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  1. pete g

    pete g

    Speed Series Competitor

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  2. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  3. Stu Faulkner

    Stu Faulkner

    Joint WSCC Member

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  4. SootySport


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/14 in all areas

  1. Interesting to see the fall out and issues to the replacement of Blatchat, compared to our response to the same process. http://www.lotus7.club/forum/chitchat/outstanding-questions-regarding-blatchat-and-new-forum http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=101&t=1448005&mid=0&nmt=Is+it+about+to+get+busy+on+here%3F++Blatchat+to+close%2E%2E%2E I think it's a credit to our committee (at the time), techinical bods involved and the general membership that we celebrated moving forward. So glad I own a Westfield and am a member of the WSCC
    1 point
  2. I'm sure they will sort it all out and its a change that had to come.... It interesting seeing how the same issues that WSCC commitee have to wrestle with come up. Albeit and many may disagree, I think we manged the changes better, slower and more incrementally. You always have to remeber with these things that people feel so strongly and act so wawardly because they have such passion for the product / brand / website or whatever. That passion is a good thing - In my opinion it would always be much more bad thing if you made a major change ano no one commented either way. That would mean no one cared and therefore your not relevant. Personally I always thing you need to set a small bar for people to step over into making the plunge to a sale, hence trial membership here etc.
    1 point
  3. Nice! I do like a little vinyl work on a car.
    1 point
  4. Matt you could have waited a bit, just to crank up the tension!
    1 point
  5. I bet Luke knew about Office mode but didn't tell his Dad so he wouldn't realise Luke was browsing BC instead of selling PlaysKool stuff
    1 point
  6. Got the car back from the garage yesturday after some custom work and drove to work today. Had the same thought driving home 'hmmm not bad for October!'
    1 point
  7. Update - there will now be 3 Westfields and we are all going on the Sunday. Everyone welcome to join us.
    1 point
  8. Can you guys please take you rain and poor weather back? I'd like to get out too
    1 point
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