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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/09/14 in all areas

  1. Hey, Myself and 2 mates have had our westfield for a couple of months now, so thought it was about time to do a little video! What do you guys think? Be interested to see some of your videos as well if you're made anything similar Cheers, Nic
    2 points
  2. Unfortunately, there isn't a Haynes manual for the build of the Honda bits, (or wasn't last time I looked). I have got a copy (electronic) of the Honda workshop manual though, which is really good, well illustrated and pretty thorough, if you pm me with you're contact details I'll post you a disk with it on. The best way to approach it, if unfamiliar with similar projects, is to break it down into a series of nice bite sized tasks and smaller jobs. The new style manual features more of this approach, which is good to see! If you have a whole weekend to devote to the build, (for example), try and plan to complete a mix of tasks - don't set yourself insane deadlines, and don't aim to do a whole weekend of difficult, fiddly stuff. Likewise, don't aim for a whole weekend of "simple" stuff. Try and keep a mix of things going on. Use the easier, very productive feeling jobs as a break from the ones that seem to have you spending hours doing little! So for instance, if you've spent ages wrestling wiring looms into place, have a break, go and paint the diff!, or the engine or whatever. When you've had your fill of lining up bodywork, don't press on regardless, go and fit your dashboard with all the switches and instrument(s) etc. You'd be amazed how just doing another little job for an hour or two, recharges you so that you can get back on with the slightly harder stuff. Try if you can, to end a days building on a high, so that when you look back on the car you see progress!
    2 points
  3. Hello! Just signed up and this is my first post! I'm Nic. Myself and 2 friends purchased a Westfield SE a couple of months ago so we're quite new to the whole scene, but loving it already! Looks like a great forum, can't wait to get posting! Our Car 2.0l 16V Dunnel Zetec Engine Twin Webber 45 Carbs, Lightweight Flywheel Fast Road Cams & Techcraft Megaflow Exhaust
    1 point
  4. Last event of the year and about 18 speed series competitors so lets hope its a good one See you there
    1 point
  5. For all those wondering about weights, here you go. Scroll down to the 15 x 7 size and read the weights off. http://mechdb.com/index.php/15%22_Wheel_weights OZ Superleggera are 5.2 Kg, where as Team Dynamics Pro Race 2 are 6.4 Kg, ie 1.2 Kg a wheel or 4.8 Kg for the car. Pretty cheap weight saving
    1 point
  6. that's a great video - well done couldnt help but notice you sit very high in the car - you planning on sorting that out?
    1 point
  7. From memory Superleggera rims were all et 37 but you can easily fit spacers to adjust this to what you want.
    1 point
  8. Shrews taste nasty according to Boris (which Boris you can decide for yourself). My Boris expresses his views here:
    1 point
  9. http://trackaction-online.com/zencart/
    1 point
  10. Weight saving . The disc, plus holder are coming off.
    1 point
  11. When I get stuck on something, a cuppa tea helps, 15min break and then go back to the job in hand and it all falls into place.
    1 point
  12. the above and if in doubt just post in tech talk. some is bound to know the answer or give an opinion (you might not want the opinion tho ) i was like darve but it all came together in the end ok. alot of it was logical with the right nudge once you get going
    1 point
  13. Do you work? Do you go on Holliday? Do you have family? If the answer to any of those is yes, be very, very careful about moving from "pub banter" type "I'd like to do..." To actually doing any of them. As I said earlier, my next door neighbour but one tried the "clever" approach. It got his and his wife's cars regular keyed, his kids beaten up a few times and some really nasty stuff done to them and the house. Plus they were absolutely shameless at yelling for the Police every time they could and spinning some sob story or other. He was the one that ended up getting nicked all the time. Thank God I was just a student in digs and could move easily enough!
    1 point
  14. A Haynes manual for the donor engine will help in that department.
    1 point
  15. Make sure you download the new build manuals. The one I was supplied by WSC was nowhere near as useful as the very latest download version (my build started earlier this year) Will post a link if I can find one, unless someone beats me to it.
    1 point
  16. Thanks Guys I've set myself a (hopefully) realistic target of having at least one of the cars finished and running by 15th May 2016. The date marks the 50th anniversary of the first Formula four race to be held in the UK so it would be fitting if I was able to have the car completed to celebrate its birthday.
    1 point
  17. Also googled the frozen sausage idea, as it had me perplexed. Apart from the tears of laughter I am now worried that the NSA, GCHQ etc will have been monitoring an increase of sausage related sabotage searches on the internet, expect your local butcher to be extrodinarily renditioned (is that a word?) within days. I feel your pain, but as a glass half full kind of chap ... be cheerful that you have entertained your fellow WSSC'ers - at least one positive outcome
    1 point
  18. Well an update. As I said the police were following up a lead, it was one I gave them. After the burglary I cleaned up and then went on the local stolen goods forum (gumtree) and then ebay more in hope and something to do. So you can imagine how surprised I was to see two of my watches in the six watch case for sale at a Bristol pawn brokers. As one of these was a limited edition of just 200 and they had helpfully photographed the serial number of the one I had it was an easy I called the police again who came out and checked the serial numbers and this morning they have seized the goods and following that arrested a girl who sold them to the shop. So unless she is built like a Russian shot putter I suspect she was not the one who broke in, but it is a start.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Having seen one at the last meet, it does look like something a very large bloke would wear to the Rocky Horror Show!
    1 point
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