people with their heads in the clouds.
    1 point
  12. I received mine before Christmas. It does have the usual sprinkling of challenges, though. There's three fourth of Januaries in one week! Doubtless there will be others, but they are still hidden in the future.
    1 point
  13. Howdy, have you thought about the AA Composites screen? Fab at eliminating buffeting and allows you to switch between full screen and aeroscreen, should you wish...
    1 point
  14. Hi, Don't know about 1,2 and 3, but 4 and 5 I can add something. 4: I'm not aware of any tank for a narrow that has a larger capacity off the shelf from anyone. You would be looking at a custom made one. If you still have it you would have to lose the bot box to get any more space for the tank and probably have to move the filler cap to another position. 5: Yes, an aeroscreen of appropriate height will considerably reduce the buffeting compared with a standard windscreen on its own, or a low lip style aeroscreen. Alternatively, half doors, or wind deflectors with a windscreen will also reduce buffeting as a lot of the turbulent air comes round the sides of the screen. Not sure if standard doors are compatible with a full cage though. On my car the aeroscreen gives a pocket of still air around me that ends just above my head. This is spot on for me. These are Brooklands style old fashioned aeroscreens, but a similar shape to the double bubble style. Hope that helps. Jen
    1 point
  15. Ah, just thought I'd check that the thoughtful responses & consideration of the masses had been duly ignored, in typical "what car" thread fashion!
    1 point
  16. We caravanners are used to being told to FogOff
    1 point
  17. Pinto Pete, I've recently gone through SVA with said crome plates and had no issues Good choice of engine by the way.. power to the pinto clan...
    1 point
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