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  1. Nick Algar - Competition Secretary

    Nick Algar - Competition Secretary


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  2. SootySport


    WSCC Member

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  3. dombanks


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  4. Kingster



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/01/15 in all areas

  1. Dave & everyone else. For me this year will be about having a very open debate about this whole class issue and getting the competitors involved in that discussion, then reaching a final conclusion hopefully well before the regs are written for 2016. So I would like to see the discussion start in April when we know who all the registered competitors are and be finished by say July. Then the whole class thing should be set in stone for at least 3 to 5 years. We all know that it will be impossible to please everybody, but hopefully by open debate we can get to a good conclusion. That may even be to stick with what we have got, who knows, we will just have to see where it goes. But when it's done it's done and anyone moaning will get short shrift particularly from me, so you have been warned. Take an active part in the discussion, but accept the result. !!!
    2 points
  2. Anybody up for a run out this Sunday ? weather permitting.
    1 point
  3. Get one. A good yarn is all it takes.... Tell them about the amount of work you do on the car, building it, helping others, would be nice to get all your stuff from one place rather than having to got to the local motor parts place for your filters/oil/plugs/etc boom. Daniel
    1 point
  4. Well, after following this thread a little and then getting some good news from the accountant today ref my tax bill - I just ordered myself a set of JK's. Only problem is, they are also black with red piping! Sorry, Bob & Clansman but they just look soooo good I couldn't resist
    1 point
  5. can anyone claim their westfield is "finished" ? supposedly mine was finished when it went for SVA...... yeah right!
    1 point
  6. Thanks for the quick and concise reply Nick. Ohh I can't wait to go sprinting! All this talk of it and no driving is frustrating.
    1 point
  7. And another one ;- One more question when I joined WSCC I don't think I recieved a membership card so just wondered how I prove at signing on I'm a member of the club. In March before the first event, I will send out a Speed Series Pack, this includes a Membership/ Speed Series Card to use when signing on. It also includes your Championship stickers which must be displayed on the car. Together with Sponsor sticker (please display) and any other goodies I can get for you.
    1 point
  8. Looks like a great season of events again Nick Soooooo looking forward to getting out agin It goes without saying really but, "Thank You" to you and the SSOT for all the time and effort that's put into organising this for us
    1 point
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