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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  2. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

    Speed Series Organising Team

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  3. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  4. Stu Faulkner

    Stu Faulkner

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/04/15 in all areas

  1. It's us who owe you thanks Panda, we'd be a much poorer club without you.
    5 points
  2. Tel's Tales 045– 2015 Season- 3 Sisters 12th April 2015 From being sunburnt and sweaty at Croft to being frozen silly at 3 Sisters was a shock to my delicate system and a few others as well. People were wearing gloves, jumpers and every layer of clothing they could lay their hands on. In a nutshell it was bitterly cold in the wind and most of us thought that getting anywhere near the target times was going to be a joke. But, on a positive note the track was dry despite a bad weather forecast for most of the day and we were dreading the arrival of the wet stuff which would ruin the day. The drivers briefing was held in the cafe and all were present and correct but the Clerk of the course called out number 765, which was Luke Algar! Guess what …....he had forgotten to sign on but had been scrutineered....what a plonker! Apparently his middle name is Rodney!!!! P1 showed that we were putting in good times despite the claimed lack of grip, Marshall Rowland (he never looks any older) was there in his Elise as well as Nick Algar in the DJ which still had a very noisy supercharger drive noise but passed the noise test. At the end of his run Steve Everall (our kid) blew a water pipe off and dumped all the water on the paddock but it was an easy fix. Guess I must have forgotten to tighten the jubilee clip after refitting the engine but it had surprisingly survived Rockingham as well as Croft. P2 saw times still improving with Rich just leading Luke in Class F, Lee Smith pushing hard in Class B. When we told him to reduce his tyre pressure from a ridiculous 25psi down to 18psi he saw the light and went even quicker!. In class G I was leading just from Tim Nunn ans Mark Anson was pushing hard but struggling with a front end that has springs that are too hard in my opinion so he has to disconnect the front ARB to compensate and avoid too much understeer. T1 - amazingly was dry but if possible even colder and slick tyres were not showing any signs of getting up to a working temperature. Poor John Williams retire to the cafe as his recently rebuilt engine showed signs of oil and water affecting number 1 cylinder. He was not amused but kept smiling. Tim Nunn got down to 44.15secs which illustrated how hard he was driving in poor grip conditions (as my record is 43.35secs set on a warm track) and I was hanging on with 44.64secs. Michael Skidmore's car kept throwing the alternator belt off as it was out of alignment and Howard Gaskin put in a good time of 47.99secs to lead class D. Steve Everall thought he had would beat him as he threw the car into the esses before the finish but the tyres decided to show him who was the boss and he had to hold a big slide and lost time. T2- Most people had their best time in T2 as after this it was lunch and then the rain started so most people eventually packed up as they were never going to go quicker and might have an off in the slippy conditions. So how did it all end? Quickest Westfield was Tim Nunn on an improved 43.68secs, Richard and Luke (warmwater) had a dead heat and the rest finished as follows: Class A Steve Wilson 56.26secs Class B Barny Francis 49.35secs (won leading novice award) Lee (I now know correct tyre pressures) Smith 49.52secs Class D Howard Gaskin 47.99secs Steve Everall 48.22secs Stephen Herbert 49.55secs Michael Skidmore 51.48secs Class F Richard Kerr 47.05secs Luke Algar 47.05secs Class G Tim Nunn 43.68secs Terry Everall 44.72secs Mark Anson 46.00secs Class J Marshall Rowland 53.40secs Once again I think that the slick way that Longton and District MC run a sprint was illustrated as even with 80 cars the got 2 practice runs in as well as 2 timed runs before breaking for a well deserved delayed lunch. The start line crew and timing was very impressive and they are setting the standard for other clubs in my opinion. Terry Everall Speed Series Correspondent Class G competitor
    3 points
  3. Thank you to:- David Smeg Riching for taking my damaged car to Blink today, it was really appricated! Thank you to Lee for offering to drive his motor at 3 sisters Thank you to Scott and ACW for creating the scripts to allow your AO to email new members. Thank you to The Nothern AO's for all your suppport Thank you to all that attended the Ale train; I managed to just be panda for a day; (my dad has just had his prostate cancer operation and it was a sucess, thank you to the people that offered support and advise. - Also that week they then need to blood test me aswell - All Clear). so quite an emotion rollercoaster, now for my sorry Andy Banks- I Cant make it to stoneleigh, i have apologised personally but the family have planned a weekend away on the same weekend... THIS MAN NEEDS YOUR HELP, VOLUNTEER YOU MIGHT LIKE IT!!! The M6 convoy boys... not going to be there (as per above) Trevturtle - I need to give you back your plug, it worked and i need to buy it from you Manchester Members - I've not been on my A game but i am now! THANK YOU
    2 points
  4. A well designed and implemented system shouldn't need any holes drilling in it either.
    1 point
  5. Okay guys, it's time to resurrect this thread as we're only a couple of weeks away from our trip darn sarf! I need to do a few main things (1) get an idea of total numbers, (2) get confirmation from those wanting to stay at the hotel, (3) decide on meeting places/times and route down, and (4) find out who's taking their tintop and volunteer to act as support vehicle. This is what I know so far but PLEASE let me know if your circumstance has changed - HOTEL bombero Andy Entwistle clansman Chris Rae JimM Wills57 Steve Smith CAMPING theprisoner Angus Matta Hornet600 kev91 @kev91, our other support vehicle might now not be available and I was wondering if your offer of you and your Disco might be still an option? The northern boys are heading down to East Lothian on the Friday and staying over here for an early start on Saturday. Who has any suggestion for a route down? It might mean a meeting place for East and West further south but let's get some suggestions posted up! Finally, do we have any other takers for this epic trip?!
    1 point
  6. Hi Howard, A lift to the pub would be great, hopefully you will make it to Gurston in time. If not the "self-homing" bike will be deployed.
    1 point
  7. Not me, mines green, not V8 and over ten miles from Aylesbury. Plus it's SORNed in my garage! It'll be out and on my trailer next week though...
    1 point
  8. Don't be too sharing with Mart since we're the only two in class b Have a good evening gents, look forward to seeing you bright and early on Saturday!
    1 point
  9. Ok Friday night meal is now for 7 of us at the http://www.thewhitehart-bishopstone.co.uk/ all booked for 8.30pm Paul, Howard & his son are now joining us and may be able to give you a lift, I stress "may" as I don't know if he's dropping his trailer off first or stopping en route. As my reward for organising this I'll be expecting some top tips over dinner on how to have a fast run at Gurston See you there Martin
    1 point
  10. Little Jonny talking to his mom...............mom how was I made? mom thinks how the hell do I get round this one. erm... well Jonny I planted you from a seed and then waited for a while and you just popped up, little Jonny walks off feeling a little bemused and then spends some of his pocket money on some seeds, so he then plants them and waters them over a couple of weeks, one day he's walking through his little garden when he hears something strange from under a rock, as he lifts it he sees a frog, picking it up in his little hand he then says to the frog, well your the ugliest little @@@@@@ I've ever seen in my life, but I love you cause............................ I'm yer dad
    1 point
  11. I think it's a different show you two need to attend
    1 point
  12. Buttercup, You are a naughty, naughty man haha, phone numbers exchanged - doesn't sound right that does it. Bob
    1 point
  13. End of an era!! All well documented I hope. Time to move on!!
    1 point
  14. Scott, Only 10-20 words.... Wait until I have to swap my diff with a full cage and FW bodywork.. We'll have that up to 50 in no time
    1 point
  15. It's ok Yanto, I realised where you were coming from, I was just explaining before anyone sought more-open the debate! (Always harder to do so afterwards!) Anyway, I daren't spill my cocoa, matron shouts at me so, when I do
    1 point
  16. Something to do with socio-economic layers they said on the box this morning. AKA scumbags and scroungers not all I may add but a good few who wear the uniform, tracky bottoms, tattoos, scabby dog complete with chain leash, baseball cap, smoke like troopers, and swear like 'em as well, kids always eating free sweat in the supermarket etc etc etc. The cash is for the people who need and deserve it, off before the rant goes off. Bob
    1 point
  17. Was planning on stopping en route Paul to save unhitching the trailer. Can get you back to Gurston after no problem if that helps ?
    1 point
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