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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  3. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

    Speed Series Organising Team

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  4. Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

    Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/15 in all areas

  1. Aha Geoff, that got your attention didn't it. I just wanted to thank you for your post last Christmas about Glaisdale. We went there on Sunday having walked through Arncliffe Woods from Egton Bridge. You were right it is a lovely spot. I can recommend the Horseshoe at Egton Bridge for the best Sunday lunch ever. What a great car club, tourist information as well as car stuff.
    2 points
  2. Rip Terry thank you for the hours of enjoyment you gave me through your words. The twitter announcements were perfect poetic words for him.
    2 points
  3. Actually made it this time and very glad I did. A real pleasure to meet you all and look forward to the next one.
    2 points
  4. and they are worth every penny
    2 points
  5. Yep, Dave "Make My Day" Eastwood and his cat, Mad Max
    2 points
  6. mmmmm Stottie Cake, especially with a saveloy dip filling......
    2 points
  7. I had an idea last night. TG can go ahead without JC if RH and JM are still there, we just need a presenter who is talented at driving, has television skills, is widely admired, brings a certain tension to the show, and is less likely to offend everything they get near. The answer is obvious. Replace JC with Sabine Schmidt. Brings in the lady viewers, gives us males something to lust over, she can drive as well as the Stig, attractive, a sense of humour and a bubbly personality... nothing but good. The dynamic with JM and RH would be quite good as well. I'm willing to bet after one series with Sabine you'll be saying "Jeremy who?".
    2 points
  8. I've fancied one of these for a while, and after doing a bit of research, decided to take the plunge. Using the overview article published in Westfield World published Summer 2012 by Andy Banks as a guide I purchased the Surface Mount Slimline LED unit from Carbuilder Solutions at £38.40 (http://www.carbuildersolutions.com/uk/surface-mount-slimline-led-third-brake-light-red-lens) Sure there are others out there but this one has been mentioned before here and I think quite a few members have used it with good results. I wanted a bit of additional visibility with it, so I sourced an in-line strobe module from Superbright LEDs all the way in St Louis, Missouri (https://www.superbrightleds.com/moreinfo/emergency-strobe/brake-light-strobe-module/195/845/). I fitted a similar unit into my wife's SLK last summer and was really pleased with the effect. Although the strobe was less than $5 it cost me a further $16 to ship it here by international first class post. They do a few versions, with different functionality / strobe patterns. The one I liked was the LSC-100A module, which flashes the LED it's wired into four times quickly (half a second) then 4 times slowly (2 and a half seconds) then constantly on until the brake pedal is released. Anyway this 11 second video gives you the idea... I wired the LED through the roll-bar (drilled and tapped for M4 bolts) to hide the wiring and connected everything down by the rear offside light cluster. The S2000 seems to have a different colour scheme for the rear light wiring compared to Andy Banks's article: Mine is wired Red - Brake Lamp, Blue - Tail Lamp, White - Earth. Using piggyback crimp connectors, everything can be removed and un-installed if needed, although once I've had a few good runs I may decide to solder and heat-shrink the wiring once proven. All in all a very quick and easy upgrade. From a safety pov, I think it's a no-brainer....
    1 point
  9. Next trackday for me will be 11th. April. Hope some others around Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk or Cambs will come along. http://www.javelintrackdays.co.uk/trackday/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=990itemid&vmcchk=1&Itemid=1 So far only Tim Essex has booked in, so come on lads come and watch Darve destroy another set of tyres in one day, it's very entertaining.
    1 point
  10. Sad News http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-31858156
    1 point
  11. Best use of Twitter, ever... he'll be sadly, sadly missed. I only discovered,his books in the late nineties, but devoured them with a passion, he was and remains my favourite author.
    1 point
  12. some cars already have flashing brake lights under heavy braking/abs locking link
    1 point
  13. Maybe a good addition to the map - member locations, event locations and route maps
    1 point
  14. Only an idea but would it be possible for us to compile what we think are our favourite westfield blatting routes around the country as I for one love a good Sunday run but seem to run out of ideas and take the same ones? Some of Julie's sound cracking ( living in the Peak District is a distinct advantage ) lucky so and so! I'm planning the Buttertubs pass for later in the year, I've wanted to drive this in a Westy for ages.
    1 point
  15. Hi Julie and Rich. Yes done it on a few occasions. As you go up the hill about half way up on the right, there is a hidden carpark behind a bank. Swing into there are the views of Rosedale are beautiful. Leave the car there and follow the path to the left for two minutes and you will see the arches of the old kilns.....really impressive and you can walk for miles. I have been behind a cyclist and watched him get from the bottom to the top. Its a remarkable climb. There are some fast Westfield roads around there especially the one between Helmsley and Castleton. Rosedale is in the middle.
    1 point
  16. A sad day, only 66. It's so sad that the nice guys seem to always go first.
    1 point
  17. That looks smart. I also feel a lot safer with a higher brake light. Money well spent.
    1 point
  18. Cripes! I beat a couple of target times in class A last year, and was a gibbering, jabbering wreck at the end of each run. In both cases, there has been a significant drop in the target times, so the heat is definitely on. Still, as mentioned above, it's the same for all entrants, and should drive progress. It's a good job I only eat pies with a carbon fibre crust these days... . I'm going to have to give some serious thought to losing extraneous body parts (and I'm not just talking about the car). Thanks, as ever, to the Speed Series Committee for the blood, sweat and sums involved in defining the times.
    1 point
  19. That's my birthday, if the weather's OK then what better way to celebrate.
    1 point
  20. Sold for £407.67! The drinks are on Mick I think! Come on then, fess up - who bought them? I know who bought the first set for £310.01 already...
    1 point
  21. There is a big difference between a CEC with torque and a BEC with almost no torque
    1 point
  22. Yes .. hopefully the engine and gearbox will be back in by then and the car will need a shakedown run before cadwell the next day ..woo hoo!
    1 point
  23. Taking a swing (not sure if he made contact) but if he has = instant sacking in my book unless self defence.
    1 point
  24. I didn't find the H2 as bad as its reputation, it just need a bit of a firm hand and ready supply of clean underwear I ran the RD400 for some time and it was a giant killer, it would really nark 750 and 1000 riders to find they couldn't better the Yam. It is in the vein of a Westfield/sevenesque car, where all of the power can be used and with excellent braking and cornering it can out perform expensive high performance cars. I raced RD400 in both production classes and full race classes to have some good sport with even some TZ350 racers!
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Its very difficult to pull more than 120mph with the fire blade engines due to the lack or aerodynamics and very low torque available. I was very happy with my Croft sprint time last year with a new record of 81.59secs. My record of 79.01secs with the big Duratec still stands in class H so the bike engine does well round the corners!!!
    1 point
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