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  1. Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

    Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative


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  2. Kit Car Electronics

    Kit Car Electronics

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  3. s2rrr


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  4. Andy (Sycho)

    Andy (Sycho)

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  1. What a cracking day out 300 mile round trip well worth it, well done to Julie for organising it. Good to meet the fellow members and partners and a big thanks to Andy for bringing his dad along an ex Lancaster aero mechanic what a gent. Hope you all made it home safely. Bob
    4 points
  2. After the cake, it was Bomber time. A cute little kit car, made of all sorts and then donated to the museum. The Taxy run, why is it you stand there, mouth open with your heart beating fast for no apparent reason. Then they let a load of poppies out of the wing flaps and this strange lump appears in your throat. Brilliant. The the Royal British Legion riders displayed Then it was our turn I did well there, an account of the day and I never mentioned Martyn's failed WINDSCREEN WIPERS or his INDICATORS, I said I wouldn't mention them . After fuelling up, which proved challenging when 2 stations had run out of petrol, we went our separate ways. A strange drive home, the roads were all straight and flat and then, with the roof on, we had not got twenty layers of clothing on, weird.
    3 points
  3. Oh wow, what an amazing day...again. Although the rain was never heavy I can say that it did rain from meeting in Newark at The Friendly Farmer, all day, until we got right to the front door at 6.10pm. All except for the 30 minutes the Bomber came out of the hangar, creepy. We got home in the light though, better than the 'Via Gellia road by candlelight' of the previous few weeks. Is there a Meatloaf song somewhere in that sentence? 4 Westfields and 6 members is a great turn out and I cannot thank everyone enough for coming, you are great, nuts, but great nuts. We met MartnV and Sue, Sean and Emma (Ormus Knight) at a dry Friendly Farmer, where we had breakfast. Until it rained It was a soggy run there and we picked AndrewBClarke and Clare up on the way. Bob(S2rrr) was waiting for us when we arrived and we got treated very, very well. We were parked in a display area near the RBL bikes and the MG Club cars. Then it was cake time, surrounded by memorabilia, see cake even comes before the plane. We had an hour or so to look around the museums. There were aircraft wrecks, displays of life in the war years and loads of interesting stories and facts. I reckon if you spend about a week in there you might just get round it all. Then we met up with Andy (Greenstreak) and his dad, Henry, the star of the day. I felt very humbled to be stood next to him, a man that maintained Bombers during the war. Who can say they did that today? Crashed Aren't we an ugly bunch, don't get too close
    3 points
  4. Just got back, managed to miss most of the rain. Same I couldn't miss most of the cow poo/ slurry. Great to meet a few new faces & regular ones of course. Just put car away & guess what, blue sky's & sunshine.
    2 points
  5. You were top of the 'first dibs' list Jared If you change your mind, all you need is a good (small) soldering iron with a clean tip, patience and good light, honestly...
    1 point
  6. My dad and I enjoyed the day. Great to meet Julie Martin Sue bob and everyone else. Great seeing Just Jane again Always a special place for me and dad Some great photos posted there! Andy and my dad Henry
    1 point
  7. Put me down for one please if that's ok.
    1 point
  8. And put me down for one also
    1 point
  9. crumbs, looks like I'm gonna be busy
    1 point
  10. Put me down for one please Cheers Rich
    1 point
  11. Think he wants it by email or Pm Rich
    1 point
  12. I'm down for one too please!
    1 point
  13. you just have Thanks for the vote of confidence! I haven't worked out the costs completely, and don't want to break any club selling rules, so I'll have to work something out with the committee (or sell on ebay or etsy or something) although I don't expect to make my fortune on this... [it roughly looks like about £20 for a kit of bits depending on quantities]
    1 point
  14. More in progress. I have to admit that making one is fun, two is OK, but 4 is tedious...
    1 point
  15. There's a man who clearly hasn't seen the forecast. They're predicting 8-10 inches of rain, both today and tomorrow, plus more on Sunday. Rain tyres all around, methinks. What you will be watching is a parade of F1 cars following the safety car for two hours while local Bible-bashers build arks in their driveways.
    1 point
  16. Another update: Software is just about finished, testing OK so far at a supply voltage range of 6-17V. One dip switch selects between Lucas-style ON/OFF/ON switch or momentary ON push buttons, so it's button upgrade-proof... The other dip switch chooses between 2 alternate cancelling times. So far, I've used a traditional hazard relay - will test next with a solid state LED compatible type, but shouldn't be a problem...
    1 point
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