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  1. Only my view but if I had a mate like yours Graham he would no longer be a mate of mine. I don't know what you did whilst working but I have three friends who are emergency responders and it isn't a walk in the park. If the road was so dangerous I would have stopped to alert other motorists, would this not have been the most pertinent course of action, rather than to whine about it and blame others? I'm also a biker of 25 years and no I don't have the little illegal plate.
    2 points
  2. Hi All For those who will be at Blyton on the Friday Night I am happy to organise the now world famous Gluten Free Dinner at the local Pub At this time I just need to know how many willing soles would like to join this event of merriment and p taking! I will then try to book a table for the specified number of participants before we move onto the technical bit of ordering our meals in advance! Please get your names to me one way or another as soon as possible as the event is now only 2 weeks away and this particular side show is filling up fast! Thanks Graham ak Gluten Free
    1 point
  3. I know the gathering Graham is referring to and wonder if the police would be more useful turning up at the cafe and chatting with them to get a very valid message across. Its a similar situation to the cat and fiddle where police get in and among them. Fraser I would hope that the riding ability of an advanced motorcycle police rider is very high but that doesn't really help the next mototcyclist around the bend who could be a 16 year old who doesnt know what diesel on a roads looks like or does to grip.
    1 point
  4. Thank you Graham for your blinkered view of the Fire Service and we all seemed to have wronged you at some point for your caustic generalisation. Yes, I'm in the Fire Service and your opinion of us doesn't surprise me, but sorry to disappoint you but I've never serviced my car whilst on duty - I've known of some that do .. but I know mechanics who work on their cars during their break too (as an example or are you suggesting no-one else bends their time at work??). Volleyball may be seen as 'play time' but it's part of the fitness programme, especially now that firefighters have to maintain their fitness to that of a 20yo until they're 60. If the Public are happy to be rescued by a 60yo then no worries (you'll find a similar stance in the Armed Forces). I voted against the strike as did a large proportion of firefighters outside the metropolitans of London, Manchester, West Mids, etc. In fact, Scotland have decided not to support any further strikes north of the border! We're disliked by many .. .. until they need us! I'm sure those that I've had the honour of being a part of saving and their families have a different view to yours. However, we're all entitled to our own opinions regardless of how little fact is in it! Common misconception #1: "Firefighters go to bed whilst at work on nightshifts!" Fact: The government refuses to pay firefighters for shift work but impose a flat rate of pay so agreed to allow for restrooms during periods of stand down. Common misconception #2: (unknown MP) "Firefighters get a good pension. Any other public servant would have to pay twice as much to get the same package!" Fact: That's true .. because firefighters DO pay twice as much right now. My current contribution is 14.7% soon to rise to 15.3%. Average public service contributions are 7.4%. My return? Well, that's to remain the same, so I'll be paying more for less. Apologies for long reply but I'm p******** off that my 20+ years of dedicated contribution is marred by blinkered generalisation of the whole Service. I work damn hard and sacrificed much to get where I am!!
    1 point
  5. Answered your own question as to why they were there?? If a dozen coppers on bikes had safely negotiated it then it surely wasn't that deadly?? The public roads are there for transport not for the 'selfish few' who think they are a race track then cause mayhem when they have an accident - the first part of advanced driving/riding is that the driver/rider should asses the conditions correctly - if the road is greasy/deisel spill then you should slow down accordingly and you should never be driving/riding in a manner when these conditions take you by surprise. The Public Services of this Country may well get sick of those that criticise them when they are the reason that they waste so much time clearing up the mess of others who are selfish enough to drive/ride beyond their own abilities. Just an alternative view
    1 point
  6. This road has been used regularly by loads of us for years and thankfully accidents have become fewer. Residents probably complain, so old bill have to be seen to do something.......so surprise surprise, whilst they're at it ( doing naff all), why not sell some Bike Safe days and make some money. As for targets, surely clearing a diesel spill would meet some target or other...........oh no, wait till someone gets killed and we'll spend £50,000 finding who spilt it and prosecute them. Hooray one crime solved and successfully prosecuted ! And Fire Service targets don't get me started.....daren't suggest they clear it up.....they may have cars to service or volleyball games to finish......that's if they're not off sick ! Or busy planning their next strike....oh dear I may have to work 'till I'm 60.
    1 point
  7. he must have have been drinking with us ??
    1 point
  8. Let me know if the link is ok - Photos by Neil Cairns of Nairn Camera club and he holds copyright - Has approved use, as long as he is recognised for the pictures used https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0tdkaxtma0gnpoo/AACh7h9K8hrLMgI78N65HjS8a#/
    1 point
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