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  1. John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison

    John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison

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  2. Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

    Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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    Martyn Vann - Warwickshire AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/15 in all areas

  1. My preference is for the Chinese..........
    1 point
  2. Just got my 2016 MSA Blue Book and fairly confusing with red annotation. But List 1B includes the Avon ZZR (in black print, not annotated in red). But List 1C also includes the Avon ZZR. I think it is probably an MSA mis-print and the ZZR should have been annotated in red in List 1B i.e. Pre 1990 registered cars are allowed to use them in MSA Road-going classes. Confused from the Cotswolds! I agree Windy - what a mess.
    1 point
  3. *ahem* In reference to the topic title, "Am I being an idiot?" - no. That's MY job around here, thank you very much, as anyone will tell you.
    1 point
  4. New car - 1600 age - fully comp , 5k miles - £99 - thanks A plan :-)
    1 point
  5. Put me in with the wimps then as I am not leaving the half hood at home…….lets face it Julie your track record with organising the weather is a bit suspect at the moment I might remove the hood it for the weigh in, together with the mandatory toolbox
    1 point
  6. maintenant vous simplement en vous montrant...!
    1 point
  7. Says offer in the title - this price is a 0.31p saving from the website shop?
    1 point
  8. I'm up for this! Weather dependent
    1 point
  9. Here is what Stuart said above. Pas besoin de présenter des excuses pour votre anglais - il est beaucoup mieux que la plupart d'entre nous ici pourraient faire en français. Si vos rétroviseurs sont les standards Rover 100 plus tardifs alors il ya beaucoup d'entre eux et / ou convexe en verre pour les adapter sur eBay ici. Si elles ne sont pas ces miroirs alors nous avons besoin d'une photo. Espérer que des aides. Stuart
    1 point
  10. Speaking of nuts, I shaved 1/4kg off with a nut upgrade today.
    1 point
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