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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/06/14 in all areas

  1. Had The Wench MOT'd yesterday afternoon, which she passed with no problems - happy days. Nice to have a sympathetic local mechanic at these times. I'd replaced the perished wiper blades beforehand with new leftover excess refill material he had from another job and gave me for free. As I stay in the car during the test and operate all the controls, they only need one mechanic doing the MOT so it gets done quicker and the other mechanics can crack on with other cars, so he takes the time, looks at non-MOT stuff and does a few bits for me for free - this time, it was tightening the seat bolts I didn't know were a bit loose. Just as a laugh, even though it's on a Q plate, he ran an emissions test, which it passed with flying colours, much to both our amazement! Anyway, even though I've a few jobs to do (as usual - this time the carbs, a bonnet latch anchor, and a side repeater which took a rock strike on the way home!), I took a couple of photos afterwards, the first ones with the 13" Minilights I bought. I know I'm biased, but I think they really suit the car - they look right on a narrow and with swept wings to my eye. (Click to make bigger) Not bad for a 1992!
    2 points
  2. 3 sleeps to go and weather forecast is looking good for a hot, dry camp McWesty. Cracking stickers for this years event from Ziplob
    2 points
  3. Pity it wasn't truck racing .............................
    2 points
  4. Before I bought my Westfield my main hobby was model making. I've been doing it all my life starting with airfix cars and tanks then moving on to mainly 1/24 scale cars and bikes. I've already made 4 Lotus 7's from this kit, First one built in around 1988 was this, Then this, using the engine, axle and wheels from a Ford Escort Rally Car, And these two which I built with ny daughter, It has always been my intention to model my Westfield, so I got another kit and made a start, As you will all know, there are quite a few differences between Westfields and Lotus', so a few body mods need to be done. I started by taking off the swept wings, Then on to the nosecone, The Lotus has a flared section, Westfields straight, http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn244/redspider1/Westfield%20Model/Westfield010_zpsb6c6b5a4.jpg http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn244/redspider1/Westfield%20Model/Westfield011_zpsc960df64.jpg http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn244/redspider1/Westfield%20Model/Westfield014_zps6db43aff.jpg This has now been filled again, and will be sanded when dry. Moving round the back, and the spare wheel recess needed making, http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn244/redspider1/Westfield%20Model/Westfield008_zps4774671b.jpg http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn244/redspider1/Westfield%20Model/Westfield009_zpse4ac7604.jpg http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn244/redspider1/Westfield%20Model/Westfield012_zps9cde2544.jpg http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn244/redspider1/Westfield%20Model/Westfield016_zps06829b2f.jpg And the last bit for tonight, the transmission tunnel, http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn244/redspider1/Westfield%20Model/Westfield017_zpsbf3eb1f2.jpg http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn244/redspider1/Westfield%20Model/Westfield018_zpsbb340608.jpg So there we are, lots of pictures and a long way to go.
    1 point
  5. It's not going to rain this year I thought?
    1 point
  6. I doubt it's the first time, just the first time where modern tech captures everything and places it online for the viewing masses within minutes. Many kids of that age make stupid mistakes like this every day. e.g Get in a car a drink drive and you are just as stupid and reckless imo.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Really good looking car Scott. Has it ever been dirty or wet....looks new..better than new !
    1 point
  9. Graham ha solved this at minimal cost to the tax pay. Lock said muppet in a cell, let the girls Dad in for a 'chat'. Send him on his way.
    1 point
  10. I'm waiting for Ep7. but no idea when that will happen, better stick in it in favourites then.
    1 point
  11. i dont know mate- Im not THAT old (32 although at times feels like 42) that I have forgotten what cheeky and naughty is.... I at that age, was a cheeky little b*******, and I would have most likely been jumping over fences to avoid paying entrance fees etc- but would have never got it into my head to slip onto a track with my car, during a race event!!!! The problem is though; at that age, you have no idea of what consequences your actions may have..... he probably loves motorsport, and fancied "joining in for a laugh"--- it will probably lead to more man power at events, more patrolling/litigation meaning more costs- which ultimately could lead to less drivers paying the higher costs, and less track days... its a lose-lose situation... nobody did get hurt, but imagine the law suit if something had happened.... the track would have been up a creek without a paddle for "allowing" him on the track in the first place!
    1 point
  12. I asked my 21 year old son for his view of this guy. He reckons the guy IS a legend ! Also said `you would have done it dad, back in the day `.......would I ? Well probably ,if I thought I could get away with it. The problem is at that age, with a chick on your arm and a mad mate in the back, you do stupid things. I don't think the driver had any clue of how STUPID he was behaving. The angriest people will be the girls parents (from experience) and unless the driver gets a custodial sentence (unlikely) he'll get free beer and sex on this for years. I think what he done was irresponsible, selfish and bl**** dangerous, but I am old, boring and have three kids. Sorry to other members....but he's young and having a hoot....no harm done. Thank God. A woman was killed by a falling branch at Kew Gardens and kids get shot every day. Let's hope lessons are learned !
    1 point
  13. A cracking, and obviously well maintained car, Scott!
    1 point
  14. Yes thanks Richard, profile picture updated
    1 point
  15. Thanks for the photos Tricky David (no78)
    1 point
  16. I know, you're bored now! Nearly there!!! Stephen, complete with improvised wing stay, (no wobble).
    1 point
  17. Disgusted at the lack of security at Brands Hatch! Endangering life, trespass those are two things I'd push for if I were Brands. I feel for the teams who worked hard, paid harder only for this muppet to mess up their race. They must have some legal standing against him too? Scarily he must also drive on the road!
    1 point
  18. The real problem is this will mean the MSA will have to bring in loads of legislation to ensure it doesn't happen again, which is likely to be more cost and hassle for organisers. It's not as if it was a genuine mistake. The idiot did it for fun. It's a shame he didn't do it in a banger racing event
    1 point
  19. Just done more than that this weekend. Le-mans and back ;-)
    1 point
  20. I have a W reg red Westie. I hope it wasn't mine cos I am 700 miles away in the north of Scotland in the tintop !!!
    1 point
  21. Are you ok for mot with windscreen but no heater. I know they check it in the via but not sure about demist in mot. Not that it is of any use the glove is better
    1 point
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