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  1. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/06/15 in all areas

  1. weather who cares , will pack a wee gazeebo ? one size fits 30 people
    2 points
  2. Tel's Tales 054– 2015 Season- Anglesey 13th and 14th May 2015 The build up to this June event run by MAC and Chester MC started to cast some doubts when the finals saw that we had different numbers on both days (never seen that in my 15 plus years of competing), there was to be no cafe/restaurant open and maybe no catering at all! Plus there are no awards at the event (sent to winners at the end of the season). So I packed burgers,sausages,stove, beer,bbq,frying pan etc as I prefer to stay in the paddock rather than go out for meals. In the week before the event John Hoyle had made a mammoth effort and repaired his car after severe damage at Pembrey, Steve Everall's alternator had been repaired so the battery would now charge and Michael Skidmore had bought the proper SBD kit to fix his alternator, pulley and belt problem and it proved to be a good investment. It was good to see Paul Aspden back out at last and he had offered John a double drive if his car was not ready. There were 12 Westfields entered as well as Marshall Rowland in his Elise, Matt Hillam in the SBD car, Steve Davies in his Exige and Nick Algar in his DJ Firehawk. The weekend was important as the two top runners in the overall championship, in the form of Tim Nunn and John Hoyle were chasing big points to improve their averages. Saturday Scrutineering was very early and easy apart from bit of a puzzle as to how the Scrut's could deal with our signing on cards which we got later. Briefing also saw some preferential treatment for the British Sprint guys who were allowed to refuel alongside the pit wall whereas all others had to refuel in the paddock due to safety issues. Maybe they use petrol that does not catch fire!!!!!!They were also told they would not have to queue uphill due to no handbrakes and race engines but a few of also have the same issues. The threatened rain and thunderstorms had passed us by so we had a dry weekend which pleased everyone. P1- Interestingly this weekend wold see us tackling the International circuit first with the 2 lap National on Sunday. Steve Everall's starter motor decided to play up and stick or not engage, so that was a worry for time, but the application of my hammer seemed to work wonders. Marshall Rowland decided he preferred the it lane rather than the track at the first left hander but he kept his foot down and nipped across the grass back onto the track. His excuse was that his Sat Nav was not switched on so Steve D wrote him out some pace notes and stuck them on Marshall's windscreen …...cheeky burger! P2 – Lee Smith outbraked himself turning into Rocket as his enthusiasm exceeded ability and he had all four wheels off. (Only kidding as he was trying very hard.) The track was warming up a little so everyone seemed to improve their times and as well as class battles there were quite a few personal battles so resolve. John Hoyle was fastest in practice with 90.14secs chased hard by me on 90.47secs, Tim Nunn 90.94secs, Mark Anson 91.31secs and John Loudon on 93.06secs. T1 – John Loudon was trying a bit too hard and spun out on the first corner, John Hoyle was on fire again and did his best run of 89.56secs but Tim Nunn pulled out a fantastic run of 88.23 secs to set a new class G record. Lee Smith beat Dave Richings but are not in the same class so just friendly competition! Similarly Steve Herbert 94.89secs just pipped Steve Everall by 0.21secs with Michael Skidmore chasing them hard. Paul Aspden was lacking seat time but the car was going well in class E ad he did 96.13secs. In class G Tim's time as fastest Westfield could not be beaten by me on 89.19secs and Mark Anson on 90.44secs. Times achieved Class A Dave Richings 100.44 Class B Lee Smith 99.43 Class C John Loudon 92.32 Class D John Hoyle 89.56 Stephen Herbert 94.89 Steve Everall 95.10 Michael Skidmore 98.51 Class E Paul Aspden 96.13 Class G Tim Nunn 88.23(new record) Terry Everall 89.19 Mark Anson 90.44 Sunday 2 Laps of the National course We awoke to cold, overcast and windy weather but apart from a few drops of rain we stayed dry. Lee Smith offered Mark Bishop a double drive as his own car had failed before the weekend. The drivers briefing was contentious as we initially were only offered one practice (as it was two laps) and two timed runs. There were comments such as “thats unacceptable” and “your wasting our money”and at least our frustrations were aired and we did get 2 full practices as well as the timed runs. P1- Most of us did ok but it seemed as if all the Class G cars were struggling with missed gear shifts so Trickshifter gremlins were blamed. John Hoyle was just fastest with 112.21secs. P2 – Tim decided to test the grip around School but came off and still recorded 122.55secs! Nick Algar's car fractured an exhaust pipe so that ended his weekend which was a shame as he was 3rd in the top 12 run off on Saturday. John Hoyle and I were fastest with exactly 112.45secs. T1 – As he was leaving the paddock for the start John Loudon suddenly heard a high pitched noise from his engine. We whipped the bonnet off and sprayed wd40 on his alternator belt and all was quiet again. At the end of T1 Paul Aspden noticed that his engine had sprung an oil leak which looked to come from the rear crank seal so he looked a bit worried and decided not to do his final run. Lee Smith was faffing around and trying to reset his ride heights which is tricky on a sloping paddock and without spirit levels etc. I was fastest with 110.92secs but way off target time and Tim did a 111.63secs but came back with a sick engine. Oil was leaking from the block so that was a disappointing game over for him. John Hoyle recorded a good 112.15secs. T2 – This was it, all or nothing for the remaining competitors and personal battles needed to be resolved as all times were very close. Michael Skidmore lived up to his name again and came off at Rocket recording all 4 wheels off but he was laughing about it......I think! Mark Bishop who was getting to grips with Lee Smith's car had a spin at the finish but failed to beat Lee thank goodness. Both Steve's had Pbs so were quite pleased with their times and SH pulled out a good run to get down to 118.08secs. John Loudon was close to target after another good drive but Mark Anson suffered when he got a rerun and his tyres were a bit too hot. I managed to improve a bit and was quickest Westfield with 110.56secs In summary it was a good weekend event but I do feel that if the timekeepers were able to be quicker and deal with several cars on the tracks maybe with more up to date software etc then we would get more runs and better value for money. Finally the convoy of me , Steve Everall, John Hoyle and Paul Aspden returned home together to God's own County. See you all at Blyton. Final times achieved: Class A Dave Richings 125.53 Class B Lee Smith 122.95 Class C John Loudon 113.09 Mark Bishop 134.51 (driving class B car) Class D John Hoyle 111.52 Stephen Herbert 118.08 Steve Everall 119.07 Michael Skidmore 122.01 Class E Paul Aspden 118.95 Class G Tim Nunn 111.63 Terry Everall 110.56 (fastest Westfield) Mark Anson 112.94 Terry Everall Speed Series Correspondent Class G competitor
    2 points
  3. seriousley bonkers - well done guys and great photos
    1 point
  4. Hello Team. I have uploaded the pictures to Youtube in case you wanted to see them better on full screen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKo_kGAJxtQ
    1 point
  5. Have you heard the way he'll occasionally really go at some of the blokes on the breakfast show? (Fairs fair, never heard him doing it to any of the woman on the show). But he's consistently done it with any of the men that co-host with him for more than a few months. Granted he'll do it in a very passive aggressive way, but you can hear the discomfort of all others present over the air waves. I wouldn't say it's a weekly thing, but then I don't get to listen as much as i used to do. In your school days it would have been called "picking-on". In terms of posse, I wouldn't for one moment expect them to bring the Radio lot over, why on earth would they, it worries me that they might try and create a fresh such arrangement around him. My personal opinion of Chris, and don't forget I did say, I generally like his R2 show, is that he's at his best when surrounded by strong equals that will give as good as they get. But my main point was that I ope they try and put together a team with t least some journalistic ability, rather than just trying to artificially come up with something for Chris to bounce off.
    1 point
  6. I hope you lads have a great time and the weather is kind to you all.
    1 point
  7. Now sold to Julia, many thanks and all being well see you at a club meeting soon.
    1 point
  8. let me see what i can do.... is this for phils hot tub?
    1 point
  9. XCWeather says showers from 4 ish till about 7ish then drying out, early Sat (7am) showers then cloudy sunshine all day :-)
    1 point
  10. Pete G, myself and Paul will be at the The Lodge at 7pm. Today. Anyone else welcome as well.
    1 point
  11. Barbon Hill Climb 13/06/2015 Report by Howard Gaskin Barbon is a new event to the Speed Series calendar although it has been around since 1950 and hosts a round of the British Hillclimb Championship each year. It’s the shortest hillclimb in the UK at 890 yards but nevertheless quite fast and furious, akin to Shelsley or Gurston. I arrived Friday evening to find Mark Schlanker already there, and perhaps one other small group. A pleasant evening was spent eating, chatting, walking the course, drinking beer and swatting midges. A note for next year and anyone else stopping over: bring insect repellent! They didn’t seem to be noticeable in the paddock fortunately but certainly made their presence felt in the camping field. Next morning, with only an hour to go before signing on and scrutineering, still no-one else had turned up. However, within that last hour the remaining 90 entrants appeared and the event took on the familiar flurry of activity. John Walters arrived and, unexpectedly, Andy Hargreaves who had been on the reserve list. Mark, John, and I were in class 2B whereas Andy was in 2C for motorcycle engine cars. The event had the usual mix of saloons, hatchbacks, kit cars, single seaters, plus a good handful of Austin Seven Specials.With the largest entry the event had received in many years, the paddock was a little crowded and the classes we Westfields were in was rather bumpy. Unfortunately Mark’s newly repaired splitter was damaged and had to be removed. Practice got underway at 9.45 with all of us taking it steadily as it was new to us. The course has an uphill start and a short dash to a tight left hander called Crabtree, with intimidating Armco around the outside, followed by a long uphill straight leading to a long, off camber left hander with trees either side, called Richmond, then a longer uphill straight ending with a tight, Armco bordered right hand hairpin called Lafone. After that it’s a short sprint to the finish line and then on to the holding bay outside a farmhouse.Talk was mainly around how fast we dare take the middle corner; was it a stab on the brakes, a lift, or could it be taken flat? More so, how late could we brake for Lafone? Second practice and we were a little braver, but Mark was disappointed to record a slower time despite having what felt like a more committed and error free run. For some reason, still unresolved, he recorded something like 3.8 seconds for his 64ft time. First timed runs were slotted in before lunch and, happily, Mark layed his second practice ghost to rest, putting his recently fitted ZZRs to good use by going over 2 seconds quicker than P1, posting a 27.48. I was just 2 tenths ahead on 27.28. John was hot on our heels with 28.22. Meanwhile in 2C, Andy recorded 27.82. After lunch, and fuelled by an 8” Cumberland sausage in a roll, I dipped (just) into the 26’s with 26.99. Mark got slightly out of shape exiting Lafone and recorded 28.17. John’s car bogged down in second out of Lafone and went slightly slower with 28.26. Andy continued to improve with 27.59. A few mechanical stoppages meant there was only time for two runs in the afternoon. I took a deep breath, got a good launch, attacked Crabtree, fought the impulse to lift (and failed, although lifted less)through Richmond and braked later and harder into Lafone, scrambled round and made a dash to the finish line to be rewarded with a 26.71. Mark had a good run but got a bit on the grass coming out of Lafone finishing on 28.25. John showed himself to be King of the Starts with a 2.27s 64ft time and went for first gear instead of second exiting Lafone to avoid bogging. He reported that it was ‘a bit squirrelly’ but did the job and he was elated to dip well into the 27s with 27.52, just 4 tenths off Mark’s best. Andy unfortunately bogged down out of Crabtree and this hurt his speed all the way up the rest of the hill resulting in a 28.23. There were five in class 2B with John, Mark and I taking the top three slots. Andy, in 2C, was in a class of his own. The weather had stayed warm and dry although a little overcast all day despite the forecasts. The event was well organised and very friendly. Two practice and three timed runs was a good turn around considering the 90 entries. Facilities are minimal but that is to be expected as there are only two events each year: the British Hillclimb Championship and the National B Event. However, it's an enjoyable and challenging course, in a beautiful setting and the village is within walking distance with a good pub that does food: The Barbon Inn. Speed Series entries were low, probably because of the clash with Anglesey but I’m really glad I went and thoroughly enjoyed it. Howard Gaskin
    1 point
    1 point
  13. Clock ticking towards the Applecross outing. Update on new Westfield owner. He is still waiting on registration approval although he has called DVLA and confirmed they are now working on his submission. Appears some info was missed in the package presented. (From Westfield). If approval issued in time, are there any spare bunks in the huts that he could use/share costs? Other option he may consider is to travel up in the van and bum a passenger ride on Saturday's blat. He can then get to know the great Clan McWestie (and others ) for future runs. Anyone want to volunteer to take a passenger? cheers Jim.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
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