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  1. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

    Speed Series Organising Team

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  2. John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

    John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

    Area Organiser

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  3. Nick Algar - Competition Secretary

    Nick Algar - Competition Secretary


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  4. John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison

    John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison

    Speed Series Organising Team

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/07/15 in all areas

  1. Here's my best run of the weekend, albeit a little messy at the end.
    4 points
  2. I only attend a few meets and leave posting on the forum to my geeky Onliestsmeg, but felt I really wanted and needed to say thank you to so many people for making this weekend so brilliant. As an Events Manager I was really impressed with the organisation of it all, but what I felt was so special is that everyone I met was friendly and extremely encouraging. Although initially I was quite apprehensive, I thoroughly enjoyed the Track day and didn't want to give the car back and even wanted to race on Saturday and Sunday! So thanks to Onliestsmeg for letting me hijack the car (and being brave enough to get in with me...that's love!) thanks everyone who was patient on the track whilst us novices had a go (great idea) and thanks to Adam for the instruction it helped immensely. Panda's encouragement to get involved and take on roles over the weekend meant I really got a chance to understand what was going on and got a great view from the Control Room and spend time with and learn from the lovely John (Race Controller) and Jane Algar. I met loads of fantastic and inspirational people, including Emma in the lotus who was gutsy and after a bit of sticking up and new wheels got straight back out there, and of course Nick with his record breaking runs...so glad I was there to see those. So thank you to everyone - Panda the organiser and team, participants and supporters, the venue hosts (and catering ladies of course) who all worked together to make this an absolutely fantastic weekend. x PS Thanks for the Vodka Gummi bears Phil x
    3 points
  3. Thought I'd get this started My best run of the weekend, T2 on Sunday at 72.15secs. I now know where the extra 2 seconds will come from too! Wish we could be back there next week!
    2 points
  4. As total newcomers we would like to to say a very big thank you to a patient John, who helped with the entries and put up with all the emails, to the wonderful team at the sprint school who gave some great advise. Also to Adam who drove our car and advised on the set up, which helped no end. A big thank you to everyone who made us so welcome and went out of their way to help us. I would highly recommended that everyone should try and and get to one of these meetings, we can not wait till our next sprint. Finally we would like to thank Dennis and Andy from Siltech Racing who worked so hard to get the car ready for the meeting.
    2 points
  5. I did this last year, but as you will understand with my comments at the Awards on Saturday was obviously unable to come. But he will certainly be getting one again this year.
    2 points
  6. http://youtu.be/kxr9E9XGgL0 thanks Barney Hope it works My fastest on Sat 67.44 1600cc Toyota
    2 points
  7. Nice lines, lovely and smooth... Seriously though, good stuff mate, and it's excellent that you can recognise where further time can come from too Next step: datalogger....
    2 points
  8. I thought the sprint school and novice only times were a great idea, but do agree with the communication, in some cases the pa system announcements could have done with an instant repeat, as you caught some words but not others. However i wouldn't change anything too much as it was a really enjoyable day and a good balance already. Plus really friendly for a non-member and well behaved on track as someone who doesn't really like doing track days with others cars / organisers due to the lack of respect for rules you often see elsewhere, some of which i think was due to Richard and the briefing of where a straight was. One of the comments I heard a couple of times too is how quickly the queue did move so from outside perspective you only need to tweak stuff. Hope that helps.
    2 points
  9. The gravel areas of the paddock are a bit frustrating for everyone but it was a shame that all the Westfield guys were not all together and we seemed to have 3 separate areas /groups so it was hard to socialise or support others
    2 points
  10. Couldn't agree more with everything that's been said before. A massive "Thank You" to John and his team of panda cubs for a wicked weekend. My only comment is, why do we only do this ONCE A YEAR when everyone enjoys it sooooo much ?
    2 points
  11. As there have been some past threads i just thought I would share my experience just. Ordered a single wishbone metalastic bush on Friday, early afternoon I think, arrived on the doorstep at 10am Saturday. Not cheap, and flat rate postage, but did exactly what I wanted. Daniel
    1 point
  12. And someone is checking the results too!
    1 point
  13. Absolutely love the timings. On the finals there is so much more split time info than on the print outs. Please get them booked for next year. Before you all start asking, Saturday's times are now with tiggs and Sunday's will be tomorrow.
    1 point
  14. For me, and my view I was pleased to see less hold ups than last year thanks to the timing system/team being easier to get on with. The gravel and stones on the start line were no where near as bad as last year (I found the blooming brush was never outa my hands last year). Paddock did seem a little disjointed, seeing as it was a WSCC organised event it would have been good to have everyone together, (as the Lotus guys and girls did). That said as usual (as in previous 2 years anyway), there was far more to be pleased rather than grumbled about.
    1 point
  15. I wasn't there so I shouldn't really comment, but have you thought of getting one of these?
    1 point
  16. Here's one of me trying too hard.
    1 point
  17. Tricky is the MAN! But has he told you? HE HATES PLUMBING! He came to our rescue when our original plumber let us down and sorted everything.:-)
    1 point
  18. It's a very complicated world out there, hope this little guide helps you navigate your way through it... FEUDALISM: You have two cows. The lord of the manor takes some of the milk. And all the cream. PURE SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. You have to take care of all the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need. BUREAUCRATIC SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and as many eggs as the regulations say you should need. FASCISM: You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them, and sells you the milk. PURE COMMUNISM: You have two cows. Your neighbours help you take care of them, and you all share the milk. RUSSIAN COMMUNISM: You have two cows. You have to take care of them, but the government takes all the milk. DICTATORSHIP: You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you. MILITARISM: You have two cows. The government takes both and drafts you. PURE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbours decide who gets the milk. REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbours pick someone to tell you who gets the milk. AMERICAN DEMOCRACY: The government promises to give you two cows if you vote for it. After the election, the president is impeached for speculating in cow futures. The press dubs the affair "Cowgate". The cows are set free. INDIAN DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. You worship them. BRITISH DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. You feed them sheep brains and they go mad. The government gives you compensation for your diseased cows, compensation for your lost income, a grant not to use your fields for anything else. And tells the public not to worry. BUREAUCRACY: You have two cows. At first the government regulates what you can feed them and when you can milk them. Then it pays you not to milk them. After that it takes both, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out forms accounting for the missing cows. ANARCHY: You have two cows. Either you sell the milk at a fair price or your neighbors try to kill you and take the cows. CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You lay one off, force the other to produce the milk of four cows. You are surprised when it drops dead. SINGAPOREAN DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. The government fines you for keeping two unlicensed farm animals in an apartment. HONG KONG CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell three of them to your publicly-listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute an debt/equity swap with associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax deduction for keeping five cows. The milk rights of six cows are transferred via a Panamanian intermediary to a Cayman Isands company secretly owned by the majority shareholder, who sells the rights to all seven cows' milk back to the listed company. The annual report says that the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more. Meanwhile, you kill the two cows because the Feng Shui is bad. ENVIRONMENTALISM: You have two cows. The government bans you from milking or killing them. TOTALITARIANISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and denies they ever existed. Milk is banned. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS: You are associated with (the concept of "ownership" is an outdated symbol of your decadent, warmongering, intolerant past) two differently-aged (but no less valuable to society) bovines of non-specified gender. They get married and adopt a calf. COUNTER CULTURE: Wow, dude, there's like ... these two cows, man. You got to have some of this milk. SURREALISM: You have two giraffes. The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.
    1 point
  19. Happy Baaaaa-irthday Glutey! Hope you have a great one
    1 point
  20. don't start... Someone sent me this like on the same day, tagging me in it https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6E-iD3eIeJE
    1 point
  21. Who's all this Panda stuff about? I only saw Peter Kay
    1 point
  22. I have here a virtually new Mountney 10" (255mm) flat black leather steering wheel with black spokes. Excellent condition, hardly used (was given a suade version), no nicks or abrasions, newer type with knobbly finger grip on back of wheel. Great for avoiding knees hitting the wheel ! Uses same boss as Westfield standard IVA compliant wheel (boss not included). Comes with FREE hi viz tape indicating centre position of the wheel - if you cant see it, you've already lost it ! Looking for £25 ono plus postage or collection from South Gloucestershire. Cheers Simon
    1 point
  23. It actually took a lot more planning than I expected and personally with the systems we have I think I could only manage 1 big weekend rather than 2 x 1day/weekends.. One comment that was made is that if the SS guys want more helpers etc, we shouldn't be strangers and we should reciprocate and give non SS events some promotion.
    1 point
  24. Can I suggest that Alan Smith get a complentary invite to the Awards Night?
    1 point
  25. My thanks to all of you for coming! It's great when a "plan comes together" We are on a gain next year on the Friday night with no clash with the BBQ which John is planning to run on the Saturday night! So put the date in your diaries now and let me have any ideas for any changes to the format which would be appreciated! Many thanks again Glutey
    1 point
  26. A Big THANK YOU to all involved in making the weekend so enjoyable! Especially to John for heading up the team and Richard for operating such a good venue/facilities. Great to meet so many people passionate about Westfields. Cheers Simon Looking forward to next year!
    1 point
  27. Yes Nigel was very firm with them
    1 point
  28. There's a video on Youtube showing the "Westfield experience" doing something on a closed road in Birmingham, the title of the video is something like "Idiot does donuts on Broad street in a Westfield". I have to admit, the video initially looks exactly as it's describe, until you see the road is closed and there are spare wheels next to it. With videos people will see what they want to see, i've posted Youtube videos before from my tintop, with people doing stupid things, nearly causing accidents and i've leant that some people will see what they want and other people will follow the pack no matter how much the facts are stacked against them. You have to look at your video and think "if I was a troll, what would I find wrong with this?" it's also a good idea to remove the time stamp and anything that might show an indication of speed IF you think you might have gone slightly over.
    1 point
  29. Well done to everyone involved but especially John for taking over the big shoes. Perhaps we should call you Cinderalla from now on as they seemed to fit perfectly Also thank you to Nigel (paddock marshal) whom I hear saw off suspected gippo / traveller / tax dodger / pikey * types on Saturday to everyone's delight ( * please delete as appropriate to make politically correct)
    1 point
  30. arrived this morning
    1 point
  31. £25... Mr Grumpy's slimline posterior needs some bling.
    1 point
  32. Mooch and Mikef really have nailed it for me. And I'm glad Mooch mentioned "Peter Principle", I'm aware of it and how it can bring a company to its knees. The next 'step up' for me would enolve managing 'resources' the hideous term for People that companies use now. I refuse to be burdened with making potentially life ruining descions over others so I will continue to sit staring at spreadsheets and gantt charts. And whilst I hate my job, I'm good at it and most of my peer group and customers appreciate what I do. To be honest that's good enough for me... But, stop the presses, major announcement coming. Yesterday I hung and plumbed in the last radiator. And apart from a nasty airlock in the kitchen, all is good and tight. Funnily enough, feel more proud in that than most projects I've delivered in the last three years. .!
    1 point
  33. There are lots of events for us we just need more competitors to join in with the "regulars" For example Ty Croes, Anglesey is well supported by the Westfield circus in September and October so lets have more entries for them! Its a great venue next to the sea and has 2 track layouts that we use on Sat/Sun, good cafe/bar and free camping etc
    1 point
  34. Absolutely fantastic weekend from start to finish, well done everyone involved - competitors included as there was some brilliant racing. New friends made and brilliant banter, what more could you want?!
    1 point
  35. Great weekend! - you missed somebody very important off the list Panda - YOU well done
    1 point
  36. Some thoughts on ambition............. A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village and an American tourist asked the fisherman how long it took him to catch his fish. “Not long,” answered the Mexican. ‘So why didn’t you stay out longer and catch more?’ asked the American. The Mexican explained his small catch was sufficient to meet his needs and those of his family. The American asked: ‘But what do you do with the rest of your time?’ “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children and take a siesta with my wife. In the evenings I go to the village to see my friends, have a few drinks, play the guitar and sing a few songs. I have a full life.” The American interrupted: ‘I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you. You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. ‘With the extra revenue you can buy a bigger boat. With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second and third and so on until you have a fleet of trawlers. ‘Instead of selling your fish to a middle man, you can negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe open your own plant. ‘You can then leave this village and move to Mexico City, Los Angeles or even New York. From there you can direct your enterprises.’ “How long would that take?” asked the Mexican. ‘Oh, twenty, maybe twenty-five years,’ replied the American. “And after that?” queried the Mexican. ‘That’s when it gets really interesting,’ answered the American. ‘ When your business gets really big, you can sell stocks and make millions.’ “Millions? And then what?” asked the Mexican. ‘After that you will be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the coast, sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take a siesta with your wife, and spend your evenings drinking and playing the guitar.’
    1 point
  37. if i were you I would take the car to procomp and just let them measure, specify and fit/valve to suit your car. Seldom do technical sales work unless parties are similarly competent in the discipline IMO, good luck and hope you get it sorted :-)
    1 point
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