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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/14 in all areas

  1. having just spent 3 hours listening to the coverage of D-Day may I suggest if anyone needs reminding that the troops achieved that day its all on Radio 5 Live today.... great coverage, Thankyou to every living and fallen veteran
    9 points
  2. Now corrected. I kicked the cat out of the garage.
    3 points
  3. I had a call this morning from, shall we call him "John" although I dont think thats his real name from Windows Support Services .. usually I just tell them to cease and desist, but today I thought I might play along .. maybe not as far as paying the £100 to "fix" my computer.! Anyway I played the ignorant fool -- my wife would say that might come naturally -- and I could sense some frustration on "John's" behalf .. but also a sense of excitement that he might soon part me of my cash. Another few minutes of playing the idiot, and he was exasperated to the point where he told me to "f ..k off" and put the phone down on me. I feel sooooooooo much better
    3 points
  4. well I have give this some serious thought over the last few months and I have decided to call it a day at the end of the year I am sick of battling with eediots and timewasters,also scottish power etc etc , and muppets who try to take you to court over pathetic things and think that threats work ,get a chuffin life ! and a constant fight over vat and paying to much after stupid advice from the accountant , I might aswell of p******** thousands up the wall so at the end of the year im packing up and will be looking for a job so I can have my life back ,I have enjoyed every minute of my job sinse I have been here and I have not done that for the last 15 years or more ,so its been a superb experience and im so busy its unbelievable and I still have months and months of work here and it just keeps coming which is brilliant ,I never thought it would do so well I could not of done it without all my friends and you lot ,but enough is enough I just wanted to do what I love but its turned into a constant battle every week with one thing or another
    1 point
  5. Great video editing. I enjoyed watching that. David
    1 point
  6. Mucking about in the garage earlier working on one of the other cars it was difficult for my attention not to be drawn occasionally to the chassis hanging from the ceiling. Eventually I had to give into temptation and started to remove a couple of the rusted up rivet clamps that were temporarily holding the aluminium panels in place. The chassis is definitely that of a JW4 and the light steel bracing tubes are still present among the heavier alterations, but it's these differences and obvious modifications to it that would suggest that it's later history has been different to most JW4's Up front extra tubes have been added that widen the nose slightly and form a box that would have enclosed the pedal box. The tubes bear the witness marks and holes that show this area and the sides would have been panelled. In the centre of the car the tube that carries the wishbone mounting has been doubled in width and a more recent addition includes a hoop in front of the steering wheel formed from roll cage tubing. At the rear a substantial frame fills the base of the engine bay where normally this would be empty of any tubes. My previous searches for a chassis number in the usual places at the rear had been unsuccessful but in better light I spotted a subtle weld bead on one of the top chassis tubes that was not evident in the same spot on the opposite side suggesting this may be a chassis plate There was still no suggestion of a number on it so it was time to break out the wire brush to clean away some rust to get a better look So what was the Carburol Special? Well I recall Brian having referred to the car as such when I first saw it back in March although I must confess to having forgotten it amongst everything else. Google, comes to the rescue here offering a program and results from Harewood Hillclimb on 20th April 1975 where John Shapley was entered by Carburol Products in a car powered by a 1015cc Kawasaki engine. The same car and driver then later appears on the 1st August 1976 Harewood results sheets with a best time on that day of 45.36s to complete the hill. Luckily the Harewood website also offers us a glimpse of what this Frankenstein car looked like back in 1975. http://harewoodhillhistory.co.uk/blog/wp-content/flagallery/1975-july-british-hillclimb-championship-copyright-steve-wikinson/john-shapley-caburol-kawasaki-harewood-bhc-75.jpg
    1 point
  7. Hard for us to say Steve as only you have the full picture, but many of the things you are getting stressed over can be put right. Sorting out good accountants and help will ease your burden. Where I go to have my car worked on, the two partners are both hands on and prefer to be doing rolling road and building cars to doing the managing. They have a guy who runs the workshop and a girl in the office which allows them to do what they love. No one who loves cars loves paperwork. As for muppets, yep lots out there but getting some good quality terms and conditions that any of these have to agree to upfront will stop vexcious claims. There are only 24hours in a day, yet you seem to have managed to be not 100% healthy yet cram 48 into each one. I use a saying with my managers when they are telling me their problems. it is this, sometimes we are so busy managing, to stop and manage what is important. By this I mean we are managing to get the work in and out, deliveries done, wetnursing staff. dealing with H&S, Vat men etc, where if we stopped and looked at it from a distance and managed time and rescource we can acheive more with much less stress. It would seem sad to me to have something that you have built up quickly close for things that are fixable. At least working for your self the decisions are yours, working for others can be as stressful if not more stressful. Try to take time and think things through fully. I am sure that there are many on here would love to help you if we can.
    1 point
  8. Might be interested in these as well Jules
    1 point
  9. Quite right to have this thread. War was and is awful, the capacity of leaders to send men to their death is undiminised even now. The difference then was there was a good reason for the world to make a stand, to fight for freedom and principle not for oil or such other weak reasons. Having been all around the area several times the scale of what was done was almost unimaginable. The bravery and skill of those who flew the gliders to capture Pegasus Bridge and the men who held them is awesome in the full meaning of the word. The seamen who landed the men and of course those who fought their way off the beach must never be forgotten and all the other unsung heros and heroines. Doctors, nurses, clergy all played a part in the savagery of that day, bringing peace and comfort to those who never made it back and help some to make it back to their loved ones. What is sad for me the values that people laid down their lives for have long disappeared from many of the Jeremy Kyle types who have benefited from their sacrifice, many would turn in their graves to see the country that has developed. Selfless acts have been replaced by selfishness. Generous acts replaced by greed. Compassion replaced with hatred. A wise man said we forget our history at our peril as without learning we are doomed to make the same mistakes again. I hope we never have to witness such a day ever again.
    1 point
  10. On a lighter note... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-27735086
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Here is a video I made of the best bits from my weekend - gives you a good idea what an amazing hill it is!
    1 point
  13. Steve mate I hope you get this sorted . Running your own business is always very time consuming and at times frustrating but is generally more satisfying than doing what others tell you to so try to work it out. You must not work all the hours that god sends and pull your hair out meeting impossible deadlines. The finances should be the easiest to sort with an accountant you can trust or someone to do your "books" As Scott says maybe consider getting some help to deal with the admin side even on a part time basis. Look at the positives as well as the negatives and cut yourself a bit of slack and get out on track Good luck
    1 point
  14. Andy, we don't make the issues available in PDF until the next issue is out in paper, hence the reason we call it a past issue archive (which, thinking about it, is a bit of a redundant phrase). So the Summer issue won't be made available in PDF until the Autumn issue is out. Not to worry however, we have enough extra copies to cover the error and they will get posted quickly, although the mailing house may well get a bill from us for the cost associated with posting out these magazines.
    1 point
  15. Not long now and I'll be a proper official Westfield owner, well owner of the important bits anyway! Long drive from just north of the Tyne so if any locals need anything from darn sarf let me know. All I need now is a compressor for all those rivets...
    1 point
  16. Yeah, both semi circles need to be pushed inward (i.e. away from you as you are facing them). It's harder to describe than to actually do
    1 point
  17. Welcome to the club! I'm the chap who frogmarched you and your missus over to Scott to join up after you asked me where you could get a half tonneau.....told you you'd get this sort of response and ^^^ here's your answer!! It's a great club and the Boardroom is the place to get all the info you'll ever need regarding Westfield ownership. Good to have you along!
    1 point
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