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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/11/15 in all areas

  1. There was too much salt on the roads to leave my car all night without a bath but the more local members of the Tiger Owners Club came in their cars. Here some of us are just before the safety briefing, Bioman far left and me far right. Here I am strapped in and ready to go Here is my video of Bioman and his daughter who followed Glen and I down https://youtu.be/vGg137M7lYE This is the official video http://www.ustargroup.com/Hybrid/2015/11/22/82377_512B02/MainVideos.mp4
    3 points
  2. You are welcome! I have been living in various parts of the Highlands and driving on these roads for the past 35 years and I never tire of the roads or the constantly changing scenery. At the moment the snow line is down to a few hundred feet. Oh, and thanks for the mention in your excellent magazine article by the way! I enjoyed the slide show on youtube too. From the photos I could see the weather wasn't a total disaster but hopefully better luck next time. You are certainly doing your bit to promote Scottish tourism!
    3 points
  3. Mike As a novice, you will be competing with other novices regardless of class entered, thats one of the big changes for this year, we will have novice target times for all classes. If you do enter it is possible that you'll be the only Novice in your class ( as your car is quite special ) but with our new target times you will be competing on a level playing field with other novices so no need to reconsider. Martin
    2 points
  4. Second time I've said this today - if there are no photos, it didn't happen...!
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. ...I'm about to go flying in a PA28 piloted with extreme skill by my other half :/ If I don't come back, avenge my death.
    1 point
  7. Thought you may like some pics of my attempt at cutting hole for Ramair filters on zx9r carbs. A tad more buffing on the odd area or two but overall I'm well happy with how it looks.
    1 point
  8. Yes, Novices can run in any class and will have an easier target time than the experts in the same class
    1 point
  9. Cheers SSOT, looks good! Clearly some thinking to be done for us all but certainly looks like you've made the best of a tough situation.
    1 point
  10. Got mine on all the cars / van, even the MK2 Escort. Great for getting about everywhere.
    1 point
  11. Val dont worry about the class structure - just go and have fun mate :-)
    1 point
  12. If you are finding it a bit 'hard' then get a windscreen and wind deflectors, wrap up warm and get out in it asap. I promise you that a Westy when the weather is cold is just magic. I don't have a heater but low sun can be a problem...
    1 point
  13. Ime thinking the same Ide suggest you hold on till the weather breaks as 1 its not worth much this time of year 2 you may well fsll in love again in the spring Ive hardly used mine this year due to house move and other stuff and think its an expensive obstacle in the garage Ime going to wait till next year and see if it gets used more I think once i sold it ide never be in a position to replace it again
    1 point
  14. Me and my lot are in Geoffrey. Can we meet up with you at bp in Pickering?
    1 point
  15. Hi Geoffrey, My son, daughter-in-law and grandkids were originally arriving up from London on the 19th have but now re-scheduled their arrival for the 20th so Judy and I are now able to join you on your York Dungeon expedition. Let me know where you intend to meet etc., as we'll be travelling to York via the East Yorkshire Bus Service. Cheers, Roger
    1 point
  16. Happy birthday wallet devil
    1 point
  17. Just ordered some for the wife's mini countryman cooper sd last night after a very disappointing performance in our snow. Mine will go on the Subaru when I get it back from garage again. Interestingly, on summer tyres my legacy absolutely destroys the mini in the snow. Dave
    1 point
  18. Hi, If anyone has any issues with insurance at all for winter tyres then please feel free to drop me a line. I'd be only too pleased to help. Regards, Dan.
    1 point
  19. Having slid down a snowy hill backwards in an A8 Quattro on summer tyres, I can give you a clue! -- Winter tyres followed PDQ (after which, no problem). Having said that, two (A6) Allroads were absolutely fine in the snow on Pirelli Allroad and Conti CrossContact tyres (both standard fitment).
    1 point
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