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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. Man On The Clapham Omnibus

    Man On The Clapham Omnibus

    WSCC Member

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  3. Robin Parker (Red Spider) - Yorkshire AO

    Robin Parker (Red Spider) - Yorkshire AO

    Area Organiser

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  4. Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

    Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/06/15 in all areas

  1. I'm glad we all had a good day today. Weather stayed fine apart from a couple of showers just as we all got polished, even got a bit of a sunburnt head. Lots of nice cars to look at and a couple of possible new members. Sorry about the delay getting into the arena, but with a bit of pestering we got a go round. Are we up for it next year? We'll get better organized, maybe a gazebo and some chairs, and a few more cars.
    3 points
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zX-CeFrMMM
    3 points
  3. Thanks to Robin for organising today, apart from a couple of heavy showers early on it stayed fine with sunshine here and there. Robin made sure WSCC got it's 10 minutes of fame with parade laps in the arena at the end. The evil minion Julie went down a storm with the kids, in fact it attracted more attention than the car! Just got back and a little wind swept, (didn't bother with the helmet, but thoroughly enjoyed the day).
    3 points
  4. FANTASTIC weekend! Thanks to everyone for yet another great Applecross trip and I hope everyone gets home safely. Dean and Hannah & I left this morning at 08:00, arrived in Fort William 100+ miles later around 09:30 for breakfast (slightly soggy but not bad by 'local' standards), then another 100 or so miles and home around 13:30. Just taken all the carpets out and there's an inch of water under the seats (despite the drain holes) and another inch in the boot box! I'm sure there will be plenty of photo's to follow when the rest of the guys are back. Roll on 2016! Think I'll go and book my hut now...... Matt
    3 points
  5. This happened at Harewood today, and just because he didn't like queuing for entry. And this little chap kept the kids happy.
    2 points
  6. great choice of engine - any guidance i can give please ask - long live the mighty cross flow :-)
    1 point
  7. Thank you for your time today gents absolutely sown the seed for a purchase in the neat future (even got a thumbs up from the wife!!)
    1 point
  8. We set off applying local knowledge and a 'Tulip' map book and went in completely the wrong direction within the first 20 yards, then it was 'no right turn' so up to the roundabout, all the way round and then we were off. Normally I have a sat nav in my head and follow my previously memorised route, so this Tulip jobby threw me off course, but we had a laugh and Glen didn't take the pee, much. We went on a new road/route for me, across the top of Eyam and down Sir William Hill, with views all round, and being at the classic car pace we got to actually see some of it. It led us all the way back to Chesterfield and to the Parkside School for a cream tea finish, and another photo opportunity. The scone cream tea was on steroids I think. It came complete with velvet cake and carrot cake, yum yum. It has been a great day, nice to have a day of 2 contrasts, a small group at Westfield pace (complete with lots of noise eh Tim) in the morning. A quieter and more leisurely pace with a large group in the afternoon. The weather held up with about 3 spots of rain at Buxton and sunshine most of the way. The Parkside Run made us very, very welcome and were exceptionally friendly. I was a bit worried because we are not strictly classic cars, but they loved our cars and gave us entry forms for their next run. It is the 'Tally Ho! Classic Run' around NE Derbyshire and Lincolnshire centered on the many WWII airfields in the area. I will post it up as a separate event for the 16th August. Thanks to everyone involved in today, it has been excellent and very different. One happy bunny
    1 point
  9. Well done to MartynV, my Facebook Manager, for drawing an extra bod in today. That made 3 Westfields, us, MartynV and from a whole 4 miles away, Tim, meeting at the Bentley Brook. After a catch up we went to Buxton along the back roads, including one to Flash, the highest village in England, which also has the tightest left turn in order to get to it, get reversing girl, rubbish turning circle or what. We had views over to Ramshaw Rocks and then Shutlingsloe (the Cheshire Matterhorn) before arriving at Buxton Pavillion. The marshals directed us to park up on the pedestrian area at the front with the classic cars. Tim had to leave us at this point for his Fathers Day activities, and with 4 children that must be a busy day. Thanks Tim for coming today and entertaining us with the tax inspector/Morgan jokes, very good sense of humour. Hope to see you again. We then joined in with the second half of the Parkside Run.....
    1 point
  10. Home safe and sound as well. Took detour a Speanbridge to Dalwhinnie then onto A9 for easier run home to Airdrie. 245 miles on one tank, and using only 3rd and 4th gear. Managed to get 5thgear from Pitlochry to home. No 1st or 2nd all the way home. Made for an interesting run. Apart from the sheared gear lever, it was a great weekend. Big thanks to Bob, Dave and Rab
    1 point
  11. I've been competing for almost 6 years in the Speed Series, and for me, my first and most important target is to beat my previous best time at that venue. If anyone is going to "beat themselves up" in their first 2 or 3 seasons just because they are not scoring 100 points, then they will get very disillusioned. Remember, the class target time is generally speaking the course record for that venue, so even getting within say 5% of target time is an achievement.
    1 point
  12. I've been doing track days wrong for the last 5 years or so then Flat out all the time (apart from an in and an out lap)!
    1 point
  13. Martin Sprinting is not just a matter of driving better its a very intense 1 or 2 mins of on the edge total concentration putting the car exactly where you want it, late braking and calculated risk taking. You need a different approach to track day driving. I think the sprint school is really focussed on those who want to try sprinting/hillclimbing and will include car preparation, personal equipment, scrutineering, a track walk etc. There may be some Speed Series Drivers who will sit alongside you to comment on your lines but some of us are very nervous passengers!! (including me)
    1 point
  14. Is there any way a user can change the number of posts per page on the forum? I know that in the early days of slow internet it made sense to limit the post number as more and more people began adding images to posts which slowed them to a crawl. On other sites I have seen an option to select various number of posts per page. I have a decent internet connection these days and can get away with maximum of 200 posts per page with no issues. With regards to reading through 'Build Diaries' as a good way to follow peoples progress an option to select 'number of posts per page' would be a useful addition. It may well be that this is an option already in place and if so, can anybody please tell me where I will find it? Thanks.
    1 point
  15. Thanks Scott, Fingers crossed it'll make it into the forum at some point.
    1 point
  16. Don't forget to add to this "car bought by parents". Of all the incidents of younger driver crashes that I've heard of locally, the lions share were either in their parents cars OR cars bought for them by parents. If you don't pay for it yourself, you have no respect for it.
    1 point
  17. Matt A crossflow owning engine restorer......................won't be long until I'm picking your brains!!!!! Enjoy the ride
    1 point
  18. Summer time and DVLA. Not a great combination. Chin up Chris. Good fun to look forward to.
    1 point
  19. I'm doing my bit to rid the world of the filthy stuff...... I reckon I might just be tickling the 9MPG mark...... on a good run of course.... Nem..........
    1 point
  20. I still stand by my suggestion which I submitted at the end of last season. Scrap the novice championship and have a junior championship and a senior championship with an award at the end of the year for the best 3 novices. Novices stay defined as per the current rules. Target times for A&B are the same as C&D. Novice and Experts are permitted to enter the junior championship but their previous years average times must be a min of 10% slower than the target time. This keeps equally competitive people together and detracts from spending a fortune in upgrades or next season you would be promoted if you're too fast. I spent many hours last year checking the novice championship times against expert times and the only person to be above the 10% thread hold was myself.
    1 point
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