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  1. Onliest Smeg David

    Onliest Smeg David

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  2. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

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    Stu Faulkner

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/15 in all areas

  1. Congratulations to John, superbly driven and thoroughly deserved. Well done to all competitors and class winners in what has been a very competitive season. A huge personal thanks from me to our Championship Co-ordinator Nick Algar, John Williams for Blyton, and everyone else who puts in so much effort to allow us to do what we do. Thankyou.
    6 points
  2. Well done John some stunning times all year it just gets quicker and quicker Also another cracking effort from John Loudon, has anyone figured out how many times he has been in the top 3 in the last few years, he is always there Well done to Marto also on the Novice Championship, your peddling that car well mate Cheers Barry
    3 points
  3. Must be suitable for DJ Firehawk and be loaded with Anglesey circuit map showing the CORKSCREW highlighted in RED with a loud voice message saying TURN RIGHT ON THE FIRST LAP
    3 points
  4. Well done John on your championship victory, you certainly drove your socks off! Congratulations to Marto on his victory, i have certainly enjoyed our battles on the track which have made this year extra special for me. Finally, thankyou to everyone, I won't name every single person as the list would be massive and don't want to miss anyone out, but you guys have made me feel very welcome as a newbie competitor, Given me me encouragement when looking for more and guidance when struggling. What a brilliant season!! :-) I'm Not sure what I'll be doing next year, waiting for rules to be finalised. Looking forward to the awards do and the craic. Cheers folks.
    3 points
  5. Congratulations John and to all who were so close but so far. Congratulations also to Martin. Those looked some embarrasingly quick times this weekend This championship is addictive. It should carry a health warning! Keith
    2 points
  6. Come on tigger I'm struggling to concentrate on anything - did I pedal fast enough yesterday to gain 2nd in Class A overall ? ? ? I know it is going to be very close!
    2 points
  7. Congratulations John, on a well deserved Championship win. Head and shoulders above the rest of us in D. Commiserations to Adrian after fighting to the last. Also to John Loudon - so close -again. Huge thank you to all involved in making this such a brilliant championship to be part of. Howard
    2 points
  8. Well done John on the championship win. Well done to all the other competitors. The last couple of years I keep nearly not competing then Blyton gets me out of the office and back in the paddock. Its a very special series we have made by everyone in it and one could never overestimate the amount of effort that goes on by all behind the scenes. Now hopefully someone in the Yorkshire lot will print this thread out for John and send it by post to him to read, as what he makes up in speed he lacks in Internet readyness Well done chap.
    2 points
  9. Huge congratulations to John on securing the championship. It's not like he has been hanging around the last couple of seasons either, so the win is all the more impressive when considering he managed to average nearly 101 points against target times he set himself in a car that is unchanged from when those targets were set!! Congratulations to all the other class champions/award winners this year, yet another great season!
    2 points
  10. Well done John and all others on a great season. Comiserations to ACW, it could have been so different. Both protaganists had difficulties with damaged cars and came out the other side with stunning drives Well done
    2 points
  11. Ditto And echo everyone else's thanks too. It has been a GREAT season for me with the 'Lardy One' & your goodselves - Thanks ALL.
    2 points
  12. Lots of people drive their cars to track days Julie. I drove mine to Blyton this year, thrashed it all weekend then drove home with a big smile on me face. And did that for all my track visits the first year I had the car and many the 2nd year, and on T1Rs which although slower are absolutely fine & great fun at a lower speed. In my experience and on the advice of many much more experienced drivers, It's much better to learn how one's Westie handles on slippy tyres before upgrading to stickies.
    2 points
  13. Here is my timed run from Sunday. The only run I filmed. A bit scrappy but the car was handling much better than Saturday many thanks to Matt. I missed a gear into Church and as a result ran wide which was a bit exciting and then the clutch completely let go on the run up to Rocket and I had no choice but to cruise to the finish from there. Time a bit academic but 1:62 https://youtu.be/ZFOWqIMk_1c David
    1 point
  14. Well done John- superb result and much deserved 2015 champion. Well peddled with total commitment at every event! Marto- you did it fella- fine result and a fitting Novice champion. Well done to all those who came so close........ its just a game!!!!! Thanks to all those behind the scenes making our championship happen. Tim
    1 point
  15. So once I'd got over my alternator failure first thing Saturday morning and got a total loss plan in action I still managed to have a great weekend. Here we have my two best runs from the weekend, shame we didn't get more runs as i can see much room for improvement Saturday Sunday
    1 point
  16. I can do pictures There's even more in the full album here http://s457.photobucket.com/user/mark_wendon/library/Snetterton%20Trackday
    1 point
  17. A small reminder for tomorrow night.
    1 point
  18. I think your new TV will be in TV heaven long before they switch off 1080 HD. Lets face it they still broadcast SD (Standard definition) and you haven't been able to by an SD TV for some time
    1 point
  19. Well done John for the overall win and Martin for the novice award. Another fantastic year of competition for me with some great battles with Martin, Howard and others. Thanks to all the organisers for such a great championship.
    1 point
  20. Not bad for a 'Lardy Car' with windscreen etc. though I say so meself 2nd practice felt well slow along the coastal section and couldn't understand why until Shaggydoo told me the wind had changed! Thankfully there was virtually no wind for this run and was very pleased with it ... & still more to come IF we'd had more runs!
    1 point
  21. He even had a jelly to celebrate. Well done John.
    1 point
  22. I've just passed up the opportunity to buy a race prepped Caterham C400 which would be in the same class as this car, but this is a racing arms race and you'll never outspend them to the podium!
    1 point
  23. I'm trying to forget Saturday, David! One clear run all day, so that wasn't a cheap run was it? Still, I did beat Howard, even if it was only by a hundredth of a second!!
    1 point
  24. Well done John for the overall win, Martin for Novice? and all other drivers, organisers, sponsors and supporters. Looking forward to next year already and hopefully getting to even more events than this year. David
    1 point
  25. I believe Lee requires one as well - bulk buy?
    1 point
  26. Ok, final clue, it is definitely a part that will need replacing before the car can run again, and definitely not a "nut loose behind the wheel" (that's no way to describe the driver, even if it is largely accurate!)
    1 point
  27. Just remembered I might have a xflow crank sitting my parents garage, will check later in the week. Used to have a 711M block that required a rebore but it went to the scrapyard after my parents tired of tripping over it
    1 point
  28. Lets not forget John's car was in a mess after Pembrey and a few weeks later it running as quick as ever and as immaculate.... Well done John...see you at the awards do :-)
    1 point
  29. Couldn't agree with you more Richie!!! Congratulations John Huge thanks to all involved in making this such a brilliant championship.
    1 point
  30. There is a 771m block which is for fwd drive cars only - glad it was just a typo or that would have been a bad start! I've got a digital copy of the crossflow rebuild manual if you want it? I can PM it across. Not trying to do Mark out of a sale as I think you'll still want the hardback version - easier to work from - but might be useful to you.
    1 point
  31. A few people have asked about this sort of thing over the summer, and it suddenly occurred to me I'd never seen anything written down, really. It just seems to be something we pick up from going on runs with others, particularly if they're from the biker community. There's not really a right or a wrong, and somethings change depending on group size. However, there are a few key points there work well regardless. make sure every one knows which the lead car is for any leg of the run, and that if overtaking (between Westfields) is practiced, (not really a good idea, see next point), that no one is to overtake the lead car. You change leads at halts only. every car is to maintain visual contact with the car behind there will be times when you temporarily loose sight of them, then slow until they catch up. Regardless, when you come to the next turn, you must wait wherever it is safe to do so, where you can be seen by the car behind you, until they catch up. Once the car behind has reached you, you should be able to catch the group ahead up, as they have all slowed once you went missing! If the car behind you doesn't appear after five minutes or so, hang on where you are, as the group ahead of you will see you missing too, and come back either as a group, or just a search party to see if you have a problem, at which point you can go back and search for the car behind you. - this is why overtaking each other is bad sometimes, it's hard to keep track of the car your following and make sure you've still got the right car behind! if the car ahead has a problem and has to pull over, then everyone behind them should pull over too, so that the cars ahead will realise and come back. There may be nothing anyone else can do, but this allows the group to reform and get back into the buddy convoy. Likewise, if you'll be leaving the group during one leg of the run, make sure the leader of that leg, at least, knows, and that when you peel off, you make sure the car ahead and behind realise what you're doing. There's nothing worse than sitting in a lay by waiting for someone that's actually gone home! Equally, there's nothing worse, especially for newbies or inexperienced members than suddenly finding themselves on their own in a strange place with everyone else disappearing off over the horizon. on long runs, it's a good idea to have prearranged stopping points where the group can reassemble if it gets separated. (This doesn't mean stopping for a brew necessarily, it might just be a handy petrol station to pull over at while everyone catches up.) If you have a really big group, say a dozen or more cars, consider having more than one leader and several small groups, with each leader having a map/sat nav/route guide etc Swap phone numbers before starting big runs! Thats the main stuff really, there are all sorts of refinements, from two way radios o giving out road books, but if everyone practices the basic "keep sight of your buddy behind" technique, everyone should be able to enjoy themselves without stressing over getting lost.
    1 point
  32. Hi Mike, I would like 12" please.And so would the wife. Cheers Besty
    1 point
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