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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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    Andy Banks

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Well the ASBO is in Durham having some surgery on the brakes and suspension.... and some of that dark arts and magic with the alignments.....(and if you're reading this Luke some new harness's please) SO.... there I was after lunch looking at the weather and screaming at myself about the timing..... when the sage reminded me that there are 2 very expensive Yamaha FS1E's in the garage, she joked yet again that they cost millions to restore..... (if only she knew the truth), anyway, on with the spurs 'n' stuff and out for a pootle about, I've had a great time, I've frozen my bolts off and scared myself silly with 49cc's of 2 stroke fun. Then we had the conversation when I got back home, "which one did you take?" she says..... A blank look from me with the reply "both, I came back and went out again" was met with a shake of the head and mutterings that I'm sure were meant to question my sanity..... So in short I want my ASBO back. Nem............
    1 point
  3. I'm currently wrapping my internal panels, 3M-Di NOC black carbon wrap from eBay, gotta say I'm pleased with the results. Trick is to take your time.
    1 point
  4. On the WF HH, it's possible to attach the detachable lower rear straps to the RAC bar back stays*, just below the level of the bootbox with jubilee clips. Saves drilling! Obviously, the buckle bit of the strap then comes through to sit on top of the bootbox? *assuming enough gap between the stay and the bootbox for the strap to fit through!
    1 point
  5. Many apologies, just spotted the title, it was a soft bits hood, ignore my comments about the adhesive - that was the Westfield Hood!
    1 point
  6. No such thing as a daft question I'm hoping to secure some parking just across the path from our camping area and whatever the arrangement, parking will be local. Of course we can take a view on how this is working as and when things develop on the day(s). Not sure about roadside as the area will be roped off, as I understand it from Grosvenor Shows, Also makes access a bit tight as these roads aren't exactly wide. The intention is not too make things difficult but just to smarten the place up a bit as we've tended to have a number of tintops in the mix (some of them not even ours!) and could do with just a few cars worth of extra tenting/caravan space. Also having no cars on the camping ground further avoids driving over the sleeping/sobering up members Never fear, it'll be alright on the day, that's what we are working for and all views/feedback/questions are welcomed.
    1 point
  7. We had a great day out on Tuesday at Snetterton, bit of a quiet response from on here but we had a few Westies along and there's time to sort some more before the next one! I had great fun in my little Peugeot, getting some practice in for it's first race in a few weeks. We had a wet morning followed by dry afternoon seemed to work pretty well and aside from a few red flags we had no queueing all day which was how we all like it! Cadwell is only just over two weeks away, I'm planning to bring my Westfield along and we've already got a few others booked in, it's only £119 for full open pit lane and free instruction so shout up if you'd like to join us! Steve H Trackaction-Online SHOP LINK
    1 point
  8. Started checking the westy over today
    1 point
  9. yes, I know what you mean about venturing too far - when I went to NHMS on Monday morning I'd virtually not slept the night before and I'd memorised all the places I could pull over on the A428 if anything fell off (the car or me ) - starting to build the confidence factor up but keeping within a "tow home radius" for a little while yet.
    1 point
  10. I was bidding on the set he had on last week as I've been after some for a while, I bid £300, and I think they went for £310, I'm just going to press some ally ones up at work now instead, I would like a proper set tho
    1 point
  11. Yes, and just in case you weren't aware, once you've taken that nut off, you need to pull the bolt out too - it sits in a groove in the column which helps stop the column pulling free, even if the nut had failed.
    1 point
  12. Is this post available with subtitles?
    1 point
  13. Yeah there were, I was tempted to go along but find the National layout a bit dull...
    1 point
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