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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. Kingster



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  3. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/02/15 in all areas

  1. I've been paralysed in the right shoulder since March last year (Brachial neuritis, or Parsonage Turner syndrome) Had many visits to specialists etc and 3 sessions undegoing electro conductivity nerve studies All was looking glum, no improvements both physically or electrically However yesterday of the 3 paralysed muscles 1 is now seeing a full signal, 1 at about 75%, and the deltoid (the big one that moves your shoulder) is now seeing a signal, about 10%, this was zero at the last visit. So I'm actually feeling quite positive Guessing about 6 months for a full nerve recovery, then more physio to build the now none existent muscles back up
    7 points
  2. Going to have some fun filming a Wesy with my new camera when I can rope a mug in to do it. Not happy the way YouTube has croped the size and quality down, it should be 1080p. Will give it another go later so this will have to do.
    2 points
  3. Oh no, please not that :bangshead: :bangshead: :bangshead: :bangshead: :bangshead: :bangshead: :bangshead:
    2 points
  4. Well done Ian. Glyn might not see it yet, but there will be light at the end of the tunnel, and frustrating as it can be at times, car building can also be very therapeutic - great for forcing you to concentrate and getting your mind off things.
    2 points
  5. Spoke to Glyn last week as I had been in a similar situation myself many years ago so convinced him to try and hang onto the car like I did and left it with him with the view that things will improve and he could carry on with his dream. Glyn confirmed today with me he had now bought a S2000 motor with the view of progressing the build. Good luck with the build Glyn and I will one day join you with my dream too.
    2 points
  6. The weather is looking ok for Sunday so if anyone wants to go for a little play I have a plan. We can head south through Calver, Baslow and Bakewell then hit the small roads. From Bakewell we can go over the cute Conksbury Bridge, which is actually a 'quiet lane' so feet off the gas here guys, then through the village of Youlgreave. An optical illusion makes it look as though the church blocks the road but trust me it doesn't. We can finish up at Hartington Hall for refreshments. Normally the pretty village of Hartington has something interesting parked up, will we be lucky on a February day though? The way back will depend on who makes it out, so we will decide that over the lunch stop. I better mention, Hartington Hall is not as expensive for lunch as it sounds. So with mummy nature just washing the roads now lets hope all the salt has gone and we have a good day.
    1 point
  7. To ease the position of our illustrious committee. Let me state the patently obvious, I didn't like his posts nor his attitude, glad he is gone. ps I don't sit on any fences, I recall a particularly fraught exchange and had no time for whoever he was, good riddance. If that is an unacceptable post please feel free to delete it but only saying what I think. Bob :bangshead: :barf:
    1 point
  8. Good to hear that Westfield therapy is alive and working. Bob
    1 point
  9. I dunno, I'd happily pay £155 to get out of Essex..... (I grew up there, I did my time so feel qualified to comment, before anyone gets upset....)
    1 point
  10. With the matching gearknob I think it will look good once the tunnel is covered and I've got a handbrake gaitor fitted
    1 point
  11. Don't need one - we use the special black committee helicopter, kept at our secret volcano base, to keep an eye on you all.
    1 point
  12. That's close enough to where I reside..... you'll have to come up with all new excuses this summer as to why you can't come out to play....... and drool over the new bit's I've bolted on...... Nem..............
    1 point
  13. i dont remember lord benny ..... im still stuck on XI123 (or whatever his name was) and his lowering a car into an argon atmosphere for storage stuff!
    1 point
  14. Amazing how the pain comes flooding back... as I'm constrained by wearing my committee hat, let's just say he was a unique character...
    1 point
  15. I don't think many people have an internet connection quick enough to stream 1080p. Is it cutting it down because of the speed of your connection when watching it back? The 1080p and even a 1440p setting are available on this end, but the internet is too slow to keep up with them
    1 point
  16. We went last year and will be going again this year. Look on the web site for a full A-Z list of the exhibitors. The Westfield factory were there last year but I cannot see them listed this year. It is a full day out so I recommend you get there early. See you there.
    1 point
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