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  1. Stu Faulkner

    Stu Faulkner

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  2. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  3. Paul Aspden

    Paul Aspden

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  4. XTR2Turbo


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/04/15 in all areas

  1. Hello all Just a few quick points before posting your For Sale ad, which will help everyone - and advice to potential buyers as well. To all sellers Please do not post adverts on behalf of non-WSCC members, as this is against club rules and such adverts will be removed You may post an advert on behalf of another WSCC member if they are not computer literate and cannot do so themselves As there are occasional and sad circumstances where an existing or lapsed member is no longer able to post, you may also post an advert providing you have the OK from the committee Don't forget that Guests can see this area of the boardroom - if you want a Guest to be able to buy your car, you'll need to put a contact number and / or an email address in the ad, as Guests cannot reply or PM you! Please include a price! Or as a minimum, a guide price on your advert, it's ok to say "or nearest offer" or to ask for offers in the region of a specified amounts. But adverts with no price at all may be removed by the moderation team. When you have successfully completed the sale of your car, please edit your original post and topic title (using the "Use Full Editor" option) to indicate is has been "Sold!". It can be quite a let-down for excited people with money to spend to spot their dream car for sale, only to read through a long thread and find out it's no longer available, as I'm sure you can appreciate. Marking it as "Sold!" is the polite thing to do! Lastly, if you are selling your Westfield, did you know you can transfer the remainder of your WSCC membership to the buyer? It's probably the most valuable accessory you can include and a real sweetener for the deal! Just contact the Membership Secretary when you've done the deal and we'll take care of everything! To potential buyers You've come to a great place to buy your Westfield - thank you. While the car you buy from this section is likely to be fantastic, the WSCC recommends you always do a HPI Check on any car you buy for your own peace of mind to ensure there are no issues with the car Although we are good bunch with much integrity, please do remember the old adage of "buyer beware" Please do pay as soon as you can and within the limits agreed with the seller To ALL The WSCC holds no responsibility or accountability for vehicles bought and sold. The Club merely facilitates the advertising of such things as member benefit and does not provide a transactional service. Thank you all for your cooperation and understanding, best of luck!
    1 point
  2. What a surprise to see Russell back with Westfield. Oh great I thought, if Russ is back, I have a shopping list, I wonder if I could order stuff today.......I have a VISA card with me (it is over there, its real name is Glen ).......disappointingly no. Russ is just back for a day, but maybe they could offer him a part time job, say only 40 hours a week and he could be back? Oh and congratulations Russ on your new born. Then there was the other guy, Simon, well there was no doubting his driving skills. He made the car dance in front of us, very entertaining, but the best bit was his personality, he was very funny, took the pee a lot and made you forget how nervous you were. In fact with those kind of skills he would fit in very well on one of our runs out! The day was loads of fun and very well organised, everybody worked well together, pushing to get done so we could have a bit of fun at the end, even though it was their lunch break. First off you go round the coned course with an instructor (they drive, then you drive), then you get some laps on your own, then you swap cars and go again. After the serious stuff you get to bounce around and have some fun in the cars. The two cars are quite different, the 1.6L Sigma is easier and the 2.0L Zetec is loads of fun, very bitey, I liked that one best. It was well worth every penny, I will have to go again, perhaps a group of us could go? Only one complaint, give everyone a cup of tea please. Here are my videos of the day. Trevturtle driving with the instructor https://youtu.be/X0GBD_TJKWc Me driving with the instructor https://youtu.be/hHxg_7P8c5g Me having a bit of fun at the end https://youtu.be/1-XPn1i_fGk Thank you to Westfield for providing a fantastic experience. Julie
    1 point
  3. I'm sure if I get my reg it will chuck it down, but if I don't it will be glorious sunshine.
    1 point
  4. I think its too early to tell. Last week it showed this week as a cloudy wet week but today was nice and its saying friday and saturday are looking good. I'm optimistic for Sunday to be good.
    1 point
  5. Get on with it, you have to show that at Stoneleigh next weekend!!!
    1 point
  6. I only have a paper part Am I OK?
    1 point
  7. John, I too would be willing to help Terry & Paul with the sprint school on Friday,
    1 point
  8. This is a very nice example and whoever buys will be getting a bargain
    1 point
  9. over steer r us in action for first practice on 25th april https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNHtX2VQ6r4&feature=em-upload_owner even for me its excessive :d
    1 point
  10. Hey Smeg, It was the drag from the camera that made the slight time difference ;-)
    1 point
  11. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.227003,-0.909754,3a,75y,125.91h,90t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sd4ZiITicbCcAAAQY8Q1KBg!2e0!3e2!6m1!1e1
    1 point
  12. John, Count me in for helping out with the Sprint School. Paul
    1 point
  13. I would be happy to run prepare and run some sort of Sprint school talk/advice session etc
    1 point
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