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  1. Nick Algar - Competition Secretary

    Nick Algar - Competition Secretary


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  2. Robin Parker (Red Spider) - Yorkshire AO

    Robin Parker (Red Spider) - Yorkshire AO

    Area Organiser

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  3. Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator

    Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/15 in all areas

  1. MSA Consultation Alerts Before (most) MSA rules are changed in “The Blue Book” there is a period of consultation where interested parties can comment on any new proposals. In the past the only way to know that rule changes are proposed is by reading about them in MSA Newsletters or on the MSA website. There is now a service where anyone can register with the MSA to get an e-mail alert when a proposal to change a rule is made, giving them plenty of time to comment on the proposal. You can sign up for alerts that concern one or as many disciplines as you like. It is very simple and only takes a few moments. I’m sure that many will find it useful and the system will help us all get the rules we need. To sign up visit this link: https://www.msauk.org/The-Sport/Regulations/Proposed-Changes-for-Consultation Look at Red box on RH side, tick the discipline you want and sign up.
    2 points
  2. Hi all You still have time to get your WSCC merchandise order in time for Christmas. However we are exceptionally busy in our embroidery/print rooms at the moment - so can you please get your orders in over the next few days to guarantee delivery before Christmas (excludes special order items like boiler suits) http://wscc.revkit.co.uk/ Thank you to all that have placed orders throughout 2015 Clark
    1 point
  3. been looking at my blue book a zzr are are in both 1b and 1c lists top of ib list it states if the tyre below is e marked then it is permitted my zzr tyres are e marked purchased before 01.11.2014 . so why do I have to run them as 1c tyres
    1 point
  4. Fun either way! Good luck and enjoy the rest of your planning!
    1 point
  5. On a major(ish) rebuild of my Seight and will be sick if not long completed by then. So would be very keen to join you on the first leg to Glencoe at least! Also concur with Scottish Westy's suggestion of Dukes Pass. Good fun!
    1 point
  6. Can do, how does 9:00 sound?And we can keep an eye out for those South Yorkshire bandits.
    1 point
  7. Yes Ive got loads of yellow bricks
    1 point
  8. That's much better - I might be able to join in now! When I spotted the original motorway route, I did think it was a bit dull - as well as miles away from Geordieland! That route takes you within a couple of miles of my house, so thumbs up!
    1 point
  9. Hi BCF. Thanks for that yes it was actually. It paired up ok so started the engine in the garage but nothing on the phone dashboard came to life. Researching further last night someone said to leave it running for a couple of minutes before it syncs properly, so will try again when i get home this evening. Thanks again.
    1 point
  10. Received last night, great mag and a great article by one of Essex members - Well done. And thanks to Mike for his input into the Essex write up.
    1 point
  11. Yes I agree David, love my WSCC polo shirt, it's had more than it's share of abuse this year and stood up to it brilliantly, still looks new. Absolute bargain at £15.
    1 point
  12. Cleggy Great kit, prices and service.
    1 point
  13. About a week away. have got most of them, but just finalising at the moment..
    1 point
  14. Count me in as well if the weather is good, I do have a hood but no frame. (Adds weight)
    1 point
  15. Hello team. I have always travelled via Hawes as it is a nice drive over for us but I know what you mean about the motorway section. However we were grateful for this section last year as we sheltered under the overhead bridges from the rain. I trust this is the route you mean. I am well up for trying different routes. I am also happy to travel on a route that picks up the most people.
    1 point
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