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  1. Onliest Smeg David

    Onliest Smeg David

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  2. John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

    John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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  3. Buzz Billsberry

    Buzz Billsberry

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  4. Craig Spooner

    Craig Spooner

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/11/15 in all areas

  1. Thats all the photos I have of the Reds on that day. For obvious reasons, the camera had to be safely tucked away for the flight, but I sneaked a shot from the back seat before we rolled. Last one is a bonus shot for you - Cadged a ride with the Station Commander in a Tornado GR4 at RAF Lossiemouth in 1996. This was a twin stick aircraft from the training squadron, so I got to have a go too! Looped the loop in this baby on reheat over the North Sea with me at the controls! Funnily enough, I found the Hawk more fun. It's more like an Elise, while the Tornado is like a big luxury Jaguar.
    5 points
  2. 1B's are the future. good luck on 1C's when the lack of demand makes them very hard to get hold of. might put my nearly new set away as in investment who cares if you go faster or not. the whole point is being out there with your mates and if you're all on the less grippy tyres then what's the difference. plus i bet that most of us could go just as fast if we drove better.
    4 points
  3. Fun day out I had on 18 Mar 2003. That's me second from right, front row. Full display over RAF Scampton in the back of Red 1 (Sqn ldr Spike Jepson). Photo was taken after a sortie earlier in the day in Red 10 (the chase aircraft). When they realised I was 'G Tolerant' and was unlikely to throw up, I was offered a full display ride later in the day - for that one I wasn't allowed to wear a G Suit so it was interesting greying out in the hig G moves!. Indescribably good fun, and probably the best thrill I'll ever have in my life.
    4 points
  4. When I want up on the first flight with Wg Cdr Bill Ramsey, I was in a G suit, but it wasn't switched on I knew what should be happening, but nothing was! By the time I'd told the pilot and I'd found the switch to inflate them, we'd already pulled some fairly hefty G. It was that that made Bill realise I'd be OK in a full display without the G Suit and sorted the later formation trip for me. Because the Hawk is a twin-stick aircraft and room is very tight in the back, there's a danger than a passenger could catch the stick on the various laces and bits on a G Suit causing an inadvertent control input and subsequent disaster, so they simply take them out of the equation by not letting you wear them! The most G was on the parasol break at the end and was around 6-7G if I recall which was enough for me to lose vision, although I didn't actually black out, but Spike always let me know when it was coming so I could at least get a breath in and know what was coming!
    3 points
  5. its only metal and plastic.... you didn't crash yours and you are sympathic to your motor; so the offer still stands!
    2 points
  6. Still be in the banana boat next year while the mystery machine takes shape. May get it out for the end of the year.
    1 point
  7. I'm with Craig, class c as a novice for me.
    1 point
  8. There will probably be one in class F or H depending on which way we go with tyres.
    1 point
  9. Haha, David's got it in one...! Hoping, if I pull my socks up, it'll be ready for spring. That's very kind of your Barney, might take you up on that you know, could be really good fun at a circuit we both already know
    1 point
  10. So far I think Adam has a design, an engine, a pile of tubing & a lot of enthusiasm!
    1 point
  11. It might only be me in Class A next year then...
    1 point
  12. The Cheshire Area's not far away either some of us stay on the road all year round too! It's our Christmas meal next week, rather than our usual meet - which you're more than welcome to join us at - we'll be off to the Eastern Revive in Knutsford for a Christmas Curry. We often join up with the Peak District Area too who will be over this way, (Cat and Fiddle) at the weekend. Fantastic car by the way, well done.
    1 point
  13. Class A for me if I can justify costs of upgrades necessary. ( Class C would double those costs so definitely not) OR a double drive mmmmmm.... choices choices
    1 point
  14. Now that is a good idea. And the better drives will shine without posh tyres 'massaging' skills behind the wheel too I plan to have a crack at a couple of events with you lot, and will be at the Blyton weekend in July.
    1 point
  15. Not sure what I'm doing yet :-)
    1 point
  16. Hi Barney I will be running 1C & going into C. this will mean I run in Mod prod in the the MHCC which I compete in also & avoids additional rubber transport. sad to see we will be losing a few people, but pleased with the efforts of the SSOT to give as broad a choice given the enforced changes.
    1 point
  17. Ref the TVR's reliability a lot of it I just down to the owners; as most of them think they know about cars and the sad truth is they know very little even down to basics. The usual faults with them are just bad earths and their owners not having a clue.... I run a TVR Tamora which is one of the later T cars and I've had only the one issue which was on holiday and that was an earth issue cos the doughnut previously couldn't fully tighten the main chassis earth bolt used araldite to secure it and this fatigued over the years and failed as I was going down one of the passes in Switzerland I had no power and no power steering...that was indeed an under paint moment near involving a 3800 ft drop☹. I've done 20k in the car since 2013 it's been reliable,warm,dry and fast with great handling. The only down side is the cost of parts which have TVR tax added to them. I still have my SEiGHT factory built car...and just can't seem to let go of it. If I was looking again I'd go down the root of the Boxster...all the crap about been a poor mans Porsche or a hairdressers car don't know what they're talking about. These are a fine handling cars they drive as easy as a fiesta, reliable as a Toyota and as cheap to run as mondeo.... I have 4 mates that went from Westy ownership to these cars and loved them. I spent a day running one round Oulton Park and what a laugh a great budget car.....but for me the Elise or 220 would also be a weapon of choice obviously I can't speak for other equally good rides as I've not driven them so I want bulls*** you with what I don't know Buzz
    1 point
  18. Mike my kit arrived Monday, yesterday I set about soldering my kit (took me longer to find my soldering iron than the assembly), I am no electronics expert but can use a soldering iron, following your instructions the kit was soldered without problems, it will be a while before its on the car as this is currently undergoing major work. thanks for the kit, for those contemplating do not be put off by the need to self assembly, if I can do it any one with a steady hand can. cheers Chris
    1 point
  19. To compete next year means either stay in 2b and go slower= new tyres+ roll over bar. Or run in D and buy new helmet, hans and roll over bar. Either way its a big spend and at this point, it seems too selfish for me to race next season when our household income has been almost halved (mrs Doo not returning back to work as from maternity leave as expected:-( ). Been great fun though Barney!
    1 point
  20. Weather looks wet for Saturday PM but better on Sunday
    1 point
  21. I took a couple of bravery pills earlier this year and did this; A few rolls and a loop were enough tbh, don't think I could have done many more before saying hello to me' breakfast!
    1 point
  22. Oi! That gaffa tape is very expensive lightweight racing gaffa tape!!
    1 point
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