There are several points to be made here. The biggest problem is that the EU apart from being a money sucking drain, is full of people who are somewhat dim. These decision makers are easy fodder for the professional lobbyist, some of whom I have met and despise. They are employed by those who want change, so the tree huggers have employed them to convince them that we are all going to die from global warming, sorry no now climate change and we need to reduce our power consumption.
They convince the EU it is necessary and they start with easy targets, who would object to a hoover not sucking quite as much? Then as has already been pointed out they will reduce it again in the near future. But lets not stop there, when they have got used to that lets start on other things, drills, mowers etc all for our own good.
Big industry employs better lobbyists and they convince the EU they cannot reduce their use so the public must do their bit first as we do not have lobbyists at our disposal.
I met a group of lobbyists who were telling me that once they had succeeded in getting smoking banned, there was a lot with nothing to do so they look for new causes to get paid to do. So alcohol and food is now their cause, no cause is wrong so long as they are being paid by someone to get to the correct ear in government or the EU.
Just pick any group who get press coverage and they will employ one of these people to push their agenda. The EU seems very easy for these to influence over a short time.
We will follow others will ignore it, we will prosecute those found doing bootleg cleaners but allow real criminals to get let off.
The EU as a trading partner is fine but this sort of rubbish is why we need to be out.