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    Man On The Clapham Omnibus

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    Stu Faulkner

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/15 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. I am glad there is not. Plenty of opportunity to get into heated and sometimes illogical political debate elsewhere. Let's stay friends here ;-)
    4 points
  3. Ch/electrician on an offshore drilling rig.........or was now on "garden leave" and then redundant end of june.........but hey ho means will have loads of spare time to get some more miles on the Westie if the weather is good
    3 points
  4. Wow Dave. You sunk my battleship.
    2 points
  5. If I told you it would blow my cover.......and I'd have to kill you.........all of you!
    2 points
  6. IVA kits also come with brake fluid ID sticker and a set of three resin style ID badges for the toggle switches on the dashboard. Moulded grp headlamp bracket covers are also included. Plus machined metal spacers to raise the height of the headlamps. four times sewn vinyl covers for the seat harness clip on buckles. (The witches hats). Assorted nut covers. Edging. track rod end covers for steering rack *Windscreen upright hinge block covers times four *Bonnet catch covers times four *Rear inertia real belt covers times two *Rear hood frame bracket covers times two. In the ZK bodywork kit, it also includes the fabricated fuel tank protection bar. Not sure if there's anything FW specific in the other kit. All the moulded soft plastic covers marked with a * are Westfield specific.
    2 points
  7. Be interesting to see the demgraphic. I'm finance director for a construction firm and its sister company set up to carry out all our civil engineering/drainage works. I also own the Barber's Pole Ltd (no prizes for guessing what that is!) and myself and my business partner 'dabble' in property. None of which are particularly useful when trying to figure out how to fix something on the westfield! Dave
    2 points
  8. What astounded me is not the Conservatives' victory, but the election of a 20 year old girl who's barely out of nappies in place of Douglas Alexander, a seasoned and experienced Westminster politician. What on earth are Scottish voters thinking of? I suspect this is the peak of SNP success and that disillusion lies ahead when, as with the ANC in South Africa, injustices remain, the rain still falls, wealth remains elusive for most, and promises fail to materialise.
    2 points
  9. Just like to say had a great time and a big thanks to Rab our area organiser for all his hard work and commitment...! And to the Chinese restaurant who nearly went bankrupt after the 11 of us nearly cleared them out ! And thanks to the WSCC for there welcoming arms and of course a great Barbi..... William
    2 points
  10. Just totalled up the milage for my (I'm furthest north of the guys who went) and it works out at approx 1023
    2 points
  11. There will be big questions asked of the system but to be honest it is better than any alternatives. The lib dems paid a heavy price for what was a brave move which the country did well from as what was the alternative? Cannot believe that over a million voted for the lunatic greens. The main reason Caroline Lucas got elected is the huge student population in Brighton Pavllion area. For me what changed was previously staunch Labour voters could see, a return to union influence was not good. They could see Labour wanted to reward those who will not work, not those who cannot work. Reward those whose only skill is to knock out kids whilst swigging a can of special brew watching Jeremy Kyle and finally could not see Ed Milliband as a leader. People who want to look after their own families and see the tories as the best for that long term. Yes there is still pain to come but it will get better if they stick at it and the EU SNP problems do not derail things. I have no doubt Milliband is a good well meaning man, but that is not enough. It is the first time I can recall so many people becoming engaged with the process and actually finding things out to make a decision.
    1 point
  12. I'm a FoxPro software developer. I've written our company MES/ERP suite. We had auditors from Rolls Royce and others in today (good timing for posting this thread, thanks) and they identified my software as one of our key strengths! Most chuffed:-)
    1 point
  13. Same as Bombero a Firefighter only diffrence I'm based in London. I am also a DJ and a former professional car restorer and welder which are now hobbies which I cannot seem to give up!
    1 point
  14. Weather Forecaster / Meteorologist by profession, currently managing a small team providing weather services for MoD trials.
    1 point
  15. Well as you started it. Maybe today was the day that the Electorate finally showed that they understand that you can't trust Labour or Labour/SNP with the Economy. Their past history finally catching up with them ?
    1 point
  16. I have to be honest, after Russell Brands little stunt, telling all his followers (mostly students) not to vote at all and then switching to labour last week, JUST to get one back at Cameron for his "Russell Brand is a Joke" remark, I was expecting labour to win. In fact if the system recognised numbers of votes instead of seats won, I reckon they would. Either the students of this country have more about them than I gave credit for OR they were too drunk/stoned to bother voting
    1 point
  17. fudge and packer...
    1 point
  18. I thouroughly enjoyed helping out for a couple of hours with the refreshments stall on Monday. Talking Westfields with helpers and guests was a real pleasure. The "left luggage" service was really helpful as I accumulated carrier bags of purchases and brochures during the day). Looking forwards, there are some great ideas such as better badging, picture wall, Q and A forms on the cars. Regarding noise testing, amongst other things in motor sport, I am an MSA Environmental Scrutineer so could easily bring along Oxford Motor Club's meter and carry out tests as required. It will easily fit in the footwell of my Eleven - which will be finished and at Stoneleigh next May! Huge thanks to the many people who put far more effort into the weekend than I - to make it all possible, impressive ad welcoming.
    1 point
  19. Some vids from the day.. A afternoon session featuring Steve H and Stoney in the Westys up ahead, JeffC in the CRX, and Mike at the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7dOJWF1PzY Last session of the day with a pal in the Blade powered MK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZC_QfAvLBOc And finally, on board Jeff's rapid CRX. Turn up the volume! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXvq_AEoWNU
    1 point
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