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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/14 in all areas

  1. Martin, Don't worry about a trophy; just the being part of it, driving as fast as you can up the hill, and the WSCC craic in the paddock and camping area is what really counts.
    2 points
  2. After many years of suffering from an intolerable itch I have finally scratched it .... Picked it Wednesday and already covered 400 miles - it has the 4.3 TVR Power engine so hopefully none of the legendary issues AA membership checked
    1 point
  3. WANTED : Due to being exceptionally busy at our workshop at the moment I am looking for an experienced laminator ideally on a part time basis to start with but would probably progress to full time as we build on existing business as currently we are not advertising and am being approached to make a wide range of parts for other applications . I may consider someone who doesn't have experience although this would depend on the individual concerned . This would be based at our workshops in Gloucestershire GL15 4PA . In the first instance give me a call on 07971 264550 or email info@aerodynamix.co.uk , please bear in mind I will be away from the 12th-16th of June @ Lemans so if you call/email during this time it will not be dealt with immediately , only on our return .
    1 point
  4. You'll be able to say Hi to your old rear lights again Christian, hopefully you'll be seeing a lot of them
    1 point
  5. A cracking day, didn't realise how intense the sun was that far north, I'm doing a real lobster impression now! The mill's a fascinating place, I could have wandered round for much longer. Thanks to Julian for a good meeting and some frank answers, along with some positive answers.
    1 point
  6. ...which I didn't need! Lovely warm sunshine all day. Good discussions with Julian. Why did we meet at Bancroft?? Because Julian's Grandma and other family members once worked at the Mill. Good day all round
    1 point
  7. Going to be a great event and likewise looking forward to placing faces to names For me, I will be attacking the hill just as I did at Gurston and that's to finish the event in one piece (I will of course be keeping a close eye on my fellow novice b competitors )
    1 point
  8. Sounds to me like your looking in the right direction, you should carry on heading up your business and introduce new staff on the production side As before "Good luck" you make some cracking products and I'm sure you'll find a way to expand both productivity and your product range
    1 point
  9. Cheers Martin , I have been thinking for a while about this and I either have to get someone to in effect run it / field everything which unless you are very clued up on what we do / cars like ours it would be quite a learning curve for someone , so my thoughts are to get someone in to help with production which is relatively straightforward and should then be able to diversify into other fields . I've had some sterling help recently and couldn't have done without it which has also made me come to this conclusion . I'm getting asked for lots of rally car parts , I've had four enquiries this week alone for parts that would be production parts . I've had several other enquiries for non car related parts again this week only , when the road outside the unit opens again soon I'll be having through traffic for the first time in 6 months which again will be more work . We've also shyed away from putting up an online shop as are concerned that we would get too much business as would be more accessible , we don't want to put it available to buy unless we have it in stock and ready to go, thats our aim , so when we go live with the shop items available will be on the shelf !! Anyway I digress , just though I'd put a bit of background behind it and what we are thinking , hopefully will go to plan , just need to find a suitable candidate !
    1 point
  10. Having just checked Facebook it looks like the B2 Spirit has landed at Fairford today. Nice.
    1 point
  11. No worries Wuv They are off John Loudons sprint car so they will add at least 50 bhp to any chassis…. I would put the on the cross flow but im worried about slowing the earths rotational force when I start at Prescott on Saturday morning
    1 point
  12. Is the seller called leepoo ? or Bernie ?
    1 point
  13. You sounded hacked off yesterday, and I'm not surprised. Help and assistance aside, what about trying to shift what you're doing? Drop the wonderful world of eBay and all the pain it brings, but maybe drop some of the more bread and butter repair work, try positioning yourself more in the repair/restore market? Set your prices as a w***ker filter and see how you go?
    1 point
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