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  1. Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO

    Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO


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    Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/05/15 in all areas

  1. This weekend I thought I'd tackle this myself. Have wrapped pieces of trim in the past and applied many viper stripes back in the days, so I figured it was a cheap way to some carbon cycle wings. But at this point I had to give up... I could not get it so far round the arch without any creases So I cut my losses and went for a slightly different look
    3 points
  2. Found this interesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGGiuaQwcd8&feature=youtu.be&utm_source=CFS+Fibreglass+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=2e4e33cc5f-Newsletter_28&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6581d09940-2e4e33cc5f-62153201 The add halfway through is worth a watch too
    2 points
  3. Well another cracking day - nice for me too tootling along in the middle of the pack. Feel free to comment etc but I'll try and get the Yorkshire 8 with Julie's Tricky's and Barry's text put into some sort of order for publication in the next magazine. Oh yes and mine too for the northern leg. Was Prelit Steve's car repairable beside the road. It's a lovely car - those Webers look as though they were made in the 1950s!! Thanks to everyone for making it yet another great day
    2 points
  4. But if Bill Gates had been in charge of developing our cars then they would crash at least once a day. To get them to do anything you would have to open a window. To make them stop you would need to press the Start button. An old joke I know, but couldn't resist. Jen
    2 points
  5. Another great day! Nakkib and myself managed to loose everybody after leaving the T junction cafe (probably went the wrong way lol) anyway apparently we were spotted filling up at Buxton We managed to find Jim and Barry over the tops at Holme Moss! and here we are with Emley mast in the background where we started from
    1 point
  6. Happy birthday Marto
    1 point
  7. Belated birthday wishes Martin.
    1 point
  8. Happy Birthday for yesterday mate, hope your weekend of celebrations was a corker!
    1 point
  9. .....and then you would have the message come up "Are you sure you want to do this"
    1 point
  10. I can understand where he is coming from. The big problem is many of the things, like planes are flown by professionals, cars are driven by the public, from places where there are no licence to our controlled roads. They could have done much more, Saab had a car ready to go with a Joystick for all controls, made left right hand easy with heads up display. It was stopped by the EU as they felt that ordinary people would not adapt. Every facet or our lives is about going faster, fast food, broadband speeds, computers, flight, but with cars we are now tinkering with control which ultimately will take driving away from the masses. Upper and middle class will have autonomus cars whilst the masses will be forced by cost onto public transport. Bill gates once said allegedly that if cars had developed at the pace computers have, we would have flying cars already.
    1 point
  11. length of lever x force applied Be it in lbs/feet lbs/inches newton/metres or whatever just get your units correct Bob ( I think)
    1 point
  12. I'm curious why you think it is that slow? In the time frame you're talking about, and given that you've broadened the scope to include vast budget government projects and one off mission specific craft, then doing the same with cars, we've gone from steam power in a few miles an hour to petrol, diesel compression engines, hybrids and pure electric power, rocket and jet power. We've seen Mach 1 exceeded, and 1000 miles an hour on the cards soon. On another metric, we've seen real world ownership costs plunge. We've seen safety (the built in type) increase beyond all recognition. Electronics have played their part in safety and ease of use, making many of the old chores a thing of the past. We've seen the working life of ordinary vehicles, available to the average man in the street double and treble in just thirty years or so. Fully autonomous vehicles are out there and testing now, and have been to various levels of sophistication for a few years. There are of course things that slow down the adoption of new technologies, all sorts of legislation for safety etc.
    1 point
  13. Really?? All that technology found in your junk drawer is also in your new car. They talk to you, avoid crashing into other cars by themselves, cushion you in pillows in an accident and correct your driving inadequacies whilst being cheaper to buy than ever, in real terms. What do you want next, flight?
    1 point
  14. There is some footage of the tunnel on this forum somewhere, I er had a couple of goes, it's fun in a Westie. Just a small job like a new ECU, one of those where if you say the cost really quick it hurts less, click 'new content' in 5 mins and the full story is told.
    1 point
  15. The beautiful Yorkshire Dales
    1 point
  16. Hope you've been having a great birthday Marto!
    1 point
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