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  1. Are these the 'Coming of Attractions' we can look forward to next? > "Good morning. We want to apply for a marriage license." > > "Names?" > > "Tim and Jim Jones." > > "Jones?? Are you related?? I see a resemblance." > > "Yes, we're brothers." > > "Brothers?? You can't get married." > > "Why not?? Aren't you giving marriage licenses to same gender couples?" > > "Yes, thousands. But we haven't had any siblings. That's incest!" > > "Incest?" No, we are not gay." > > "Not gay?? Then why do you want to get married?" > > "For the financial benefits, of course. And we do love each other. Besides, we don't have any other prospects." > > "But we're issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples who've been denied equal protection under the law. If you are not gay, you can get married to a woman." > > "Wait a minute. A gay man has the same right to marry a woman as I have. But just because I'm straight doesn't mean I want to marry a woman. I want to marry Jim." > > "And I want to marry Tim, Are you going to discriminate against us just because we are not gay?" > > "All right, all right. I'll give you your license. Next." > > "Hi. We are here to get married." > > "Names?" > > "John Smith, Jane James, Robert Green, and June Johnson." > > "Who wants to marry whom?" > > "We all want to marry each other." > > "But there are four of you!" > > "That's right. You see, we're all bisexual. I love Jane and Robert, Jane loves me and June, June loves Robert and Jane, and Robert loves June and me. All of us getting married together is the only way that we can express our sexual preferences in a marital relationship." > > "But we've only been granting licenses to gay and lesbian couples." > > "So you're discriminating against bisexuals!" > > "No, it's just that, well, the traditional idea of marriage is that > it's just for couples." > > "Since when are you standing on tradition?" > > "Well, I mean, you have to draw the line somewhere." > > "Who says?? There's no logical reason to limit marriage to couples. The more the better. Besides, we demand our rights! The mayor says the constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Give us a marriage license!" > > "All right, all right. Next." > > "Hello, I'd like a marriage license." > > "In what names?" > > "David Deets." > > "And the other man?" > > "That's all. I want to marry myself." > > "Marry yourself?? What do you mean?" > > "Well, my psychiatrist says I have a dual personality, so I want to marry the two together. Maybe I can file a joint income-tax return." > > "That does it!? I quit!!? You people are making a mockery of marriage!!" >
    4 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Here's a few photo's that sum up my brilliant Blyton weekend. A Fantastic weekend, many many thanks to all who made it another great event, roll on next year
    1 point
  4. My best friend has just sent me a picture of him as a VIP guest to Silverstone with his arm round Vicky Butler Henderson. Currently I am wishing the fleas of a thousand camels infest his rectum. Does this make me a bad person..?
    1 point
  5. so, looks like we'll be the first one to post the pictures from the show and before. it was nice to see you all again and again, thanks for coming along. Me and Andrew will both be putting the videos on YouTube later on, and will post the links on here when they've finally uploaded. meet up at Flouch inn before going in convoy to the show. Picture from the bumblebee up the line up. Picture from Adrian's Westfield down the line up. Picture of the joint WSCC/northern roadsters group looking down the line up. it wasn't a competition unfortunately but the WSCC definitely had the best line-up Barry & Andrew
    1 point
  6. Best ever power unit. Welcome and ignore all those with anything newer than the 70's...
    1 point
  7. Problems are: 1, I enjoy flirting with the woman that runs the place WAY too much 2, I nearly came home with four cats...
    1 point
  8. Oh Eck what did I start,, Eye bleach please!
    1 point
  9. And Sunday's 2nd fastest run at 74.26 seconds. Fastest was 74.11 seconds Still plenty of room for improvement, but well chuffed with my year so far
    1 point
  10. After a week away I was looking forward to opening the garage and seeing my lovely Westy again - but had a heart stopping moment when I spotted a load of oil dumped all over the garage floor. Luckily it was my spare engine that was the culprit: So, off to B&Q to get a small bag of cement, up on the trusty engine hoist and drain it to stop any further seepage. Not sure how it happened, as I haven't investigated further, but guess a screw/bolt must have got lodged under the sump and punctured it. Amazing how well cement cleans up an oil slick though!
    1 point
  11. Small word, I bought the covered trailer that Dan sold to buy that one. Always fun meeting someone in the dark at an M6 service station to buy a trailer off them.
    1 point
  12. That's the one David, thanks! PR5 6FN is the postcode if anyone wants to check it out, although its pretty much at the little triangle where the M6, M61 and M65 meet, if that makes sense. The plan is to have a 'guess the weight' competition for John's car, closest wins some beers / bottle of wine, grab some tea from the local chippy and then if anyone else wants their cars weighing or geometry checking I'm happy to do it on the night. We did the same with the Lancs crew last year and it turned out to be a fun evening - there's loads of off-street parking so everyone welcome!
    1 point
  13. Don't worry, we've all been there
    1 point
  14. it's crying because you've got it tucked away to the side of the garage
    1 point
  15. Hi My best 64.67 seconds Spent all weekend chasing the set up balance with Del's help (thanks mate), recon there is more to come from these stick slicky (sic) things once I get my eye in Cheers Barry https://youtu.be/h58xqQ3C3_E
    1 point
  16. Thanks for posting all the vids! This has really piqued my interest in this ere sprinting malarky - time to chat to Nick at our next NE Area meet I reckon!
    1 point
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