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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/15 in all areas

  1. Well done Julie Keep organising and people will follow
    2 points
  2. The Ford RS owners club have invited us back to their anual trackday and show at Croft, Saturday June 6th. Same as last year, a group to ourselves, 25 places available. Cost is the same as last year too, £150. We were a bit unlucky with the weather last year, so should be due some sunshine for this one. To read the details and book on, click on the link below. You'll need a booking code from me (PM me) select "Saturday non member" and using the booking code should knock £10 off the advertised price. http://www.carpartsexpress.co.uk/Ford/RS-Range/Escort-RS-Turbo-Series-1-&-2/CONSUMABLES/RSOC-CROFT-TRACK-TIME/p-765-49-225-1791-732/ Roll on June.
    1 point
  3. Cheers, I think I am following this, although I am not sure why there is a path from 87 to 85 on the top changeover relay? What have you done with the brown/yellow alternator light?
    1 point
  4. How many turning up in Westies? Weather not looking favourable
    1 point
  5. Nobody said you had to own the car I was browsing the shop windows of mayfair at the weekend and have my eye on a nice little Bugatti Veyron as a weekend runabout. I may just give Claire a call in the morning to see what sort of price she can do on the insurance for me :D p.s. thank you for your help last week Clare, the Golf /Alfa issue now all looks to be sorted
    1 point
  6. What about existing policy holders? Go on add us to the list.
    1 point
  7. Just to update this as I'm getting a few enquiries through - the PE2s are no more BUT I can now supply the newer, more advanced Michelin PS3 tyres. Same price and details as above.
    1 point
  8. Spent Sunday on getting the car running and sorting out wiring stuff, so another step closer to being able to join you for a run out!
    1 point
  9. just finalising details on this before I place the order Thank you
    1 point
  10. Well done J & G wish we could have been there but it wasn't to be :-( Barry and the hair.
    1 point
  11. It was just us then today. We went to Matlock Bath first to have a look at the bikers. The little kids there just loved my car, lots of laughs and waves. Then we went to the ice cream farm called Matlock Meadows to see if it is worth a visit later in the year. I would say it is, there is lots of parking with outdoor seating in the cafe area. The cafe was very well heated so you dare even have an ice cream without becoming freezing. It's on the list. Then we went to Monsal Head for the views over the viaduct. A man we met there told us we had just missed the A380 Airbus flying over quite low. The largest commercial airliner. Then we drove back home through Bakewell where a man in a black Ferrari waved. People look at me in a funny way when I tell them what car I drive, I sit back, smile, think of the kids faces in Matlock and wonder how else do you get a stranger in a Ferrari to wave at you. I won't be changing my car for a few years yet. Oh and no, we were not cold. Glen simply put his new Dickie's suit on and I put the entire contents of my wardrobe (minus the party frock and stilettos) on. Great days out guaranteed in a Westfield.
    1 point
  12. Narrow body boot boxes are much easier to cut the holes for the RAC bar back stays than wide body ones. The stays go through the flat rear panel, rather than throough the sides at an angle as shown in the magazine article Scott referenced. I did mine by clamping a laser pointer in the top roll bar mount and pointing it at the bottom mount. I then put the boot box back in and the laser point marks the centre of the hole to cut. Make a circular hole the correct diameter, then turn it into an eclipse until the stay fits through neatly. Tomorrow I will try and take a picture. If you can get a narrow boot box, don't worry too much if the holes are not already there. Jen
    1 point
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