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  3. Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

    Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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  4. Andy (Sycho)

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/11/15 in all areas

  1. I'm hoping to be in a 1600 with dog box and some form of tyres on it....don't care what class as log as I can have a laugh and a few beers :-)
    6 points
  2. I reckon mine does Recently I received the Demon Tweeks catalogue in the post and was busy thumbing through it when the wife glances over. "More upgrades hun?" "Yes, well, no - just browsing really - but there's always upgrades (smiles)" I then spot a set of Omex Throttle Bodies and coo admiringly at the page. "What are they then" So I explain and spell out the cost of a full ITB upgrade including new ECU and mapping. "And what does that get you in terms of performance/driveability/VFM" says the wife. "Well, to be honest, as I already have a throttle body set up, I won’t actually gain any more power etc, but they are very nice - and maybe easier to tune than the GSXR setup I currently have” says I “Oh” she says. “Now, I get the new £900 engine - that will be reliable and you are off to the Alps next year after all - and I get the new silly money gearbox as that will make your car more drivable and you will obviously get more enjoyment out of it - which is what it is all about...” “But” she says “those other things? Perhaps they should be classed as 'upgrades you don't tell your wife about' “ I love my wife
    4 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Tested the notching setup at 30 degrees - a bit chattery and have to go fairly slow, but still good results (apologies for the array of notch pictures, I just love the shapes, haha). Also got a pipe vice which should stabilise things a bit for the angled notches... Did a few more test welds and battered the **** out of them. This was an early one with not quite as much penetration as I wanted - but at least the joint stays lovely and tight. Note this was done by holding the tube in place with a magnet, no pressure / force, and it hasn't moved or pulled at all, which I was chuffed with. Testing tightness of joints with a light: Sorted out a centreline for my build table - sprayed a big white line down the middle, grabbed some fishing line and pulled it tight, dusted a few coats of black over the top et voila! Also checked flatness - 0.1deg or less all round. Here's a boring video Bonus points to anyone who can name the song in the background... Chopped some tubes up - only a small amount of waste, less than I bargained for: Put some of said tubes in the milling machine and chopped them up a bit more: Jigged stuff up in a pretty pikey, but seemingly very accurate way: And here's how it stood last night: Did a bit more on it this evening after work: It's coming together surprisingly quickly - and everything has come in within 1mm on length and less than 0.2 degrees on angle, which I'm pretty pleased with given the Heath Robinson approach. Just got a couple more tubes to cut and notch for the main outline of that rear section, then it'll get taken apart, cleaned up, put back in position, tacked, and welded as far as I can in the jig. Once it's out, I'll finish off welding then it can be bolted back down again ready to start on the front end. Need to get a laser cutting order sorted out asap cos I'll be ready for all the wishbones to go on a lot sooner than I anticipated!
    1 point
  5. And here is where the spanish guy with no idea about the regulations comes in... Well I'm planing to start this year, as me as a novice?¿ Will go in with ex adam's car. Where is supoused I've to set in? Will have to buy a new set of tires, happy also if I've to invest on some wet oriented tyres, and if is the case, happy to invest with a hans and new helmet (that I'll do no matter the class I'll start). So. Whitch class? Witch tyres? I dont understand the regulations about the tyres and the class split, as I'm not sure what I need for each class WITHOUT having to modify the car... Yes. I've tried to read the regulations... twice... but still confused...
    1 point
  6. I'll certainly try to meet up for a day, or two. I live on the East coast, but it's not that unusual to go west for the day.
    1 point
  7. Will do. The heads going to NMS to be gasflowed and I am asking them to set the valve clearances. I will give you a shout when I get it back and assemble the engine, time the cams and check the valve to piston clearances. Head will go nms in Jan. .so it should be Feb we I do the work.
    1 point
  8. Mike, Recieved both items today l will let you know when I pluck up the courage to fit it all. Cheers Andy
    1 point
  9. Yes, any year will work as long as it has a cable operated throttle body - not drive by wire. However, Westfield have just launched the Omex individual throttle body upgrade for the S2000, so with that you can use any donor up to 2009 either by purchasing the Omex ITB's or someone's standard cable throttle/inlet assembly who is upgrading to ITB's. Let me be the first to offer mine for sale!
    1 point
  10. fingers crossed for 2016, seem to have all the bits I need and now the wedding (not till February) is paid for I can again divert funds and have parts delivered to work I have my suit boots gloves and helmet sorted. just need to get the car ready will probably start hounding some of you guys shortly. just for clarification I can use R888's in novice class A won't be doing many events just need to get out there with you guys and start enjoying the mighty crossflow again. cheers
    1 point
  11. What deeply amuses me is how your wife understands you, but you clearly don't understand her. If she says there are upgrades you shouldn't tell her about, you have failed to realise you've just given her license to buy things she doesn't have to tell you about either. I believe you've been played like a fiddle.
    1 point
  12. Cages is ongoing but reasonably positive, they've been very open about it's origin (which might surprise you) and I am in contact with Simon, the chairman of the speed events committee, to reach a conclusion. Mart was championing the tyre issue.
    1 point
  13. McDonald's 10:30 Enough to make me follow through.
    1 point
  14. my wife understands that i spend lots of money on things i dont really need and then dont tell her about it needless to say she doesnt know that im picking my jenveys up tommorow
    1 point
  15. 5 speeds are for girls Good luck with the search. One or 2 pop up quite regularly on here and other sites
    1 point
  16. You have my sympathy. This game has just got too expensive and complicated. Its difficult to justify it to yourself, let alone the missus. But don't give up too easily
    1 point
  17. Depending on exact dates etc. I'd be up for joining up for a part of the Scottish leg of your trip.... Assuming the winter project goes well on the XE :-P
    1 point
  18. i might be up for a day or so - doubt be able to do ten days - the dates dont line up with my summer shutdown but if the weather gods prevail maybe i might venture up again if i get a pass out from my good wife..
    1 point
  19. Hi Geoffrey Although I couldn't do a 10 day trip due to having already planned an Alpine caper with the 'Kingster Clan' ™ ® for the last week in May / first week in June, I might be able to join in for a long weekend on your way up. Will see if I can get a few more of our chaps to join in too - or maybe those that can't make the Alps might fancy the Highlands.
    1 point
  20. If I still have the car I could well be tempted........
    1 point
  21. This is one of the saddest threads I've read in a while, for reasons I won't discuss because it will probably just get people's backs up. However, much care, time and thought goes into the selection and production of the awards trophies - it isn't just a case of going into a trophy shop and saying "screw 'em, that'll do". The great trophies, the splendid awards night event, the addition of the winners podium and professional photos last year and a surprise addition this year which we hope you'll like (and not stick forgotten into a box) are all done not because the team HAS to do it, but because they WANT to make you proud and happy of your accomplishments. The thought that it doesn't mean anything to some people any more or that the trophies are consigned to attics and dusty cupboards for whatever reason either depresses or angers me, I'm not sure which, because in a way it unintentionally belittles the hard work and efforts of the organisers who get no reward apart from the reactions of the competitors. Not having a go at anyone at all, once a trophy is yours you can do what you like with it, but please remember the great people behind it all - I certainly do and appreciate all they do, as I'm sure do you.
    1 point
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