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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. Quinten


    WSCC Member

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  3. Kit Car Electronics

    Kit Car Electronics

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/15 in all areas

  1. Car sounds savage, course looks mental! I'm impressed, very impressed
    1 point
  2. Hi Craig. I have a couple of days on sky lTer this week. I was hoping to do a lap of the island and swim... Float .... In the fairy pools. Looking forward to Skye as never been before. Just in my hotel room having the Scottish delicacy... Maynard fruit gums and nut and spice cookies.
    1 point
  3. APPLECROSS 2015 THE EVENT here the time table for this years Clan McWesty Applecross trip . Thursday 18th June the support van will be in the usual place at the B.P garage queens crossing at the Forth Road Bridge at 19.30 and then over to Dunfermline to pick up the Barbie at Wee Dov's ( Kev can you get those big cool box's ) Alan will then take it home and meet us the following morning . Friday 19th June . first meet and new this year. because we care ? the Ladies drive for wife's and girl friends? 9.30 Blair drumming safari park I have arranged for them to drive through the lions enclosure so get the meat tie wrapped to the roll bars but please leave your roofs off . Friday 9.30to 10.00 first meeting point . Killmahog just after Callander at the visitors centre where we met last year . we will then move of up to the Green welly in Tyndrum meet up with the Glasgow team for around 11 . lunch is booked for 12/12.30 at the Onich Hotel and we should meet up with Campbell there . A quick stop at Fort William for Fuel , drink and drink and then weather and time permitting a photo shoot at castle on the way up ?and we are doing it this year . We should make Applecross for 5.30 . Friday night dress code a white disposable boiler suit with a hood and your name on the back also dark glasses , without these you will be shunned by the clan. once the food has been sorted, this years award will be handed out and as usual its on bad taste. Followed by a few hours of Banter Saturday 20th June . We are booked into the Walled Garden for 9 onwards for breakfast and if its as good as last year worth the early start . 10.30 we all should be ready for out Saturday blast heading off over the coast road to sheildag and then on to Gairloch where we can regroup at the Old Inn there for a snack . and back over the pass its about a 140 mile round trip . on the way back and this is important . go down to the Applecross in and place your food order with the bar staff, its a small pub and it take a bit of convincing them to take our party every year, we should get back 4.30/ 5 the table is booked for 6.30 . Sunday we will get our heads together and make our way home any stuff left in the van can be picked up on the Monday night at the forth Bridge at 7.30 to 8.30 ans the Barbie stuff will go back to wee Dov's. Am just back from Skye and I did notice quite a few scamera vans on the way up so be carful .And as usual there are no trophies for getting there first its not a race its a drive through the best country in the world so enjoy it. anything else you need to know then post it up or p.m me . Bob
    1 point
  4. This afternoon we have moved hotels and did 100 miles round trip to collect the bags. Coming back I had already travelled the road a few times so didn't bother to look at the scenery as much. The road to the side of Loch Linnie, travelling north to Glencoe is amazing for our cars. The road surface is so smooth with some great bends and straights and the scenery is breathtaking. If anyone is up this way it really is worth the 15 minutes you are on the road. Think it is the A828. Regarding the rain... It has not stopped yet. Tomorrow going to go to the Glenfinnan Viaduct and to the three sisters again.
    1 point
  5. Does my bum look big in that?
    1 point
  6. Afternoon all. Second day of pouring rain but we have been out and about. Changed hotels today and lost a load of money but the first one is terrible. Feel happier now. Drove to Glenetive this morning and did 30 miles or so at 10mph. It's where they filmed some of Skyfall and it was absolutely breathtaking. Just getting something to eat now and then off back out to get our stuff from the other hotel. Used half hood today for the first proper time and it is worth every single penny.
    1 point
  7. Thanks everyone for all the detailed reponses. A very useful read. I have sent you a pm Quinten,a very kind offer and im sure a trip out in one will answer lots of questions.
    1 point
  8. My wife can travel with only a clean pair of knickers and a toothbrush, although as she's a Scouser, only the toothbrush is absolutely essential.... Enjoy your trip Buttercup...
    1 point
  9. Reminds me of the old "At last we meet, face to face!" joke.
    1 point
  10. Nice to see R7 WSC "posing" for the camera while getting something from his car on the front cover photo.
    1 point
  11. Enjoy it what ever the weather dishes out all part of the mystic , when the sun shines it is THE best scenery .............you , the misses and the car will dry out
    1 point
  12. Hats off to the missus! It's one thing driving/riding in the rain and getting soaked, but another to endure it as a passenger. Respect
    1 point
  13. I've always been intrigued by what constitutes an original
    1 point
  14. Inclusivity is the word -- in the Cotswold area we positively encourage other kitcar make owners to join in -- assuming we believe that Westies are the best value for money for performance we have nothing to fear, just lots to gain. Great organistion by Andy and the team with the best show at Stoneleigh--long may it continue
    1 point
  15. Can't ban non-Westies 'cos, being an inclusive club, we have club members that own other seven-esque cars. There's at least 4 at my local meet (Cotswolds) who attend regularly and contribute to meetings etc.
    1 point
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