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    Man On The Clapham Omnibus

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/08/14 in all areas

  1. I always let people sit in the car and take pictures especially all the youngsters as they wander up the sea front. I bought these for Buttercup and have had such great fun with them. They are not fixed permanently though and slide right off.
    3 points
  2. I was at my favourite pub in Stratford-on-Avon with The Wench parked out front when a poser parked right behind me in a 911 GT3, lovely car, but sniffed at mine. For the next hour, The Wench was surrounded by people admiring and taking photos of her and no one even looked at the 911, much to the owner's obbvious disgust - and my mirth. I've come to the conclusion people love Westfields because they're exactly what they look like - pure, simple, honest fun without being precious - and very British. Folks, look around you. You're surrounded by mundane people driving mundane cars and leading unchallenging mundane lives. You're living the dream they never will - never forget it.
    2 points
  3. Fantastic day my first Coast to Coast for a few years myself and Mario really enjoyed it 302 miles for these two beauties I think Martin's spider flew off his car when we were behind him ...nearly as big as one of my crabs Great to meet everybody today ..got to say I thought I kept a clean car till I saw Julie and Glen's car and thanks for the overflow pipe Thanks for organising Martin your a star ..could see you were in a lot of discomfort after your op PS this is what Westfielding is all about not all this other rubbish that is going on
    2 points
  4. Sorry, Quinten, didn't like to crash your sale, but had visions of the same thing happening again!
    1 point
  5. Hi. Thankyou. I had a kitcar years ago but really love this one. We have had such fun with her its been great. I spent hours looking for a font that suited her and settled on this one. We drive down the sea front and so many shout "Buttercup" I then usually wave or toot the horn.
    1 point
  6. You really do deserve a prize... From the name to the lashes, its all just brilliant..!
    1 point
  7. There's only one 007 for me sign him up ...............Paul Hurdsfield suave, sophisticated, good looking and as Buzz said many years ago he looks good in a size 8 dress good at disguise. Steve
    1 point
  8. Three numbers..! Hang on, with that sort of cash I'm starting to find you attractive... Lol! If the "k" in your name is a cup size the feelings mutual! Lmao
    1 point
  9. The only negative comment I recall was coming up behind a mini with a woman driver on the phone behind a tractor on a section of clear road, my exhaust packing has long gone and the exhaust is motorbike race can levels ( still passes the MOT though), so down a couple of gears and overtake. She was not concentrating on anything but the phone and I probably woke her up later she caught me up while I was waiting in the right hand lane approaching at a busy roundabout, she shouts out " have you got a small penus" ?? Sorry love I replied it's rather large, try the next roundabout, she was so annoyed she shot off into the roundabout and almost caused an accident. Made me laugh for over a week. :d :d
    1 point
  10. I hope to see them at Airbourne in Eastbourne today.
    1 point
  11. Since you didn't include a link in your post to a photo of her, possibly...
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Well the Sage and I trusted to luck on Saturday and set off on the M5 to Bristol...... we got stuck in traffic and the shower from the Biblical passages arrived...... so as we were only doing 5 to 10 MPH I thought I'd just whip the golfing umbrella out, the Sage held onto it whilst I manned the bilge pumps and vital controls....... A steady procession of over-takers took to cameras and smartphones to take pictures........ it took a while for the humor to arrive but there only had to be one way forward...... lick the windows....... so I did...... how we laughed...... pitty the constable didn't have a sense of humor.......
    1 point
  14. Any Harrier topic always makes me think of the Simpsons episode where Side Show Bob was going to blow up the blimp. At the air show there was the excellent announcement over the PA system... "And here it is, the pride of the American Airforce, the British built Harrier..."
    1 point
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