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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/11/15 in all areas

  1. Just a quickie here folks. This one is on the Moderation Team's radar at the moment simply because it's a highly emotive subject. Personally I have every faith that while everyone here is appalled by what happened in Paris, and the people who post on these forums are intelligent and not racist or bigoted, if there's anyone who knows just how easy it is to type something that gets misinterpreted, it's me. Please please please be careful when expressing your opinions that they don't backfire on you - read it before you post it, re-read it again and think how others will read and interpret what you say from their viewpoint and experience. If the Moderation Team decides a line has been crossed, they will not hesitate to moderate, hide posts or lock threads, much as they dislike doing do, if it is required or opinions and complaints demands. We can all agree that we stand with the victims and their friends and families at this tragic and senseless time. None of has the magic answer on how to fix this, but we can be united in not being bowed by armed and intolerant terrorists. I was very glad Nick led off the awards night last night with a moment's silence for the Paris victims. Thanks folks
    3 points
  2. I use a Pentax K5 but it's big and heavy. But boy oh boy are you going to have a fantastic time, we did this trip a couple of years ago. Machu Pichu You should try and get to Iguasu Falls. This is from a Helicopter, but you can get wet as well, we did the walkways and boat ride and got really wet. Beunos Aries has some nice parks and monuments. But for me Patagonia was the highlight. El Chalten and El Calafate. And you must go on the Glaciers. In El Chalten we met this guy on a bit of a road trip.
    2 points
  3. Just fitted these to my westy as I have first mot tomorrow and obviously keen to get out and enjoy the Westfield experience. Thought these would help keep it a little cleaner in damp conditions. They were a set of Astra ones I had knocking about the garage. What do we think?
    1 point
  4. Not wanting to hijack GBRBongo's post I will do a separate post on mine when I have fitted them and tested them. The rubber flaps are sat here on the sideboard, glue drying at the moment. I spend my life avoiding cow poo and now I need to go and find some. I bet all the cows in the Peak District will get constipation now I have said that.
    1 point
  5. Self Adhesive industrial Velcro worked well on mine over winter/spring until a trip to Le Mans when the adhesive melted in the heat. Probably would have been ok if I took them off for the summer.
    1 point
  6. No worries and good luck!
    1 point
  7. So lets recap. It hammered it down with rain on Saturday when we were out in the cars. It was dry and cloudy on Sunday and it has had the audacity to be sunny all day today. Typical. Rant over, I enjoyed the day so much that I think we have got to go and do it again. They run a Santa train for the rest of this year, but perhaps in January we will go again, in the dry next time though. Besides Russ has unfinished business with the breakfasts at the Roundhouse!
    1 point
  8. thats an A***. really feel for you having lost pets of my own not quite crying but the hugh whittingstall (what ever his name is) program made me angry that so much is wasted.
    1 point
  9. In a similar vein to Murraymint...you have my sincerest sympathies. I had to do the same to one of our new kittens on Friday. Only had him 3 months but already he was part of the family and promised to be a cracking cat. Can't think of much on telly likely to raise a tear out of me though. Perhaps the latest from Paris should make me shed one for humanity as a whole, but I think I'm over that - we're screwed. ....and apropos the OP...what the flip are Xmas adverts on telly for?, it's barely half way through November and Bonfire month still has 2 weeks to run.
    1 point
  10. The day I say goodbye to my dog will make me cry more than any crap on the telly Looked a lovely dog Murraymint RIP
    1 point
  11. Really sorry to hear of your best friend , had to do the same with mine a long time ago so know what your going through That's a lovely photo , what was his name ?
    1 point
  12. 0 to 60 in 2.1 seconds on t1-r's? I think there's a few "facts" that need checking!
    1 point
  13. That's no excuse, I mean it's only a 3 hr flight
    1 point
  14. Im surprised they haven't spoken to him about the speed he was doing in the video, considering someones just been prosecuted for videoing themselves speeding.
    1 point
  15. Feel for you Murray. We had to have ours put to sleep on Christmas eve last year. Not really looking forward to this year as my daughter and wife will be in bits around 9.00pm. As for the advert, it does nothing for me just has no atmosphere, i'll get me coat!
    1 point
  16. Top night, so glad I went so thanks very much Nick for the invite. It was excellent to put a face to so many names that I've been entering into the spreadsheet each month :-) Also, thank you all for making me so welcome even though I haven't even been out this year .............. 2016 is my return though, so hope to see you all again soon. Tigger (the one and only original)
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. It's Ninja Green, no-one will see me! Lol
    1 point
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