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  1. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

    Speed Series Organising Team

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  2. Nick Algar - Competition Secretary

    Nick Algar - Competition Secretary


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  3. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/15 in all areas

  1. Evening team. Last night we watched the most beautiful pink sunset over Glencoe and the sun seems to set so late up here. This morning we travelled to Skye and have had a fabulous day. We set off with the roof on and then took it off and we have had it off all day. . We headed on the route from Glencoe that takes you across the bridge. Think it is the A87. We stopped of at the Commando memorial and it is such a moving place. A massive statue of three commandos overlooking a huge valley with Ben Nevis in front and a number of other mountains. The faces on the statues and the way they are stood... Well everything... Is just perfect and it is a fitting tribute. I had a crying moment as next to the statue is a memorial garden and an area wher they scatter the ashes of fallen commandos. What I did not expect was to see family photos of the fallen Commandos and with the words on the cards you sort of bonded with the fallen. People had even put bottles of whisky and cans of lager etc on the memorials and I was extremely humbled. The car parking is very clean and safe for a Westfield. We met here and chatted to a couple in a Lomax who were driving from Lands End to John O Groates. We left here and continued on our way and we came to this massive, massive valley with snow topped mountains and lochs to the side but the mountains and rocks were extremely rugged. We felt so tiny and the air was really cold and it was utterly amazing and went on for miles. We then came to another set of mountains with the road at the bottom and OMG. If you have seen the start of Jurassic park where the helicopter flies towards the island, well it was just like that and was effing unbelievable with smooth Tarmac and hardly any cars. There is a good petrol garage their as well and we had used around half a tank coming from Glencoe. We continued and came to the end and then it was like driving through Norway. We dropped down and there was a huge loch to the left with little fishing boats and with the mountains and the snow it was identical to a Norwegian fijord. We are now on Skye and the roads are not as smooth but the scenery is stunning. We arrived at our lodgings and there wS a note on the door saying, just go in, help yourself to anything and text or ring us... The owners. I have left out the names but when the owners arrived they said they don't lock anything up as there is no crime in the area. We have driven to Portree and the petrol garage will not accept a debit or credit card unless it's over £15.00 so make sure you have some cash. We had fish and chips on the harbour jetty and it was tasty enough but expensive for what you got and I would find somewhere else next time. Tomorrow we are going to go to an extinct volcano and then head to Durness with a stop over at Ullapool. Lessons learnt from today. Always have cash available. There is no need to worry about the frequency of petrol stations. Everyone loves a Westfield. Leave the half hood fastened to the back of the car if you have luggage attached over the straps and just unroll the hood backwards from the windscreen and tuck it behind the seats then you can attach the hood in an instant without taking off all the luggage. JK composite seats are extremely comfy. A fat bloke trying to climb in and out with a half hood attached needs a removable steering wheel. Thank you everyone also for all the advice and really kind comments. It is really appreciated.
    3 points
  2. Re Power to weight BHP/Ton I can see why people may be against this Because in my eyes it would be utter madness to consider a system that completely levels the performance of the car and instead relies on good old driver skill Contol tyres- no way - we want to be competitive on day against others
    3 points
  3. Just to clarify one point. I was asked to start this debate by the SSOT because over the years there has been so much paddock talk we felt it wise to bring it all out in the open for everyone to see and have an input to. This does not mean that we have to change but obviously if the debate brings up sensible good ideas that look like they will improve the Championship then it would be remiss of us not to use them. However at least everyone has had a chance to have their say in the open and hopefully we can finalise this for a good number of years.
    3 points
  4. Much of it isn't, but that's not a reason to not attempt to move forward.For experts it looks about right, as the strong affirmations above indicate. I've spoken to many members who have expressed interest in having a 'dabble' but costs don't add up. I would have afforded more sprints if it wasn't for the cost of 2nd set of wheels and tyres. Competing on 1A tyres was disheartening. They also see the full on sprint cars they'll be put alongside and then look at theirs and are put off. Tempting newbies in to have a go is essential if the SS is to be sustainable. As only a few will end up being able to dedicate to the time and costs (be it over a few or many years) And new experts are needed to keep it competative. An Intermediate classification is a great idea. It will help competitors stay motivated. Perhaps competing within the current experts class structure. I would also expect some of the current 'experts' to benifit from this.
    2 points
  5. Every novice has a chance of winning either in class or in the novice championship. If I can come 3rd in novice champs and win class a in a cross flow any one can. And I spent more on food and booze last year than I did on my car :-)
    2 points
  6. If we did Incentivise certain events the Ty Croes and Snetterton would be my favourites in addition to Blyton
    2 points
  7. You cant take car out of a paddock area at lunchtime as they would need to be scrutineered again! Thats the Rules! I have said it before and I will say it again......... "I AM TOTALLY AGAINST POWER TO WEIGHT RATIOS" even if it includes driver weights. It will put people off and I already have a big list of reasons that are prohibitive and not conducive to our Speed Series IMHO.
    2 points
  8. Ok after a bit of a faff here's my best run of the weekend, this is my first and only timed complete practice run of 1 min 46s which I'm very chuffed with. This is the short version ( just the complete run ) as my first attempt was red flagged and I got sent back down for this re-run, I'll post the full video later.
    1 point
  9. Well folks, she's finnally arrived! Born last night at 19:03 weighing in at 7lb 2oz after a long and rough labour. To say I'm relieved would be the understatement of the year, so here's to my fourth girl and a blooming big well done to my wife Jenny. :-))))
    1 point
  10. Shhh... I'd have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids! Cover blown, I'm a crime fighting whirlwind. Lol
    1 point
  11. Depends if you have a pre-engaged or Bendix starter. I guess on a x-flow its probably Bendix, so the solenoid is just a relay in the feed to the starter. That would be easy to check as you can bridge the high current posts, also check the contacts are clean and even measure voltage drop across it when you try to crank...
    1 point
  12. Can we promise it will be drier than last year? :-)
    1 point
  13. If I wanted a road Westy then I would build a road westy but I wanted to enter sprints and hills and run in the road classes against similar Caterhams/strikers etc . I did not originally want to fit slicks so I dont see why my car has to be anything other than compliant with event rules in order to qualify as ' road legal' We can introduce as many classes with restrictions as we see fit, but we should keep a class for dedicated hillclimb/sprint cars , who after all make up the main regular competitors
    1 point
  14. Paul, just a thought re. The advert... I can't see a mention of it previously having been written off.I would mention this up front if I were you as avoids any issues with people not finding out until down the line a bit. When I sold it I found being totally open about it didn't hamper the enquiries at all as obviously had photos of damage and repairs to give buyers comfort. Dave
    1 point
  15. I didn't make myself clear - I was suggesting a simplified class structure (as per mhc post, i.e. no specific novice classes) and then alongside it overall championship points and awards for 1st/2nd/3rd for Novice/Intermediate/Expert status competitors. Thereby creating a competition for those that come out of novice but are off the pace of an expert.
    1 point
  16. If you're in the area, Ullapool is a lovely place to stop by. Good fish and chips IIRC, and the roads there are lovely too. I think when I was up there we approached it from the north....
    1 point
  17. Could incentivise (a real word?!) a select number of events that have potential for a good double-header weeked of things based on a place's ability to have a good atmosphere and faccilities for camping etc. I'm not saying it'd be perfect, but a mandatory/incentivised 2 from a nominated 4 for example. So hopefully we'd have the potential of 4 weekenders a year like the fantastic Blyton weekender.
    1 point
  18. I think all Westys are crap to drive on the road I would use MX5 , Boxter, etc anyday over Westy SO I like Barrys or MHC simple approach, or just leave it alone
    1 point
  19. All I want to do is sleep after a few beers. I have 3 girls & 1 boy by the way. Be prepared for a noisy house when the girls become teenagers, boys are usually very quite.
    1 point
  20. I can't see that a road blat would prove anything, I kind of feel that my car is one of the novice cars that this road going debate is aimed at. I built it to be sprint / hill climb orientated which it is but still has a 15ltr tank, lights, horn, mirrors etc and is MOT'd taxed and insured. Sure I wouldn't want to tour Scotland in it but 50 road miles no problem at all, so what would that prove. At our novice level we are all very close on times when we compete at the same venue as our abilities are very similar. Put any of the experienced drivers in our cars and they'll go faster regardless of 2 seats, small headlamps or a full size tank, they are just better drivers and that's what we should be working towards ( well that's what I'm trying to be ) Other than getting more entrants at same events it's best left how is for me.
    1 point
  21. B and D are just different due to novice D and F are different because of gearbox.....D needs a H pattern box (syncro or dog box) but F can have sequential. F can also have "drivers aids such as paddle shift and traction /launch control whereas D cant
    1 point
  22. Lets be clear - a man with money I am not (I work for a charity). However, I am prepared to tinker with my car and play with suspension setup and do a lot of things to it myself. The best value for money performance enhancing component I have ever bought was various suspension springs at £30 each
    1 point
  23. Dropped the ripped seat off for re-covering a week last Thursday, Got an email on Friday, saying it was ready, did I want it sent up, or would I be collecting it. Emailed back on Monday to say I wasn't sure if I could pick it up this week or not, so best send it. A few 'phone calls to pay etc later, and it arrived today. All back where it belongs now: They've made a really good job of it. The whole seat looks like new, it's been completely stripped, re-covered and re-built again. Can't believe how odd it's felt, minus the passenger seat. Thanks to Westfield for sorting everything out with Cobra for me.
    1 point
  24. Picking up on the debate about road cars and race cars with an MOT, what defines a road car to me is the size of the fuel tank. A westfield which is a "true road car" will have a fuel tank capable of being able to drive the car further than the nearest MOT station once a year.
    1 point
  25. I agree with Mr Kerr and majority of the sentiment here but I have to disagree with Lee Smith. In the lower classes it is not down to budget and spend or modern engine IMO. The lesser powered cars in A and B are often competing against each other - especially in the wet. I think the wet actually assists lower powered cars - even mine with the "advanced traction control" (my large frame squeezed into a narrow) Whilst I am not competing this year I can just about remember 2014 and my old mighty cross flow, with very little tinkering cos I am mechanically inept was competitive. We must continue to remember that the WSCC is a time trial for the driver and it is that which is paramount. It also the most friendly and supportive environment in which to start competitive motorsport. Please either leave well alone or follow a structure as suggested eloquently by Barry Slingsby. yours in motorsport James
    1 point
  26. Ill be going up to scotland sometime this summer on a 2 - 3 day run roind the west coast if anyone wants to tag along? Ill be waiting for the weather man to give the nod and a gap at work.. Ill be staying bed n breakfast to keep costs down.. Nowt booked yet but i cant wait now.. My fires been re-lit....
    1 point
  27. So please please please less events Nick or make a certain number events mandatory for all competitors to attend I think this point Marto made is the key to getting more enjoyment out of the speed series for us novice drivers. Also novice target times for us novices would certainly make it more realistic and rewarding for us as a novice group. I'm Not sure what can be done if anything. But frustratingly chasing pie in the sky target times at a few events for me made me play my own little beer betting game with Smeg. Which really made the events 'fun'. Thanks Smeg :-)
    1 point
  28. I just wanted to say a massive thankyou to Bogg Brothers of East Lutton. Last week, Buttercup broke down and had to be taken home on a car transporter. I contacted Steve Bogg and he sent me various texts on the bank holiday Monday when the garage was closed to ensure I was ok. As I was going back to work on the Tuesday, Steve said he would collect my car the next morning for me and have the car ready for me at the weekend. The garage is 14 miles from my house and Steve has said he will drop Buttercup off for me tomorrow to save me going backwards and forwards. I just thing praise is due to for spending the time to discuss the issue with me on a bank holiday, the offer to collect and drop off the car to save me some aggravation and to make sure the car was ready for my trip to Scotland.
    1 point
  29. I thought you made your money from the cartoons?
    1 point
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