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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/15 in all areas

  1. I had an idea last night. TG can go ahead without JC if RH and JM are still there, we just need a presenter who is talented at driving, has television skills, is widely admired, brings a certain tension to the show, and is less likely to offend everything they get near. The answer is obvious. Replace JC with Sabine Schmidt. Brings in the lady viewers, gives us males something to lust over, she can drive as well as the Stig, attractive, a sense of humour and a bubbly personality... nothing but good. The dynamic with JM and RH would be quite good as well. I'm willing to bet after one series with Sabine you'll be saying "Jeremy who?".
    2 points
  2. Next trackday for me will be 11th. April. Hope some others around Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk or Cambs will come along. http://www.javelintrackdays.co.uk/trackday/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=990itemid&vmcchk=1&Itemid=1 So far only Tim Essex has booked in, so come on lads come and watch Darve destroy another set of tyres in one day, it's very entertaining.
    1 point
  3. As I work from home... yes, yes, we all know working from home means I will still be in my dressing gown having just got up. Actually I AM still in my dressing gown, but that's a different story... Anyway, it means I can get lunch and watch the news at midday. Except for Wednesdays when all the news channels seem to be showing live feeding time at the zoo. What a braying bunch of buffoons, nothing of any use gets discussed and it is the most shameful display of partisan yah boo suck I have ever seen. Seriously you stand more chance of a sensible debate in this section of the forum..! No wonder I haven't voted for the last three elections. And this isn't down to party politics, they are all as bad as each other. And it's this lot who hold our futures in their hands. Give me strength... Right going to get dressed now...
    1 point
  4. Crickey they sure are pricey
    1 point
  5. I'll be along - Look forward to seeing the car Barney. Keith
    1 point
  6. Well the diode acts like a one-way street for current. It can flow in one direction, but not the other. Your alternator light (I'm going to assume a normal bulb, i.e. not led?) has two wires into it: 1) from the alternator, and 2) from your ignition switch. With the ignition switch on, 12V will flow from ignition to the bulb as the alternator will act as the ground. When the engine is running, the alternator will also output 12V (or sometimes a little bit more) and send it to the bulb. But because 12V is 'pushing' on the other side too (from the ignition), there is effectively no difference, and hence the light goes off. To cut a long story short, the diode should be on the ignition 'leg' and should only allow 12V to go to the bulb, not from the bulb (the diode has a ring indicating the 'blocking side' printed on it).
    1 point
  7. Ha ha Yep car 82 Westfield SEW Zesty Tec ................................................... well I couldn't let those Plays-kool boys have it all their own way with the Super Tec
    1 point
  8. Finals received, looking forward to seeing the 'Zesty Tec' in action!!
    1 point
  9. Go to the site below and look these up using the size feature on the front http://www.apecbraking.co.uk/catalogue/size This should help you get sorted.
    1 point
  10. Unfortunately we live in a society obsessed with witch hunting. Rather than tackling the cause of the problem, we find someone to blame, shame them, punish them and leave it at that.
    1 point
  11. Can you get me a job so I can work from your home too? Do you supply the dressing gowns or do I have to bring my own?
    1 point
  12. if he did punch some one in the work place in anything other that banter then he deserves what he gets. as for TG i think its tired and a bit naff but then on the other hand where else on a regular basis do you get to see fast cars like they show in one place? yes you could subscribe to internet channels and there are other shows but TG seems to do it in a good way thats easy to watch. i would be sad to see it go as ive been watching TG since i was a kid. it was on TG that i first saw a westfield and phoned them to get a brochure. it makes something daft like £300m for the beeb so i cant see them letting it go lightly
    1 point
  13. Problem with political correctness, is it's perpetuated by stay at home middle class moms, who're detached from reality and feel the need to stand up for the "poor brown people". However and rather ironically, suggesting that these people can't defend themselves because they have more than a mild sun tan, is in itself exceptionally racist. Now I worked with an engineer, in his 40's, who was born in India and came to the UK 15 years ago, he used to rant on about this, he was sick of white British people telling him what he should and should not be offended by. He'd experience racism and he felt that the overly PC non-sense did nothing but drive even more of a wedge between different cultures in the UK. He used to come into work and rant about "foreign" drivers who couldn't read road signs/markings, which would then lead to a rant about them probably not having car insurance and a further rant about the UK govt not doing anything about them for fear of being called racist. Possibly the worst symptom is that in creating these over protected minorities, there are other minorities that get neglected. Has JC overstepped the mark? He probably has, but most of the time it's just the media picking on something insignificant and turning it into a massive issue, just to rile up the nation and sell news papers. Why did he throw a punch at a colleague? I don't care, I only know it's something that crosses my mind on a weekly basis and if I had enough money in the bank i'd probably go ahead and do it. Some people are just so far up their own backsides that the only remedy is a bl**** good punch in the face.
    1 point
  14. So don't watch, and stop insulting me and the those others that do still enjoy it please.
    1 point
  15. I would like to see May and Hammond have Clarkson's back here. If they walk with Clarkson then it will put the BBC in a very awkward position. TG must be one of the highest ranking shows on the BBC. I find it refreshing listening to Clarkson's opinions and quips, even though some I may not agree with, it shows that someone is ready to stand up to the lefty must keep your opinions to yourself types.
    1 point
  16. Only a bit? I do quite like it but it would be miles better without the faux dynamics between the presenters.Not sure I'd care awfully if TG were canned forever. I wonder why I watch it half the time although there are still moments I enjoy. It's just feels a bit tired now. Clarkson's problem now is the press are waiting for anything they can turn into a story and he has given them too much ammo of late. IF it doesn't continue with the trio (and I doubt it would run on long with a different cast) then hopefully we still see all three on TV. Their more factual work (JC in particular) is very good.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. What has happened is that he is one of the last people who has seen through the PC crap that has taken over our country. I know many people who are gay, Muslim, Hindu etc, and when someone who has been on a diversity course then stops Christmas being celebrated in offices, or dislike a joke , they are saddened because they are not offended at all. They are embarrassed that someone who has never lived their lives has decided what they can see and hear and what they should be offended by. Call women in the South "Love" and some will be filing for a claim, but in Yorkshire it is common place and is not sexist. Comedians like Ben Elton and many more object to humour being seen as something we cannot have anything that may offend as part of. Blond jokes, ginger jokes, And when you take it to the zenith of stupidity we have, the grooming gangs were not stopped because the police and those in charge feared being seen as racist by stating the facts that it was Asian gangs who were doing wrong. Not all Asians just those who were evil, but by following a PC agenda we allowed young girls to be abused and treated like meat for fear of upsetting those who others decided would be upset. We need more people to question the lunacy that has developed as many people can see he does ridicule the excesses of idiots The BBC is a shining example of everything that is wrong with PC but dangerously they can push their agenda so hard even against common sense.
    1 point
  19. Well done to every for a good turn out, good to see so many Westfield out enjoying the sunshine and warm temperature compared with recently.
    1 point
  20. John Ridler is the Herefordshire AO - details here. But I don't think there are enough Westfields out in your part of the world to sustain a regular area meet. The Cotswold area did a run with Herefordshire last year and I think will collaborate a bit more this year. You would be very welcome at the Cotswold monthly meet - next one is Thurs 27/2 not far from Jn.11A on the M5. Just let Andrew Reeves our AO know that you are coming and he'll look out for you.
    1 point
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