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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  4. Robin Parker (Red Spider) - Yorkshire AO

    Robin Parker (Red Spider) - Yorkshire AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/03/15 in all areas

  1. Morning, As a few will be aware, Three Sisters now run car 'trackdays' on a few dates through the year, so I went down yesterday and had a bash round. The vid is the first session I did and lets just say the setup wasn't optimal for fast lap times was fun though! The second session was more 'controlled' but didn't get any clear track. Next one is April 4th if anyone wants some cheeky practice before the sprint All you need is your road license (both bits), MOT cert, a lid and £20 (for 10 mins). Cheers, Adam
    2 points
  2. Hello! first post on here so please be gentle I built my first Westie in 1990, a live axle SE with a Toyota 4AGE engine, and right now I'm just about to start my second after doing the whole family thing. Anyway, just about to order another Westie this week to scratch a long overdue 20 yr itch. Sorry in advance for all the daft questions! David
    1 point
  3. Yes my son asked me when I first built it if it was a racing car and I said yes people do race them. So lots of kids now know "my dad drives a Racing car" They are road registered racing cars in all respects really.
    1 point
  4. It would appear that you posted the same thread in two different parts of the forum ("the start line" and "stuff and nonsense") i would therefore assume that one of the other moderators (not me) deleted the other duplicate thread so that all the comments and replies to your request for help and information would be kept in one place.
    1 point
  5. Well that the half hood fitted…it took a bit of work, but hopefully worth it…and by the looks of things the WSCC umbrella fits in the half hood bag…Job done...
    1 point
  6. 400,000+ signed a petition to keep a multi millionaire in his job now. Meanwhile we sit back and watch swaging cuts to essential life changing public services with petitions to save them making a 100,000 signatures if you're lucky. Nice statement of the society we live in?? Yes I like TG but the chap has punched someone and should be sacked same as you or I no dispute. Sure he'll be back elsewhere too!
    1 point
  7. Well, just look at the internet and the censorship of..... Somebody somewhere wasn't happy with all their power and wealth, so they set about taking control of it, basically anyone who stood in the way were accused of being hackers. The media printed stories about all this personal information that true criminal "hackers" we're stealing, they bundled the activists in with the criminals and turned the majority against the very people who are trying to protect the internet and it's freedom of information. Anyone sat on the fence just says "oh well, it won't affect me, so I don't care" and how many of those people now come back complaining of websites that have been blocked (false positives), slow internet speeds (data passing through filtering servers) and a whole host of other things. Doing nothing is just as bad as the people who're attacking our rights. Another example, who reads the local rag every week? You SHOULD, for the public and planning notices if nothing else, whinge bags request changes, things like massive speed bumps, speed limits or parking restrictions right outside your house. They know nobody ever reads the papers, so they usually get their own way as nobody gets chance to object. As for classic and kit cars, we as a minority have little power versus the brainwashed consumerist majority. The folk who believe they're saving the environment by buying a new car every 2 years. They too will either be dead against our cars, believing they are dangerous and polluting, OR they'll say "meh, I don't care, it doesn't affect me". The idea of allowing only qualified mechanics to work on cars is one that's probably being pushed by the bosses of the big garage/service chains, car dealerships and of course the automotive manufacturers themselves.
    1 point
  8. She's right, it's a racing car. My grandson who is 8 says mine is as well. So there you have it, Kids know best.
    1 point
  9. Packs done for those driving next weekend, will be in today's post to you. The rest will go out later this week.
    1 point
  10. Thanks everyone, spent the afternoon watching Game of Thrones and eating chocolate.
    1 point
  11. Hi Julie, passed though Sheffield this afternoon on my way back home from collecting my new westy , I think I have something in common with Sean and Emma ! I had to do a double take when I saw the pics!!
    1 point
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