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  1. Onliest Smeg David

    Onliest Smeg David

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  2. Tigger


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  3. XTR2Turbo


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/14 in all areas

  1. Well last two races of the season and it's now officially over. Results have been posted on the normal two links below as usual. May I be one of the first to congratulate Adrian on the championship win .... it was a kind of given wasn't it. Also My partner in crime for Novice Champ - Phil something or other Well done both Race 35 results Race 36 results Tiggs
    1 point
  2. Thanks tigger and thanks to everyone for the support and encouragement given to me this year. Roll on next year! :-)
    1 point
  3. And a big well done to Dave Cleaver who drove extremely well to get so near to being top dog.
    1 point
  4. Haha...I was also drooling over that CSR Catherham (I do every time I see it!) but unfortunately, all I'll ever do is drool over a 30k+ toy according to the wife!
    1 point
  5. Yep - INSTRUCTION The best value upgrade you can do! Panda and myself hired Ray Grimes for the day at Anglesey http://www.raygrimes.co.uk/ - muchly improved drivers and car balance. I highly recommend him - I was far faster following day during the Sprint Competition.
    1 point
  6. My advice would be to start easy on your car and yourself. Build up speed and only do 5 or 6 laps and on the last half a lap slow a bit and try not to use the brakes too much to let them cool. Give the car a check over and cool down then head out again. Once you know the car is holding up ok, you can take bernie's approach and stay out until you run out of fuel or something breaks
    1 point
  7. My 2 essentials for driving on tracks are....... a Helmet & a PANDA!
    1 point
  8. Can't make. Unfortunately in France Well done to graham winning class c. And Windy winning j2. Also Martin 2nd in the novice championship
    1 point
  9. She loves it Although i get the odd death stare when we come out of a corner neither of us thought we would make
    1 point
  10. Thanks for all your hard work this year Tigger! An excellent job keeping our scores and apprentice Filfan in order. Definitely time to give yourself and excel a rest for a few months! Congratulations to all the class winners, Filfan for taking the honors as top novice and Adrian for the over all title.
    1 point
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