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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. Stu Faulkner

    Stu Faulkner

    Joint WSCC Member

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  3. Mark Redpath - WSCC Membership Secretary

    Mark Redpath - WSCC Membership Secretary


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  4. Tom Frankland (T3OMF)

    Tom Frankland (T3OMF)

    WSCC Member

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/15 in all areas

  1. I thought it was fantastic. I never found the time to go anywhere but around the Westfield bits and enjoyed meeting up with all the familiar faces and meeting ones that I have been talking to on the forum. Great to meet you Phil, Andy and Mandy. Big thanks to Andy, Ian and marcus for putting on the best Stoneleigh I've been to. (or you could read it as the Westfield kit car show) I will admit that it's smaller the it used to be but there are Wessie's everywhere, whats not to like. See you all next year.... Stoneleigh, it is what you make it. Check out this lot. Could do with another polish....
    4 points
  2. This was my first Stoneleigh as an owner and it was great, even if Saturday morning weather was a bit iffy. It was really nice to be able to put faces to names (even if some of them were fairly ugly...) and to argue the toss about all things Westie. So thanks to the organisers and to all those who rolled up. See you in 2016 Cheers
    3 points
  3. A massive thank you to all the volunteers who made this another fantastic show, too many to mention but you know who you are...... I would like to personally thank the owners of a yapping little black dog for keeping quite a few of the hard working volunteers awake at various times throughout the night and then doesn't even lift a finger to help out at the show......... rant over
    3 points
  4. As I understand it, (from hall floor gossip I should add, so take with a pinch of salt), there were quite a few 11 1/2 hour cancelations from those companies etc that should have been exhibiting. I believe virtually as late as on the Saturday, as a few decided they didn't like the looks of the weather, they made excuses up to become no-shows. The weather was a bit of a shame this year, not necessarily 'cause it spoiled the show directly, I don't think it did. But it did seem to put visitors off and keep the numbers down, compared to previous years. A great shame. I can't really comment on the exhibits as I didn't really get a chance to see them. The halls seemed busy but I had an impression of fewer stands there? You'll find the show in some ways to be a bit of a mixed bag, if you want a major motor show style experience with lots of cars to see and huge numbers of stands, then I can see where you might be disappointed. However, if you wanted more of a social event, then I'd say "best show evah!" Its a a bit of get out what you put in show, visit it as part of one of the owners clubs attending in numbers, help on their stands/pitches and you'll find you're run off your feet all day amongst like minded people with enough in common to break the ice and enough differences to be interesting! Note, I deliberately didn't say our WSCC stand(s), though Andy and team have turned it into the best example of the type. And it doesn't matter if you don't know anyone at the start of the weekend; volunteer, help set up on the Saturday, you'll get to know us while being busy as we set up, again, another great ice breaker, then lend a hand on the Sunday or Monday and you'll already be part of the team! It doesn't even stop once the show itself shuts down at the end of the first day, as the club BBQ keeps things going well into the night.
    3 points
  5. Another amazing show from Andy and the team! Well done doesn't even come close to being enough. And from all the WSCC members that helped make it so.
    2 points
  6. I enjoyed my time at Stoneleigh, very relaxed atmosphere and the wscc tent had a nice flow of people. Also good to put a few more faces to forum users. Well done to Andy and team for making a great event
    2 points
  7. We have been to Stoneleigh today (Monday) and what a marvellous day it has been, and 2 major points to make. 1. Today I have really realised what a great club WSCC is. I joined at Stoneleigh last year and one year on I have met lots and lots of fantastic people and done some amazing things. I am very proud to be here. 2. I have had a great day but a lot of my friends came down yesterday and it just wasn't quite as brilliant as it could have been if you folks were there, I missed you all. So, we met Tricky at Tibshelf Services early doors as originally planned. Then we parked on Westfield Avenue Westfield Avenue I temporarily acquired (with permission) a V8 bonnet, just to see what it looks like on my car, honest, I am not buying one, honest, yet. I have now got a shopping list as long as my arm and I will look forward to completing it over the next few months er, I mean years, unless I win the lottery. It has been nice to meet the people I already know and to meet some new ones too, why do we only do this once a year? Julie
    2 points
  8. Thanks to everyone who was involved in putting on another good show. Well done Andy for organising it, fingers crossed ill drive my Westfield up next year
    2 points
  9. ...don't knock it. The seed of Westfield ownership is firmly planted in many young and not so young souls through the drifting experience. It shows what tough cars they are.
    2 points
  10. Brilliant work by all the stoneleigh team great set-up and display
    2 points
  11. Shame the start was so abysmal, but once we arrived it was dry and remained dry until we got back home.
    2 points
  12. Well went down on the Sunday morning. Set off at 7:15 from warrington met up with the guys from lancashire at knutsford and have to say it was the worst driving experience I've ever had. Only one with an aeroscreen in the convoy. On the M6 in heavy rain ( first time out on the motorway in rain) Got half way there and the dash2 started playing up helmet was getting spray on the inside so was wiping that with a wet glove every 5 mins :-( had no idea of what speed I was going or what was around me) just followed Dave eastwoods rear lights. Made it to stoneleight with everything soaked. Inside of helmet,underwear, the lot. Even thought I had full waterproofs. Had a change of clothes in the only dry bit of the car So went straight to the toilets got changed and as soon as I came out the sun was out. After that had a great day. Met some really nice people. Put some faces to the names. Bought some stuff I need finish bits on he car and before you know it it was time to drive home. The drive home was fantastic. Dry all the way back. Got off at sandbach and took the A roads home. Still with the dash2 not showing any info. So made speed cameras interesting. Went round one traffic island and saw water dripping out of the bottom of the dash 2 so got back took it apart cleaned it and dried it. Found a seal missing. So will replace the seal and hope its ok :-( Things I took from the day. 1- not going to drive in heavy rain on the motorway again ( but did buy a full dry suit from the club tent just incase) 2- wish I'd had stayed longer 3 -next year think I'll camp and help out with the club as it looks like a good way to get to know everyone and that way you stay for the weekend. I've been there 4 years in a row now but this was the first time in the westy . Made the show completely different (in a good way ) Cheers everyone. Looking forward to next year
    1 point
  13. Cheers Rab for a fantastic weekend had a ball
    1 point
  14. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and was great to finally meet up with so many of you that have chipped in with help and advice during my build. I do hope it's on next year as I'll actually have a Westy to go in!
    1 point
  15. Carbon effect. £30 sounds good to me Send me pm if you'd like to proceed. I'm conscious Tom posted first though
    1 point
  16. Shame we missed each other and a possible suggestion for next year, what about a white board where we can write up who is on site (or a pin board) so we have a register. That way we can make a effort to find folk that we know are about.
    1 point
  17. Andy and I went over post AGM to see what the situation was. The lot had already set up and had a BBQ on the go, so it proved impossible to shift them without a major confrontation. One in particular was most aggressive and stroppy. Our friends at the gatehouse had failed to properly direct them to the non-member camping area. I shall be making strong representations to Grosvenor about this, and we will using club funds for next year's show to produce large, professional, weatherproof signs making it painfully clear that only volunteers with permits will be allowed to camp and all others removed.
    1 point
  18. Spellings terrible on that last post, wine and fat fingers. But big thanks to the organisers for making it so easy. Bob.
    1 point
  19. Not my first, but a great day had non the less, and also my first club agm. Daniel
    1 point
  20. i had never been to stoneleigh before. and i have to say the wscc was by far the best club seemed the most professional and the most informative around the site. there were a few spaces empty in the halls. but it was great to finnaly meet some of the people that ive been speaking to via this forum and great to speak to some of the suppliers with whom i have parted substancial amounts of money lol. but all in all i thouroughly enjoyed my day out conisdering i wasnt going to go on the sunday after looking at the weather on the morning. great job by everyone involved from wscc
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Here Here - great show and very good to see a few of the folks. I hope to be back in the swing next year :-) \Cheers James
    1 point
  23. Yes, Thanks to all involved. As said, another great show. DerekJ
    1 point
  24. Well I had a very nice time especially in the Subaru hover mover!
    1 point
  25. so I assumed it was a production tolerance which I overcame with the use of a large hammer. Problem solved. Now on to suspension bushes..........
    1 point
  26. I have a pair of New black GRP high backed seats which I believe fit Narrow and wide cars (they are 400mm wide at the bottom and 420 wide at the shoulders. These are quality items with stiffeners in the back, and a base with pre-fixed M8 nuts so that runners can be fitted. As sold by Aerodynamix. If you want pics let, just message me your e-mail address. Collection from Whitby or Leeds, or a speed series event £150 each Tel Paul on 07973 504785
    1 point
  27. The acrid smell of the tyre smoke is also a bit much - you expect a bit, but it's just relentless.
    1 point
  28. I attended yesterday - but in the tin top. As usual a great effort by all the team both the outdoor marquee and indoor exhibits. I thought the show itself was a bit tired with very little new. The Ultima EVO was a bit of a spot the difference competition. GD had a new hard top version of their Lola copy and I spotted a new 6 speed toyota gearbox on the RWD stand in a westy chassis... but other than that not many new exhibits. I think it worked better having Car builder Solutions etc in the barn. Stoneleigh itself seems to be having a lot of money spent on it with numerous new buildings and refurbished toilets. The noise from the Westfield Slalom becomes a bit tiresome when sitting outside WSCC marquee or the Market Fayre. £15 seems a bit steep to get in also. I would have thought better £5 kit cars and £10others. Perhaps include free camping for Kit cars.
    1 point
  29. Will make a thred on the subject when I start doing it. Will be at my mates unit on a lift so will get plenty of photos so people can see
    1 point
  30. One of the oddities of the Brits is coveniently using Fahrenheit when it's hot and Celcius when it's cold. "Oooo, it's 90 degrees!" one minute, next thing it's "Oooo, it's minus 2!", not 28F. Same thing with rain - 26mm of rain when it falls, 1 inch less than normal when it doesn't. Use litres but talk in miles per gallon. I will when you do!
    1 point
  31. Or A young captain is being shown his new base by a Major, after his tour the young captain says to the Major I haven't seen any women on camp! in my last post there were several pretty girls working in the canteen, what do you use for sex? the Major whispers in the Captain's ear and says we use the ostriches. oh I see said the young Captain looking a little lost for words. The major tells him that one night he felt 'lonely' and noticed an ostrich grazing 'What a cracking pair of legs' he thought,and temptation get the better of him 'What was it like' asks the captain Major replied 'well the first 100 yards were a bit rough'
    1 point
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