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  1. Man On The Clapham Omnibus

    Man On The Clapham Omnibus

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  2. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/08/14 in all areas

  1. in what universe is it ever a good idea to put an Uzi 9mm in the hands of a 9 year old girl? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-28948946 The instructor is dead, she will be traumatised for life. These NRA types are oblivious to how stupid they look to the outside world. This and Rotherham have made me feel physically sick today.
    1 point
  2. Absolutely nothing wrong with children experiencing and participating in the sport of shooting. The mistake lies with the instructor, (who I believe was an army veteran and should have known his stuff) As a firearms instructor many years ago, it's my opinion he was stood in the wrong place, he should have behind her, to the right (the recoil was bound to allow the gun to sway to the left). Even on fully auto, he shouldn't have had more than a few rounds in the mag. A fatal mistake and a very sad outcome, im afraid. Some people just don't understand, and the very saying 'guns don't kill people, it's the people that do' is very, very true. The whole outrage of kids shouldn't use guns is just crazy, taught well and educated correctly there isn't a problem. A quick google search finds plenty of sad stories about children hurt or killed on karts or motorised vehicles, that doesn't bring the same amount of outrage...
    1 point
  3. hey love tyre paint I am one of the few folk on this planet that thinks it looks cool
    1 point
  4. I was going to say exactly that!
    1 point
  5. They are better than the units in my kitchen... Mucho respect...
    1 point
  6. I must be very very lucky, my missus has bought most of my good tools for me. Few years back she got a work bonus and went out and got me an engine crane, compressor, air tools, engine stand. One Valentine she even bought me a nice Bosch jigsaw. Plus, when we moved last year she positively encouraged me to build the man-shed so I could finally have a decent workshop after years of struggling in a small single garage. But to answer your question, no. Something wrong if you feel you have to lie about it IMO.
    1 point
  7. (Before any of you read this the wrong way, I'm totally apolitical - I think all politicians are idiots, no matter what flavour they are ) David Cameron asked the Queen, "Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient commonwealth and government? Are there any tips you can give me?" "Well," said the Queen, "The most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people." David Cameron then asked, "But how do I know if the people around me are really intelligent?" The Queen took a sip of champagne. "Oh, that's easy; you just ask them to answer an intelligent riddle - watch me and listen" The Queen pushed a button on her intercom. "Please send Prince Charles in here, would you?" Prince Charles walked into the room and said, "Yes, Mummy?" The Queen smiled and said to Charles, "Answer me this please Charles. Your mother and father have a child. It is not your brother and it is not your sister. Who is it?" Without pausing for a moment, Prince Charles answered, "That would be me." "Yes! Very good." said the Queen. "Ah ha, I get it!", said David, "Thank you ma'am!", and in a great rush he left and went back to Parliament. He decided to ask Nick Clegg the same question. "Nick, answer this for me. Your mother and your father have a child. It's not your brother and it's not your sister. Who is it?" "I'm not sure," said Nick Clegg. And then in True Nick Clegg style he went on to say., "Let me get back to you on that one." He went to his advisors and asked everyone, but none could give him an answer. Frustrated, Nick went to the men's room in the Houses of Parliament, and found Nigel Farage in there. Nick Clegg went up to Nigel Farage and asked, "Hey Nigel, see if you can answer this question." "Shoot, Nick" replied Nigel. "Your mother and father have a child and it's not your brother or your sister. Who is it?" Nigel Farage answered, without stalling said; "That's easy, it's me!" Nick Clegg grinned, and said, "Good answer Nigel, I see it all now!" Nick Clegg then, went back to find David Cameron and said to him, "David, I did some research, and I have the answer to that riddle. If your mother and father have a child who is not your brother or your sister, the child is Nigel Farage!" David Cameron went red in the face, got up, stomped over to Nick Clegg, and angrily yelled into his face, "No! You idiot! It's Prince Charles!"
    1 point
  8. Those of a certain age will know that George Brown, Harold Wilson's chancellor, was usually pickled. He introduced the expression 'tired and emotional' I seem to recall.
    1 point
  9. Kitchen unit carcasses for not so heavy stuff - these were B & Q about £30 each if I remember. And some high level storage for less frequently used and heavier stuff (as long as you are not going to injure yourself getting it up there!) This stuff is the full length of my garage and uses decking timber and high load brackets (80 to 120 Kg per bracket depending on size) . Worth noting that these high load brackets are £10 each from B&Q but 10 for £26 from Screwfix,
    1 point
  10. It's 3 years old Terry, Apple want you to buy a new one, so each software update seems to make them grind slower and slower and things stop working. Seen this with my iPhone, which is why I am buying an Android next.
    1 point
  11. Tel's Tales 038– Curborough 23rd August 2014 This event marked a change for everyone, I think, as it was an introduction to the newish figure of 8 layout rather than the single or double lap course. There was a full entry and hence it was likely to be a slow day but hopefully the new challenge would make up for the anticipated low number of runs. The weather was also promising to be unpredictable but that’s not unusual and the promise of 100 points for this 1.6e event made up for the downsides. I was up at 0500hrs and it was still dark and raining a bit so things could only improve as I set off to meet my brother Steve near Ferrybridge on the A1. As we approached Curborough on the A38 I spotted John Roberts in a layby going the opposite way to me and he had missed the turning for Fradley Park but eventually he turned up and admitted to getting lost. I suggested he might need a sat nav to find his way around the new track layout but he was preoccupied with repairing a broken cycle wing stay before the scrutineers arrived…. A bit of plastic and duct tape cured that successfully. The track itself seemed to be full of drivers looking at the new layout and the crossover area in particular which looked very tight and to be treated with caution unless you were a Cateringvan driver as they had apparently practiced previously! The paddock looked quite full and there were 16 Westfields in the speed series there and Adrian Clinton Watkins finished his preparations by cleaning his wheels whilst I checked tyre pressures and got my wets ready as the clouds were already building. As it happens we all had a dry practice as the rain held off but the track was cold and grip levels low which may be the reason why Howard Gaskin and a few others had spins. There runs were taking a long time and towards the end there was a big off by a Cateringvan who attacked the trees after dropping a wheel onto the grass at the crossover. Luckily he was ok but the cars suffered a lot but not as much as the poor paramedic who fell out of the ambulance on the way to help and ended up in hospital with facial injuries so we wish him a quick recovery. Eventually it was decided that due to a “force majeur” we would only get one practice as we were running out of time due to the delay. So we all got ready for T1, Mark Schlanker changed his plugs due to a misfire and I had a chat with Mark Stanton and Richard Hoyland (Tricky) who were spectating as was, Sandra, Julie and on this occasion Gary Bunn after his op. T1 strated in sunshine and a dry track but after about a third of the Westfields had been out the rain started and the track got very wet and this somewhat threw the times and places into chaos. Dave Cleaver had a dry run and posted a quick 59.12 secs to lead the Westfields but for most of us we were just praying that the 2n,d, and has it happens last, run would be dry as it had stopped raining and the track was at last drying with the sky clearing fast. So this beacame a one run evnt in terms of posting a good time so it was all or nothing for many drivers. In class A the winner was Craig Spooner on 64.96 secs followed by Dave Richings, David Reed and Steve Wilson. In Class B Matin Harvey had an excellent smooth run to take the points from Phil Nicholls (maybe trying too hard) who recorded 63.96 secs and 64.84 secs respectively. In class C Graham Frankland was quick with 64.85secs from Martin Hepworth on 69.08secs. Steve Everall and Howard Gaskin were expected to take the points in class D but they both were judged to have had all four wheels off as did Mark Schlanker (but it was a bit dubious!) and so Mark Schlanker snook off with the points on his first run of 65.76 secs which was DRY!!!!!! Whilst Howard and Steve’ runs were wet. ACW drove very aggressively touching the grass a couple of times and recorded 59.47secs to take the points in class E. Dave Cleaver improved to 57.87secs in class F and was fastest Westfield on the day. I had a good run with 59.05secs and then Del Hodder in H went well with a 58.26secs and finally John Roberts stopped spinning and was happy with his 69.62 secs. In summary this was a great new track to drive but progress was slow and a bit frustrating.. I wont be at Loton Park but will see you guys at Ty Croes 5th & 6th Sept so lets hope its DRY Terry Everall Speed Series Correspondent Class G competitor
    1 point
  12. Anyone ever wanted to do this on track ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?sns=fb&v=a6iO3TQjXp4&app=desktop Have a look at about 50 sec onwards.
    1 point
  13. Life rule No1: If you're dong something you'll be embarrassed about when the wife finds out - don't do it! I have no trouble telling the wife how much I spend on tools, bike and car parts, she can tell me how much she spends on shoes and handbags but we rarely ask each other because with a joint account it's not like we can cover it up. Why do people feel the need to keep secrets when relationships are suppose to be about openness and honesty? So in answer to the title - IMO, no, it's never alright to lie. Only time I had to lie about financial matters is when I bought her engagement ring
    1 point
  14. Nope - nothing yet. I'll be working on the car all over the Bank Holiday so hope I'm in. David
    1 point
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