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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/14 in all areas

  1. No, car is stripped already and the tub is undamaged. Few bit required but its all fixable.
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. Hi Bud , 2nd dibs is to William who has already pm'd but over to you if not . Cheers Julian
    1 point
  4. PC Specialist are good to define what you want in a computer/ lappy at a decent price but if anything goes wrong they can be a bit of a nightmare to deal with. Novatech returns system are much better on past experience. An SSD is the best single performance boost you can give a laptop for the money. Super-fast boot and access times but the cost per GB is higher compared to a standard spinning disk, prices have dropped a lot over the past few years and you can get a 128GB for around £60 now. Pairing one up with a high capacity hard drive to store Windows and programs on the SSD and music & films on a HDD would be the way to go if the laptop chassis you choose can accept two drives. Hybrid drives cache frequently accessed data and are a bit like hybrid cars - a nice idea but the technology isn't quite there yet.
    1 point
  5. Just been sorting out next summers trip to the Island. Ferry with van, two passengers and two bikes £600... Price looked high, as usual. But, price competitors pay is immeasurable. Two deaths in the last two days........my thoughts are with their families.
    1 point
  6. It is sad that over two hundred people have lost their lives since the TT began, but sad as that is, how great it is that there is still a place in the world where people are allowed a choice. Anywhere else in the world, excepting Ireland, these sort of activities are being sanatized to such a degree as to by the H&S and insurance charges. All the riders accept that death may happen, but they are allowed that choice and sad though all the loss of life is, I hope the event goes on for many more years for that very reason. Watching the Film "close to the edge" about the TT, there was a young widow with two small kids, their father had been killed at the TT the year before. She was sad at her loss but she had no regrets at the life they had embraced, her kids were being encouraged to take risks not be wrapped up in cotton wool, they lived life not just travelled through and that is what she was wanting for her kids.
    1 point
  7. Think I've found the ignition coil and Cdi unit that should have gone with the motor Neil, happy to send to new owner for cost of post.
    1 point
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