What has happened is that he is one of the last people who has seen through the PC crap that has taken over our country. I know many people who are gay, Muslim, Hindu etc, and when someone who has been on a diversity course then stops Christmas being celebrated in offices, or dislike a joke , they are saddened because they are not offended at all. They are embarrassed that someone who has never lived their lives has decided what they can see and hear and what they should be offended by.
Call women in the South "Love" and some will be filing for a claim, but in Yorkshire it is common place and is not sexist.
Comedians like Ben Elton and many more object to humour being seen as something we cannot have anything that may offend as part of. Blond jokes, ginger jokes,
And when you take it to the zenith of stupidity we have, the grooming gangs were not stopped because the police and those in charge feared being seen as racist by stating the facts that it was Asian gangs who were doing wrong. Not all Asians just those who were evil, but by following a PC agenda we allowed young girls to be abused and treated like meat for fear of upsetting those who others decided would be upset.
We need more people to question the lunacy that has developed as many people can see he does ridicule the excesses of idiots
The BBC is a shining example of everything that is wrong with PC but dangerously they can push their agenda so hard even against common sense.