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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  2. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  3. XTR2Turbo


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  4. corsechris


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/16 in all areas

  1. Fellow members, First of all, a very happy New Year to all of you! 2016 just happens to be the 30th anniversary of the founding of the WSCC, a significant milestone in our history that we will be marking and celebrating this year in a number of ways. One you already know about - our club stand at the Silverstone Classic on 29-31 July. The club's 30th anniversary is the reason we are being given the opportunity to do a parade lap around the GP circuit on Saturday the 30th, a detail we had to keep secret from you until today. We also today recognise the club's longest serving member, David Jenkins. David joined the club in 1986 while building his pre-lit, which he still owns! He has been a member all these thirty years, and was Member #1010 (effectively Member #10, as membership numbers started at 1000). The Committee decided to recognise and reward this achievement by bestowing Life Membership to David effective from today. Finally (for now anyway - more fun as the year goes on, you don't get to know about all the goodies today!) and back to the Silverstone parade lap. As we're celebrating our 30th, it's only appropriate we celebrate our Westfields that are thirty or more years old. Therefore, the Silverstone parade lap will be led by David Jenkins and his 1986 pre-lit... along with all WSCC members driving their pre-lits. So you pre-lit owners, book your Silverstone Classic tickets now, you're going to be the leaders and stars of the WSCC Parade Lap! So happy anniversary WSCC - here's to a great year ahead and to many more years to come!
    12 points
  2. Tricky Go for it mate, 2 hobbies sounds fine to me. If your lucky you'll get away with it, If not and swmbo gets the hump and walks you'll have more time and money for a 3rd hobby, win win if you ask me. If anyone else wants me to provide some marriage / relationship advice please just ask
    2 points
  3. Just spotted in this months CKC mag.... I feel justified in posting the picture, as they've used an old photo of my Mega S2000 (probably from when they tested it) in their article..
    1 point
  4. my last few hours as AO for the Cambs area - thank you to all that have made it such an enjoyable experience Can I wish all the friends I have made through the club and the ones I yet to make a very, very happy New Year :yellow-westy: :yellow-westy: :yellow-westy:
    1 point
  5. Glen and Julie would like to thank everyone who has turned up to our 2015 events and made our year in our Westfield a brilliant one. Also thank you to the committee for all that you do to make this club interesting, to Tel's Tales for keeping us up to date with the other side of Westfielding, to the factory for keeping Westfield's future proof, to the other member's/AO's that bother to tell us where they have been (especially when they add photo's) and all the other banter that appears on the forum. Only today we found a first gear, left hander, hairpin that spat us out for the view you see in the picture above. It's not Scottish mountains I know but we do the best with what we have here in the Peak District. I can't wait to meet all the people who haven't made it here yet and for the regulars there are fun times ahead with roads you have not been on yet. All the best for 2016 to everyone, Love from Glen and Julie The love bit might not be from Glen if you are male and reading this.
    1 point
  6. I hope Chris Smith can attend in some way. Don't forget FW and XTR cars if you are grouping by type
    1 point
  7. Pity, they'd have sold loads!!
    1 point
  8. Right I'm off out in a bit and expect to have trouble speaking let alone typing later So Happy New Year Here's to a fantastic, fast, safe and prosperous 2016 to us all Martin & Michelle
    1 point
  9. Happy New Year Martin & Michelle
    1 point
  10. Thankyou John and RussH so much for the offers of help/storage etc. At the moment the water levels in the nearby 2 rivers have fallen substantially. Although 2 properties about 75 yards away were flooded with loss of vehicles, they are at a lower level than mine. Also we received no warning from Police or Army ,( who were out in force), to leave when the water was at it's highest, although the adjacent areas did. But will keep a close eye on the EA website and have signed up to their warning texts. I suspect this will be an ongoing problem in our area and others, for years to come . This year's local flooding was the worst so far, so next year's may be worse still with climate change etc. It may well be that we will be flooded in the future, so may take you up on your generous offers if the weather forecast looks bad again. Thankyou once again.
    1 point
  11. That is fantastic news! Well done Scott and anyone else involved in organising this. I don't suppose there is a cat in hell's chance of my XI being ready by then, and I don't have my sprint car anymore, so if anyone has a car with an empty passenger seat, I'd love to fill it!! I might try and persuade the chap who bought my sprint car to let me drive it round the circuit.
    1 point
  12. To me the sensible solution is just to move it. There has been plenty of offers in this thread. Do away with the risk altogether and then at least you can still sleep on a night.
    1 point
  13. Personally, I'd move it. I've got space if you need somewhere to store it for a few weeks. Im outside Chesterfield.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Happy New Year buddy!
    1 point
  16. Happy New Year to all.
    1 point
  17. That's very selfish and inappropriate in your position. Surly you shouldn't be the only one with scissor doors
    1 point
  18. Happy New Year David
    1 point
  19. A happy New year to you all as well!
    1 point
  20. a very happy New Year to you
    1 point
  21. Many thanks. Wife gobsmacked me by buying a F1 experience day. God only knows what it cost her, but wow, what a prezzie...
    1 point
  22. 1 point
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