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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/02/15 in all areas

  1. blimey - cracking numbers Dave will be needing to supercharge the Honda now to make it an upgrade
    3 points
  2. Aye, I always knew the Honda would be a big step down in power. (For a while)
    2 points
  3. Where's my prezzy then? Just goes to show Redtops are not just 'Mighty' but 'Allmighty'
    2 points
  4. There may be alternatives to stopping your youngest son from doing his business on the lawn...
    2 points
  5. Get a cat, that should sort it.
    2 points
  6. Once I get next Friday's Pay chit, will be all ready to go.
    1 point
  7. You think he's still married? The whole obsession probably polished her off!
    1 point
  8. Jeez, that's a lot of grunt! Who says Redtops are 'old technology.....' Gives me something to think about once my rebuilt XE is run in
    1 point
  9. That's a good result. No excuses. Its all down to the driver now!!!! Keith
    1 point
  10. Wow. Quite a morning! Got the results now and to say I'm a little blown away is a huge understatement! Big thanks again to Jon, great guy who gave me all the time he had to get the car sorted, including picking me up from the train station and storing the car for a couple of weeks while I was away. But now, time for the magic number... 210 BHP (wheels), 249.3 BHP (fly), 170 lb/ft torque Blimey.
    1 point
  11. Oh this is a sneaky cat, does it at 3am I think. Runs a mile soon as it sees me. Mentioned it to owner - why do they think they are exempt and its funny? And if a dog pooed in their garden it'd be a different matter I bet!! And seriously at my old house I told the neighbour i'd have a midnight poop on their lawn if they didn't get a cat litter tray... seemed to work!
    1 point
  12. The application of the rules may be pretty rigid the interpretation of some rules may also be subject to local or departmental advice. So a few variables, every examiner will have a slightly different take on the requirements with the majority of issues being absolutely clear. Some of them try to help and if you are an enthusiast with a decent standard of build they are generally very helpful. To write a rule book which covers every detail is difficult but not impossible and would result in a manual which would need a barrister to decipher. I suspect the examiners are allowed some leeway as build quality must affect the result. If an examiner sees a basic shed presented he may need an escape clause, however from the majority of results on this site they are reasonable in there approach and we tend to be a little over reactive when we haven't read and understood the rule book also its basically a competence test and we don't like those. A radius is a radius when all said and done, if the examiner has disregarded a minor in light of a good build we should be applauding sound judgement. In my case they rejected a carbon mods dash with a large radius on the bottom edge, it wasn't the required amount 19mm I think and they were correct, a simple application of some stick on foam sorted it. All minor stuff but necessary to maintain a good standard of car production. I am mystified by a few of the rules regarding sharp edges and the locations of those but in reality its quite simple, read the manual and other posts about general issues but also consider specific issues which various VOSA stations may have raised just in case. I also found the VOSA technical advice chap to be very helpful especially regarding the need to have CE marked harnesses with no mention of FIA acceptable items, an old chestnut but at the time could have been a fail as the rule book did not list that FIA exceeded CE. Its an expensive test of our ability to build a car and a necessary one, we have all seen the results of the not quite competent amateur and the danger that could cause to themselves and others. Bob
    1 point
  13. Never had you down as a Pot hunter Paul ?
    1 point
  14. As long as you can't cut yourself on the for mentioned hot exhaust then it's fine.
    1 point
  15. I remember reading about it, they supercharged a xflow if i remember correctly.
    1 point
  16. "They have hit the ground running and taken what was already a great pub and made it truly exceptional – beating off over 50,000 other landlords from across the UK,” she said. That must have taken a while. Does he have a RSI? Was he sponsored by Kleenex?
    1 point
  17. 1 point
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