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  1. Stu Faulkner

    Stu Faulkner

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  2. Kit Car Electronics

    Kit Car Electronics

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    Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/03/15 in all areas

  1. A bit cold but after I finished work I decided I would take it for its first run. I thought I would take it for a trip round the block just to make sure nothing falls of or rattles like mad. 15 miles later and apart from the steering wheel being off centre and a couple of occational squeek/rattles, not bad. Needs to be faster tho
    6 points
  2. We do but none of the main parties are any different regarding the way they operate. The hand gun example is a fantastic example. One nutter with a mental problem caused such revulsion that a whole set of people were demonised. Businesses closed as no politician would support keeping them after such an event, no one cared about logic and has it stopped gun deaths, no! Dave is correct cars are seen by many as evil and by others as white goods. In the states when you see someone in a nice car people say one day I will have one of those. Here it is why does that person have such a car, the speed limit is 70mph why have one that is capable of 200mph? Why have a two seater it is a waste etc etc. At the moment in the UK we are fortunate that we can build cars and modify them how long will that last? What happens if a heavily modified car ploughs into a queue of school kids, what knee jerk will that lead to?
    2 points
  3. And this will be the final update to this thread. After rotating the fuse/relay board and testing everything again, I tie-wrapped everything into neat little bundles and I even got my starter button to light up the same way as the battery/alternator light. Put the scuttle back in place and gave the wiring one final look before I screwed down the dash... Here's to years of trouble free electrics
    2 points
  4. Well no-one else seems to want to say it and I can't help myself. It goes at the opposite end to the cat, obviously
    2 points
  5. Thank you to Barry, Andrew, Sean and Emma (Ormus Knight) for coming to the meet today. With the wicked Strines wind blowing we hurried inside to warm our toes in front of the real fire. Not before admiring the Westy built by Sean and Emma, what a beauty. Here, have a look then. The only sensible thing to do really was to take it through the Peak District and proper show it off. It made a brill noise and I could even hear it through a beanie, a fur hat and over my noisy car. First thing we passed was a honking great white Lamborghini, which exchanged big smiles and waves, why are they always going in the opposite direction? Then it was a pose through pretty Castleton and up Winnats Pass before going down for the brill tight left hander and up up to Mam Nick. Then it's a go slow or you will take off, literally, as we go down to Edale taking in the views over Rushup Edge and Kinder. That landed us at The Rambler Inn and more real fires. A picture of a cute bum. Well done Sean and Emma on building your car together, you must be very proud, let's hope next time we see you it's a tad warmer for you. Next week everybody it's a meet at Ashbourne, see the separate post in 'Events' for details.
    1 point
  6. For me its a simple one. Round Loch Eriboll. Love that road and also the getting there. .....................Just told our lass about this question and asked her what my answer was. She said "Eriboll" I feel quite sad now somehow.
    1 point
  7. Steve M

    Me & my mate out for a spin today, dry but cold !!
    1 point
  8. I'm disappointed Robert; your post is in very paw taste.
    1 point
  9. Old Skool Engines did OK on Speed series last year :-) i'm trying to keep mine going for as long as possible
    1 point
  10. John K

    Looks absolutely epic..! Hope the weather forecast is better for you than it is me. Grey and drizzle all day
    1 point
  11. Quinten

    Only two weeks late, but today I finally finished the car, ready for The Big Blat 2015 If only the kids could keep Mrs Q busy, so she won't notice me sneaking out of the house for a little blast on Mothering Sunday
    1 point
  12. Judging by recent years I think kit cars and old engines will outlast the EU in its present form
    1 point
  13. Thank you guys.... its been an eventful few weeks for me and its been wonderful to let of steam!!! Thank you to all who attended and this is a must repeat event!!! Mr Banks.. the rat and ratchet was worthy of a visit, well recommended. see you soon panda
    1 point
  14. I've seen jubilee clips used before Steve , you would only need to slip the rack boot off and if you undid the jubilee and did it back up after you has slipped it over you would not disturb the track rod end then and your new set up , as Stu said you could try flatting it off and then perhaps some g3 after flatting it .
    1 point
  15. Double driving is banned?! Bit harsh on those who have joint investment in a car!!
    1 point
  16. Can't say I study the times that closely. Turn up and drive as well as I can and get the points I get. I do know that lots of work goes into them though and sounds like they are more refined than ever this year - so well done all involved.
    1 point
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