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  1. Stu Faulkner

    Stu Faulkner

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    Captain Colonial

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/08/14 in all areas

  1. Thank you all, The BBQ might get raided for parts I intend to get it running in the next week then back on the road immediately. Then I can fix any issues as they come up. The plan is to keep it as close to how I aquired it as possible in deference to the previous owner. Sadly he died a little while ago (the brother-in-law of an old friend) and the car was offered to me so it seems fitting that I keep it original. Those swept wings are staying you'll be pleased to know. They make the overall appearance right for me. Usually I'm rubbish at keeping records but this time I'll try to document the progress (with a blog too) and photograph everything. Parts are ordered, plus a trip to my nearest independant motor factor today will see some action tonight. I've already stripped the fuel tank out and cleaned it ready for painting and installation. The thermostat housing was full of interesting growths (as was the water pump) so I cleaned it thoroughly. The engine turns over by hand OK. It's a real joy to work on a crossflow again and having helped my neighbour get his MKII Escort going again recently, I'm really looking forward to it. With regards to the DVLA, I have a log book and it's been SORN'd properly so I shouldn't have any trouble......
    3 points
  2. After a bit of a wait for the right time to bring it home, here's my latest project. I'll let the pictures do the work. So, it's not been on the road a while and needs a wash! I got quite excited over the slot mags having never thought they'd work on a Westfield but I do rather like them. The car has a 1600cc crossflow with a twin choke carb, 4 speed 'box and a live axle. If anyone knows anything about it I'd love to know more.
    1 point
  3. You're in luck, a recent thread about this- http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic/109638-need-to-gopro-go-cheap-roll-bar-mount/ You can also buy used Go pro 2 's for about £140 on Ebay.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. An update to my previous post, I took the engine out of my car on Saturday, managed it on my own with the kind loan of an engine crane from Marto. It took me about 3 and a half hours to get the engine out and it was hard work, but felt very proud of myself for ticking that box. A real achievement for me. In comparison, the same job earlier this year at Mart's garage, with his professional guidance, equipment and experience, took under 90 mins (there was two of us). Everything was MUCH easier at Mart's because he had all the right tools, space and knowledge to make the job simple, and he was willing to help me learn along the way. I couldn't have done it if I hadn't have had that experience and support. I'd imagine he would have done it in about an hour without me in the way! So, yes it is possible, the accomplishment is well worth it in my opinion and I would do it again, but knowing how much quicker and more confidently a seasoned pro can do it does make the professional option more appealing!
    1 point
  6. A few of you have been asking for build thread updates so here it is - Abbie is now 16 days old and 612 grams (1.3 lbs), triple her birth weight. Eyes opened on Saturday, and she's starting to try to stand and walk which is about 5 days early. She certainly likes her comfort as you can see. Mother and daughter both doing splendidly.
    1 point
  7. Mines 'Kylie' .... something about a rear end ...
    1 point
  8. Mine only gets called names when it's naughty.
    1 point
  9. The beast......because it's a beast
    1 point
  10. Only ever had positive responses, my favourite ploy is when there is a group of kids on the pavement facing away from me, give it a couple of down shifts as you pass (exhaust is on passenger side) they usually jump a few feet in the air then give you a big wave. Also love seeing youngsters pulling there parents around shouting 'Cooooool car!' The dads always turn around and smile, some of the mums smile but the kids reaction is priceless.
    1 point
  11. Cheers Martin for organising this and great thanks to Julie and Glenn for the photos especially as my car looked really clean in the photos (I will get back to you about the Gold Cup) Barry,,, and Andrew.
    1 point
  12. She's taken our car she knows this is off bounds! She and my solicitor know it's a shovel and a bag of line job if she ventures near it lol
    1 point
  13. The only negative comment I recall was coming up behind a mini with a woman driver on the phone behind a tractor on a section of clear road, my exhaust packing has long gone and the exhaust is motorbike race can levels ( still passes the MOT though), so down a couple of gears and overtake. She was not concentrating on anything but the phone and I probably woke her up later she caught me up while I was waiting in the right hand lane approaching at a busy roundabout, she shouts out " have you got a small penus" ?? Sorry love I replied it's rather large, try the next roundabout, she was so annoyed she shot off into the roundabout and almost caused an accident. Made me laugh for over a week. :d :d
    1 point
  14. Having seen one at the last meet, it does look like something a very large bloke would wear to the Rocky Horror Show!
    1 point
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