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  1. Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

    Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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  2. Paul Aspden

    Paul Aspden

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    Scottish Westy

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  1. After taking a number of people for a blat in the Westie, most of them who have never been in anything like it before, this has to be the best quote ever and sums it all up for me Subject: I want one #nuffsaid I stink of fuel and my face hurts! I love it!!
    5 points
  2. I took my granddaughter out for the first time In Buttercup last week and as we went up the street she said " Oh grandad, I cannot believe I am out in Buttercup". I don't know who was grinning more....me or her. :d
    3 points
  3. My Westfield has been 100% reliable this year..... No engine issues No gearbox issues (ex-Hussey Elite) No drive train issues No electrical issues Revs to 8300 rpm. But has only been driven 30 yards from my trailer to the MOT bay and back plus engine/gearbox turned over every 4 weeks Prior to 2012...... in 2 years = 2 engine failures, 2 gearbox failures, 1 alternator failure, 1 cycle wing failure, 1 water temp sensor failure and 1 gear knob failure. 2012 to 2014...... no issues, total reliability But it has got an MSA 2016 compliant roll cage by Caged.
    3 points
  4. I'm sure the msa are doing everything possible this year to antagonise an many competitors as possible Helmets with hans Tyres Roll protection. Do they think we're made of money!! This is meant to be a sport for everyone not just those with thousands to spare. I seriously question the integrity of some of these decisions but that's just my opinion
    2 points
  5. I'm surprised they didn't come and see you for some spares Ash lol
    2 points
  6. Hello All, I've not been so active on the forum over the last year, and I've not used the Westfield much this year as I've been concentrating on Archery competitions. However, due to a trapped nerve in my neck, I'm having to take a forced break from archery and so I'm going to spend some more time on and hopefully in the Westfield this winter and next year in general. So, seen as I may have questions and so people who may be doing similar upgrades can see what I'm up to an chip in as and when I thought I'd document my winter upgrades in a thread! The list is: Carbon Cycle Wings Carbon Arch Protectors Carbon Tunnel Carbon foot matts Carbon Dash - including all new switches DigiDash connected to the DL1 Logger Carbon Side Panels from mhc General tidy up of the electrics I have a rear duffuser to fit but I'm going to look at that as I'm not sure I have an easy fit due to the positions of my fuel pumps. Plus possibly a cage but that's later I also plan on raising the ride height by an inch as I'm VERY low at the moment and whilst it's great to drive on track it's no fun on the road as every bump runs the risk of grounding out. I may also play with suspension settings and ARB's to make it more comfortable for the road but easily swapped back to track setup. All in a bid to use to more often in 2016 I'll post some pictures of how she looks now and hopefully document my progress with photos
    1 point
  7. So a month in to Westfield ownership I am close to having covered 500 miles and have just fitted some used Team Dynamics with R888's. Last weekend saw new Protech shocks all-round and the starter motor replaced. This weekend I'll be taking a look at the alternator and fitting short competition steering arms. So far attempts to stop the XE from leaking have only half worked so I think the rear crank seal is going to have to be done too.
    1 point
  8. well done that man saves me looking.
    1 point
  9. John I have some drilled ones that came off my busa. I don't think they have done much work. You can have them if you want.
    1 point
  10. Matt, When I called Fiona the waiting list already had 10 on it so Fiona reckoned I wouldnt see the track, how wrong she was as Alistair made it on no probs. Just shows you should make the effort as you never know what happens on the day.
    1 point
  11. So Martin, what will you do in 5 years time when they decided to increase minimum dimensions again, and you don't have a certificate for the roll bar? It's happening now, so will only happen again later. You could race the damn car next year with no problem, but you can't sprint it.....madness.
    1 point
  12. Feel free to laugh........ Having sold the trailer earlier in the year but still wanting to take fuel and tools to trackdays, I built the following...... Unload and undo one bolt and it lifts out when you get to the track Lots of space for the general rubbish and lunch and tools and, and, and....
    1 point
  13. nice looking car in what is widely acknowledged to be the best colour for a Westfield...
    1 point
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