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  1. stephenh


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  2. Garry Bunn - Derby & Notts Joint AO

    Garry Bunn - Derby & Notts Joint AO

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  3. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  4. Matt Hillam (Fatbloke) - Herts Beds & Bucks AO

    Matt Hillam (Fatbloke) - Herts Beds & Bucks AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/14 in all areas

  1. Did my Defence studies MA thesis on Chemical and Biological terrorism, so did a fair bit of reading on this topic and can comment on those terms. Ebola is a really horrible virus, but it's big (in virus terms) and very fragile and is one of the few diseases that can transmit species-to species. This one is supposed to have originated in chimps and fruit bats.... which makes the mind boggle as to how the first transmission took place to humans. While it is highly contagious you have to be quite up close and personal to transmit person-to-person and it is killed by anything from UV to soap so would be hard to transmit via a sneeze. For that reason, it's never going to be 'weaponised' i.e. used for terrorism or, for instance contaminating water supplies because the level of filtration and chemical would stop it before it ever got into a waterpipe. I remember seeing some pictures of ebola victims at the latter stage of the disease during my research and I can see why the news broadcasts are showing either unwell africans or body bags. When they talk about one of the symptoms being 'internal bleeding' every orifice pours with blood - it is horrific.
    2 points
  2. Chrome Roll Bar Open to Offers - collection from Bristol/to arrange somewhere but could investigate postage. All taken off a year 2000 Westfield SEiW.
    1 point
  3. Low line or high line fella?
    1 point
  4. Who will be at the Bird in Hand Sat night? So far me, tkm_dave and Del.....and Terry
    1 point
  5. Actually, that's a really good point, bike swallowing abilities would be great as we all go out on them fairly regularly
    1 point
  6. Hood on, pontoon floats attached, lightning conductor fitted.....ready!
    1 point
  7. Hello all Just a few quick points before posting your For Sale ad, which will help everyone - and advice to potential buyers as well. To all sellers Please do not post adverts on behalf of non-WSCC members, as this is against club rules and such adverts will be removed You may post an advert on behalf of another WSCC member if they are not computer literate and cannot do so themselves As there are occasional and sad circumstances where an existing or lapsed member is no longer able to post, you may also post an advert providing you have the OK from the committee Don't forget that Guests can see this area of the boardroom - if you want a Guest to be able to buy your vehicle, you'll need to put a contact number and / or an email address in the ad, as Guests cannot reply or PM you! Please include a price! Or as a minimum, a guide price on your advert, it's ok to say "or nearest offer" or to ask for offers in the region of a specified amounts. But adverts with no price at all may be removed by the moderation team. When you have successfully completed the sale of your car, please edit your original post and topic title (using the "Use Full Editor" option) to indicate is has been "Sold!". It can be quite a let-down for excited people with money to spend to spot their dream car for sale, only to read through a long thread and find out it's no longer available, as I'm sure you can appreciate. Marking it as "Sold!" is the polite thing to do! To potential buyers While the vehicle you buy from this section is likely to be fantastic, the WSCC recommends you always do a HPI Check on any vehicle you buy for your own peace of mind to ensure there are no issues Although we are good bunch with much integrity, please do remember the old adage of "buyer beware" Please do pay as soon as you can and within the limits agreed with the seller To ALL The WSCC holds no responsibility or accountability for vehicles bought and sold. The Club merely facilitates the advertising of such things as member benefit and does not provide a transactional service. Thank you all for your cooperation and understanding, best of luck!
    1 point
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